Amy's Beauty Bar Videos

Videos by Amy's Beauty Bar. Bristol, UK based Make Up Artist and Beautician Qualified Make Up Artist Qualified Lash Technician

Go BOLD or go home! Rose always comes with the most out there bright look ideas and it brings me so much happiness 🥰

#festivalmakeup #festivalglam #greenmakeup #lovesavesthedaymakeup #lovesavestheday #peachessnakebite #bperfecttahiti #blursh #madebymitchell #bristolbeauty #bristolmua #amysbeautybar

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Go BOLD or go home! Rose always comes with the most out there bright look ideas and it brings me so much happiness 🥰 #festivalmakeup #festivalglam #greenmakeup #lovesavesthedaymakeup #lovesavestheday #peachessnakebite #bperfecttahiti #blursh #madebymitchell #bristolbeauty #bristolmua #amysbeautybar

Oh it was a dream doing this look today 😍 #xmaspartymakeup #christmasmakeup #partyglam #discopigment #smokeyeye #narsradientlongwearfoundation #peachesandcreampigment #tintedbrows #browwaxandtint #bristolmua #bristolbeauty #daisyaprilstudios #amysbeautybar