Karen Marsh Astrology
Astrology brings self-awareness and reveals why certain patterns in your life are repeating.
* natal chart interpretation, to help you understand your inner psyche and motivations, your psychological makeup, and how your environment and upbringing have affected you
* transit report which reveals what sort of energies are coming into your life and how they will affect you, what areas of life are going to be important in the next year and how best to prepare for them
* Karmic report, which
Mercury moves back into Virgo, and something will come full circle soon. You will see things more clearly and work more productively. You will want to analyse everything, however, breaking it down so that you can fully understand it, but try not to overdo this as otherwise you will end up overthinking everything and not make any progress.
Mars aspects retrograde Pluto now. Pluto recently moved back into Capricorn for the last time of this current cycle, before it finally moves into Aquarius in November. On a personal level this energy will encourage you to complete the transformation that you have been going through the last few years by letting go of whatever no longer meets your needs. Old structures that no longer serve you need to be eliminated and you need to align your goals and life direction with your ambitions and personal evolution. This will also happen at a global level, as this Capricorn energy is the last chance for the old established social structures to keep control before the Aquarius energy brings the beginning of their breakdown. With Mars also involved energy levels will be high and you need to be careful of power struggles.
Mars moves inro Cancer now, and you will be driven by what you feel, so if something doesn't feel right, stop and pay attention. Try and sense the energy in your environment and of the people with whom you come into contact before you act, as there is the likelihood that everyone will react to situations before they have had a chance to think things through. It will therefore be more productive to be prepared and to modify your own behaviour to match the existing energy rather than just charging in. If you are strongly affected by Mars, however, you will find this hard to do!
There is a New Moon in Virgo now and this energy encourages you to organise your life, whether it’s cleaning clutter, taking care of your health or sorting out your thoughts. Remember to set realistic goals, although, with Virgo’s analytical skills, you’ll be inclined to think things through carefully anyway and find practical solutions to any problems you have.
Uranus turns retrograde in Ta**us now, giving you the opportunity to review and reflect. You will find yourself going over past experiences and feeling that you are not making any progress in life. Try and be patient during this time and remember periods of review are important as they give you the chance to see what changes you eventually need to make, especially concerning your values, finances and material resources.
Venus enters Libra now, bringing strong positive energy. Things will seem more harmonious and balanced, and you can make some good choices and establish sensible future plans. Your creativity will increase and you will expand your social connections. You are more inclined than usual to work in a team and co-operate with others, which will help you make progress with your plans.
Mercury turns direct now but you still need to remain patient. Hopefully you have used this retrograde period to review your plans and ideas. Things will become clearer and if you have been unsure about a specific course of action you will soon be able to make a more informed decision. Just ensure you sort out any recent misunderstandings so they do not create problems as you move forward.
The Sun enters Virgo now, and things become more grounded. You are ready to get back on schedule and this efficient and practical energy will help you focus and finalise your plans. You will feel inspired to organise, consolidate and bring more structure to your life. Remember to keep your overall well-being in mind now too.
Venus opposes Saturn now, and both are in square to Mars conjunct Jupiter. This is called a T-square and this is very powerful energy, and tends to bring tension which forces you to take some action to relieve the tension. Relationships are highlighted, along with intense emotions which could lead to some arguments. There will also be power struggles, control issues and pushing against blocks or barriers in your attempt to assert yourself. This square is the first in the cycle of the Jupiter – Saturn conjunction which occurred in December 2020 and you may have a repeat of some of the things that affected you then. Pluto is also linked to this square, as it is in the same place in Aquarius where the conjunction occurred. This indicates a time of testing but ultimately transformation, probably affecting your values, beliefs, and life philosophy. This won’t be an easy transformation and it won’t happen quickly, as the whole cycle takes about 20 years – every five years, approximately, you will be pushed more onto your path as the cycle progresses.
There is also a Full Moon in Aquarius now, which, along with the rest of the prevailing energy, could cause you to feel mentally overwhelmed. The unsettling energy can bring some surprising information but this can help us to see new possibilities, even if it does feel uncomfortable. You will be able to detach from old emotional patterns, however, as long as you stay balanced. Friends, or even the wider community, could help you with this.
Remember with Mercury retrograde in Leo you still need to be reflecting on things that happen now, rather than rushing into action. Also ensure you have all of the relevant information before making any decisions.
The square of Mars and Saturn can be a very frustrating and irritating time, when it seems that all your efforts to assert yourself are blocked. This is possibly due to you feeling not ‘good enough’ but you will still become angry at being held back, regardless of the reasons! Therefore people are likely to be irritable and easily angered now.
Retrograde Mercury enters Leo now, and this can bring some arguments because everyone thinks that they are right and there’s more ego invested in the things people say and believe than usual. Try and use this time to reflect on what is blocking you or where you need to change before you can make progress, as with the powerful planetary energies occurring now you need to be patient – pausing now will help you put things in perspective.
Today is the start of some very intense, powerful energy involving Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn, with a Pluto influence as well. This indicates a time of testing but ultimately transformation, both for you personally, and also globally. The next few weeks will be a time of tension and power struggles, with action taken to push back against any blocks or barriers in an attempt to assert yourself or regain control. There will be a lot of assertive communication, and although this can be empowering, be careful you don’t do or say something you will regret later.