The Den Of Antiquities
Welcome to my landing site for my online E-Crater Store. In the store you will find a variety of thi
Back out of FB jail... again. No matter what Mark-Down renames his data pilfering digital Concentration Camp, many things will not change. The hell with him. At The Den of Antiquities, you will find the old and the newer and even the unusual!!
I still am selling on ECrater. I may also set up on OpenBazaar. Facehole will not let me sell on here.
Due to some sort of idiocy, Facebook wiull not allow me to have a store on here. I will resurrect this page. Facebook is full of s**t in this regard. I suppose their marketplace standards are like their (nonexistent) Community standards?
I wasn't able to find anything worth selling yesterday. I get no days off this week so I need sleep to make it through work. Maybe next week?!
Nothing new in my store until the weekend. I am paying off a debt incurred for having some data recovered from a HDD.
Welcome to all viewing this. I wind up in Facehole jail at times but this is a popular place to post.