
A page about a street in Colombo which mainly contains details about a team which always play cricket in the street...


College Street - Short Film | LCC Productions | SS: http://youtu.be/BargMaeYPB8

'College Street' Official Trailer | LCC Production | SS Media 05/10/2014

Here we go !!! The official Trailer of College Street...

'College Street' Official Trailer | LCC Production | SS Media Published on Aug 24, 2014 Official Trailer of "COLLEGE STREET", upcoming Tamil short film by LCC productions. Director - Gopi Raj Assistant Directors - Harsh...

"COLLEGE STREET" official motion capture poster... 24/08/2014

"College Street" First ever Digital Motion motion capture poster for a Short Film :)

"COLLEGE STREET" official motion capture poster... First ever digital motion capture poster for a Short Fim :) Published on Aug 24, 2014 Motion capture poster of "COLLEGE STREET", upcoming Tamil short film by...

COLLEGE STREET official teaser 20/05/2014

Thank u all for the good response for the "College Street" Teaser.


COLLEGE STREET official teaser Published on May 17, 2014 Teaser trailer of "COLLEGE STREET", upcoming Tamil short film by LCC productions. Director - Gopi Raj Assistant Directors - Harshan...


Here is the Teaser of our upcoming short film College Street

Timeline photos 19/04/2014

1st look poster pic 2

Director - Gopi Raj
Assistant Directors - Harshan Peerez, Truman Demel
Cinematography - Jordan Rigash

Timeline photos 14/04/2014

Very happy to release First Look Poster of our L.C.C Productions first ever short film which recently titled as "College Street"

Director - Gopi Raj
Assistant Directors - Harshan Peerez, Truman Demel
Cinematography - Jordan Rigash
Casts - Sam Praveen, Robinson Fdo, Kapil Navaratnam, Ram Mathu, Sutha Tharshan, Lovelyn Fernando, Nintha Jalan
