Yoga instructor, Chi Nei Tsang practitioner, reiki healer and colon hydrotherapist, Jannica provides integrative wellness solutions.
Establishing balance and helping to promote healing from within. Visit for more info.
20 Min Yoga For Stress And Anxiety Relief This is a perfect little yoga sequence for anyone experiencing stress and anxiety or for someone who just simply need calming yoga flow after a big stressful...
Yoga For Better Sleep -Gentle Yoga Stretching and Breathing! Having trouble sleeping well after a busy day? Are your mind too busy and distracted? Then try out this little yoga for better sleep sequence. We will start ...
Many new free yoga classes up on my YouTube channel! Go show some support and subscribe 😊🙏🏾 and let’s do some yoga! By the way, it’s free 😉🧘♀️
15 Min Power Yoga Energizing Yoga Flow This is a short and sweet little Energizing power yoga flow for you to add to your yoga practice. Perfect for anyone who docent have time for a full yoga pra...
Day 1 Leg stretches - 5 Day flexibility Series out now , check it out and subscribe to support the channel 😊🙏🏾❤️🤸🏽♂️
Day 1 Leg Flexibility Yoga - 5 Day Flexibility Yoga Series for Beginners This is Day 1 out of a '5 Day Flexibility Yoga Series', suitable for beginners or anyone wanting gentle yoga stretches and movements to do at home. Each day ...
Check out my YouTube Channel for free yoga videos @
Jannica Klingborg on Instagram: "Short little tutorial for handstand tuck float, keep practicing and have fun, watch out for part two where I demo how to float with straight legs into handstand! Also check out my YouTube channel for more full... Jannica Klingborg shared a post on Instagram: "Short little tutorial for handstand tuck float, keep practicing and have fun, watch out for part two where I demo how to float with straight legs into handstand! Also check out my YouTube channel for more full tutorials and classes :) (link in bio) . .....
CNT goes to the very origin of health problems, including psychosomatic and emotional responses and it can be of particular benefit to some of the more intractable contemporary problems, such as:
•sleep disorders
•digestive disorders involving the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, etc.
•fertility issues
•Uterine Fibroids
nervous disorders, e.g. anxiety & depression
•musculoskeletal problems of undetermined origin
auto-immune disorders, e.g. Lupus & chronic fatigue
• Post Natal recovery
And the list goes on...
Additionally, Chi Nei Tsang can help to speed up healing from injury or trauma, including obstetrical and surgical trauma.
*For more information visit link in bio
Backbends are not poses meant for expressionism. Backbends are meant to understand the back parts of our bodies. The front body can be seen with the eyes, but the back body can only be felt. That's why I say these are the most advanced postures, where the mind begins to look at the back.
B.K.S. Iyengar
I have neglected my backbend practice a bit the past year. After struggling with back issues I needed to focus on strengthening but now it’s time to work on “opening” again.
Almost a year ago already 😅… need to get out and climb more . Memories with .in.the.sun and .
“Yoga is invigoration in relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence through self-control. Energy within and energy without.” – Ymber Delecto
“To be empowered—to be free, to be unlimited, to be creative, to be genius, to be divine—that is who you are…. Once you feel this way, memorize this feeling; remember this feeling. This is who you really are” - Joe Dispenza
“To be empowered—to be free, to be unlimited, to be creative, to be genius, to be divine—that is who you are…. Once you feel this way, memorize this feeling; remember this feeling. This is who you really are….” -Joe Dispenza
Forever my partner in crime ❤️🙏🏽❤️
Another year around the sun today!
Feeling grateful for the growth , My life and my health , would not change a thing !
Let’s keep expanding and let’s keep shining 🙏🏽❤️
📸 .moon.sanctuary
“The body always leads us home … if we can simply learn to trust sensation and stay with it long enough for it to reveal appropriate action, movement, insight, or feeling.” – Pat Ogden
Movement is what keeps me sane, what keeps you sane?
➡️ CHILDS POSE (Balasana):
Child’s Pose can provides a sense of calm and stability. It’s a very grounding pose and it encourages you to slow down your breath and to go inwards. Great to do if you are finding it difficult to sleep!
➡️ CAT & COW POSE (Marjaryasana/:
Cat and cow is done by moving with the breath , slowly inhaling and exhaling through your nose as you round and arch your spine , allowing us grounding as we begin to gently open up the back body , stimulate the core And connecting with your breath helping you feel calmer!
Standing forward fold is a type of inversion And it can be helpful in relieving headaches, improving sleep, reducing anxiety & depression and helping to regulate hormones by increasing blood flow to the pineal and pituitary glands.
➡️ TREE POSE (Vriksasana):
Balancing poses require full concentration, helping you switch off your busy mind.
your full attention goes into balancing and breathing , and once you start to master this pose you feel strong and steady which can lead to feeling more in control of your emotions.
➡️ BRIDGE POSE (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):
Bridge Pose is a powerful inversion that yogis believe opens up space around your heart. By doing this it’s believed that it allows more space for you to focus and think more clearly.
➡️ SEATED FORWARD FOLD (Paschimottanasana):
Seated Forward Bend can not only help to relieve feelings of anxiety and stress, but also deal with the associated symptoms such as tiredness and headaches.
➡️ LEGS-UP-THE-WALL POSE (Viparita Karani):
When you need to calm a busy mind there aren’t many postures as powerful as the Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose.
Research shows that twenty minutes spent in this pose has the same beneficial effect on your nervous system as taking a nap. (And we all know how important sleep is).
“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Francis of AssisiArthur Ashe
My quote of the day as I’m challenging myself to finally start my own YouTube channel, so much fear and anxiety around doing this but it’s something I alway wanted to do but always gave so many excuses to why not to start, so stay tuned as I will soon make an announcement once it’s all ready to go, for all of you guys to enjoy some free yoga videos and if you have any requests of type of video you would like me to create pls DM me 🙏🏽😊🤸🏽♂️
📸 photo credit to ✨🙏🏽
Walking on water
"The mind is like water. When it's turbulent it's difficult to see. When it's calm, everything becomes clear."
“When the asana is correct, there is lightness, a freedom. Freedom comes when every part of the body is active. Let us be free in whatever posture we are doing. Let us be full in whatever we do.” - B.K.S Iyengar
Forward folds are one of the most freeing and calming groups of yoga asanas for me. Whether standing or seated, forward folds can create length in the spine, combat the compression of gravity, and promote inward reflection.
Being a person who has always had issues with my back to some degree , to be able to fold forward like this is a beautiful feeling, it’s a simple asana but yet so powerful and can release a lot of emotional and physical blockages in our bodies.
📸 on IPhone 🤗🙏🏽
“If you don’t trust that changing your thoughts, behavior, beliefs and actions will produce a change, then nothing in your life will actually change” -Joe Dispenza
I was in a lot of pain emotionally and physically getting into this pose a while back and I felt a lot of imbalance in my life, however I reminded myself that things always change and nothing ever stays the same so instead of being bitter I try to stay present and understand where that pain came from and what I needed to do, my answer was just simply changing my negative mindset and just take one day at the time, knowing that what you put out will come back, being in a negative mindset I knew more negative things would happen and more injuries would appear but by being with my pain and acknowledging it and knowing it would not always be there , things started to become more clear and more opportunities started to open up in my life both in love, health and career. So whenever I start to drift that way I remind myself of my journey and how far I have come and try to change my mindset.
“Hiking is a bit like life:
The journey only requires you to put one foot in front of the other…again and again and again.
And if you allow yourself the opportunity to be present throughout the entirety of the trek,
you will witness beauty every step of the way,
not just at the summit”
Adventure with
“Perhaps the greatest gift an animal has to offer is a permanent reminder of who we really are”. - Nick Trout
“A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”
📸 .moon.sanctuary
Day 8
Tiger Pose - Where do I feel fierce?
I feel fierce everyday I get to do what I’m passionate about 🙏🏽
“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.”
-Mark Anthony
📸 .moon.sanctuary
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• Profile must be public for prize consideration.
• Have fun and show your fellow participants & hosts some love!
Pose Line Up
1. Tree Pose - To Ground & Expand
2. Side Plank - How can we use our strength?
3. Crescent Lunge w Twist - Pivot into a new perspective
4. Any seated meditation - Am I receptive?
5. Warrior 2 - Find Power in change
6. Any standing balance pose - Where have you embraced falling?
7. Standing Backbend - Be open and present to change.
8. Tiger Pose - Where do I feel fierce?
Day 7
Standing Backbend - Be open and present to change.
Backbends has always been a struggle for me and I have always had issues with my back most of my life, however yoga has helped me a lot, and taught me so much about my body and where I hold all my fear and emotions. Backbends is a beautiful heart opening pose but requires a lot of presence and awareness, and as soon as you let go of fear and what you are holding in your body and just trust, backbends can be such a beautiful journey.
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” - James Baldwin
📸 .moon.sanctuary
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• Follow hosts & sponsors and repost this flyer.
• Tag some friends to play along!
• Post daily using the tag
• Profile must be public for prize consideration.
• Have fun and show your fellow participants & hosts some love!
Pose Line Up
1. Tree Pose - To Ground & Expand
2. Side Plank - How can we use our strength?
3. Crescent Lunge w Twist - Pivot into a new perspective
4. Any seated meditation - Am I receptive?
5. Warrior 2 - Find Power in change
6. Any standing balance pose - Where have you embraced falling?
7. Standing Backbend - Be open and present to change.
8. Tiger Pose - Where do I feel fierce?
Day 6
Where have you embraced falling?
If you don't fall down, you aren't trying hard enough. Failure doesn't come from falling down, failure comes from not getting up
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• Follow hosts & sponsors and repost this flyer.
• Tag some friends to play along!
• Post daily using the tag
• Profile must be public for prize consideration.
• Have fun and show your fellow participants & hosts some love!
Pose Line Up
1. Tree Pose - To Ground & Expand
2. Side Plank - How can we use our strength?
3. Crescent Lunge w Twist - Pivot into a new perspective
4. Any seated meditation - Am I receptive?
5. Warrior 2 - Find Power in change
6. Any standing balance pose - Where have you embraced falling?
7. Standing Backbend - Be open and present to change.
8. Tiger Pose - Where do I feel fierce?
Day 4
Meditation - Am I receptive?
If you do not yet know where you fit, I suggest you try seeking it in receptive silence. I used to walk amid the beauties of nature, just receptive and silent, and wonderful insights would come to me. — Peace Pilgrim
📸 .moon.sanctuary
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• Follow hosts & sponsors and repost this flyer.
• Tag some friends to play along!
• Post daily using the tag
• Profile must be public for prize consideration.
• Have fun and show your fellow participants & hosts some love!
Pose Line Up
1. Tree Pose - To Ground & Expand
2. Side Plank - How can we use our strength?
3. Crescent Lunge w Twist - Pivot into a new perspective
4. Any seated meditation - Am I receptive?
5. Warrior 2 - Find Power in change
6. Any standing balance pose - Where have you embraced falling?
7. Standing Backbend - Be open and present to change.
8. Tiger Pose - Where do I feel fierce?
Crescent Lunge w Twist - Pivot into a new perspective!
Everything we see is perspective, not the truth. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes.
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• Follow hosts & sponsors and repost this flyer.
• Tag some friends to play along!
• Post daily using the tag
• Profile must be public for prize consideration.
• Have fun and show your fellow participants & hosts some love!
Pose Line Up
1. Tree Pose - To Ground & Expand
2. Side Plank - How can we use our strength?
3. Crescent Lunge w Twist - Pivot into a new perspective
4. Any seated meditation - Am I receptive?
5. Warrior 2 - Find Power in change
6. Any standing balance pose - Where have you embraced falling?
7. Standing Backbend - Be open and present to change.
8. Tiger Pose - Where do I feel fierce?