GOLD Kundalini Yoga And therapy centre
Kundalini yoga and Ayurvedic centre
It’s official !!
Qualified as an Ayurvedic chef after 24 cross Atlantic trips to New York training with Divya Alter I’m now launching The London Ayurvedic Cookery !!
We will still have our thriving GOLD kundalini yoga and Gong healing sessions and our monthly empowered women’s group .
I will post dates for July - August
New KY beginners 6 week class starts Saturday at 9.30 am - 11. Am here at our beautiful studio .
See you soon .
Keeping it simple !
Gold Kundalini yoga and The Ayurvedic Cookery have some incredible events / classes / workshops through out July 2019
Wednesday beginners class - fully subscribed
July 7 th Gong bath -8.45 pm ( two spaces left )
Sunday July 14th The Ayurvedic Cookery
Ayurvedic family meals class - fully booked .
Friday 19th July Empowered women’s group ( invitation only ) .
We gather to empower ,share story , food ,dreams and success .
Tonight’s mantra for prosperity . X
Har (Prosperity) Listen to Har (Prosperity) by The Underlying Stars on Apple Music. 2008. Duration: 12:27
Last nights Kriya , keep your vibration up everyone and see changes in your reality .
Sat Kriya Sat Kriya is fundamental to Kundalini Yoga. It works directly on stimulating and channeling the kundalini energy.General physical health is improved since all the internal organs receive a gentle rhythmic massage from this exercise. The heart gets stronger from the rhythmic up-and-down of blood pres...
We started a new chapter at Gold last night .
Let’s see where it takes us . 🙏
Start preparing yourself for a New Season of Kundalini Yoga , the Raj Yoga of the Aquarian age .
Turn up , Tune in , blast of , 5 D reality !
An update on the new Class schedule to start in July .
Looking forward to welcoming beginners and advanced practitioners of this incredible yoga .
We will connect to The Yoga therapy linked with Ayurveda and Kundalini yoga .
Sound healing and mantra , pranayama that elevate your awareness into higher states of cosmic connection .
Enjoy your Holy weekend . 🙏❤️
The Ayurvedic Cookery is launching !!
We are now fully booked for the first
Beginners Ayurvedic seasonal Cookery weekend workshop 9th - 10th March .
Please stay tuned for up and coming info on exciting future well being events .
From Wednesday the 16th January class participants of the group can purchase pure grass fed cows 100% raw Cultured cream Ayurvedic Ghee .
Ojas in a jar, jars are to be returned each time to purchase more , the cycle of re planishing.
Not adding to the plastic industry .
Also pure 100% yoghurt from raw full fat grass fed cows milk.
Creating friendly bacteria and healing the Gut .
These two products will give you incredible vitality and you will have glowing skin !!
Duality , embrace every aspect of yourself , don’t allow yourself to be less than you are to make another feel comfortable , it’s their job to raise their vibration to match yours .
And if they can’t then it’s time to exit that company .
It’s the time of the Spiritual warrior , women who can say I am here and I don’t need your permission .
Have a great day ♥️
Taranjodh spiritual warrior !
I was called to hold my sacred space in all my Goddess light .
No one gets to put out my flame .
Sorry for the absence but I have been in New York developing The Ayurvedic Cookery school.
Now back in the UK to launch some great classes at GOLD 🌟
Tonight we start with a yoga teacher community building class .
This is a gathering of Yoga teachers not just Kundalini yoga teachers .
We one Thursday per month /at the studio between 7. Pm - 9. Pm
Each month a different teacher holds the space .
It’s all about Grace and sharing .
On 22nd November :
Guru Dharam Khalsa will be in residence for a whole week teaching Kundalini yoga therapy .
Module 3 the twisted hair .
Fully booked .
Gold is growing organically drawing to the space those who are pitching at the same vibration .
This is a healing loving space made for sharing .
January will bring a new schedule of classes .
Gong bath mediations .
Yoga nidra .
Urban retreats
And my baby The Ayurvedic Cookery will start holding seasonal classes .
I will take photos over the next few weeks and keep you updated .
With love
Carol Taranjodh kaur Jackson
Kundalini therapy training here at Golds studio
With the world class master yogi Guru Dharam Singh Khalsa .
22nd /27th November .
Any information needed about location facilities please message me for bookings please contact Daryl O’keefe at Isky .
i-SKY - THE TWISTED HAIR - Therapy Training Module 3* What Now? Yoga Teacher Training Spiritual Guidance (PSG) Retreats & Holidays Kundalini Medicine & Yoga Therapy Training i-SKY who what why KundaliniNOW: Videos, Reviews, FAQ, E-letter, Downloads, Blogs WatchNOW Events Calendar, Online Booking & Consultations Consultations Find a Registered Teacher,....
Experiencing balance and contentment within the physical body helps the mind to quieten down and become calm .
If we work with the energetic system as per Ayurveda / Chinese medicine we can determine the best course of nutrition , herbs , fasting system , yoga approach and life style changes that will give us a complete wellness approach to living a full vibrant calm determined life .
When the mind is calmed and the body is energised we are powerful in our actions we make great choices and we enjoy each moment .
We are able to enjoy stillness and being , we are not driven by rajasic impulses (fire) pushing us to fill the space with any thing that comes into our space to grab our attention .
A friend reminded me this weekend of a saying that helps to determine how you are making choices .
“Are you being driven or drawn ?”
One is peaceful and leads to destiny the other is compulsive aggressive and leads to burnout.
Where ever you are on your journey there is always opportunity to re- set and adjust the system .
Thank you from the fullness of our hearts Bhakshinda for leading us all in Kirtan during class at the Crawley Gurdwara yesterday .
Your voice brought the angles to us .
I hope to be able to bring Bhakshinda back in September to the Gurdwara class but also a regular Kirtan group will start at GOLD studio and therapy centre in Caterham soon .
Reminder - August 5th (Sunday ) first open sadhana at the studio .
6. Am - 9. Am
Kundalini yoga and Kirtan at the Crawley Gurdwara Ifield green .
9.15 am to 11. 15am
Donation of £5 .
A special morning of devotional practice and singing in BHakti tradition .
I teach with the hope of uplifting the heart and we have the sublime classical Indian musician Bakshinda joining us to lead us in Kirtan.
Please feel warmly invited to attend wearing head cover please as we are in the Gurdwara .
Taranjodh Jackson
This week I have been in Isreal and spent much of my free time with the local Kundalini yoga school here in Tel Aviv , when ever I visit any where I’m always awake to see why God has places me there and who I shall meet .
This trip has inspired me greatly for the building of our own sangat and what that will mean for the Gold studio .
Setting the intention of how we will all flourish and grow through the gathering together .
Part of the future will be our Sadhana which will start Sunday August 5th .
We have great teachers all around Surrey , Kent , Sussex I will try and contact you all but if I miss anyone out please message me .
With love and a hope of a true sincere gathering of loving souls in devotion .
Taranjodh x
Life is in full bloom here at Gold Kundalini yoga and Ayurveda .
Back on retreat for 21 days from 15th April .
See you on my return .
Gold face book page will not have any adds now for the next 46 days for Lent .
My own fasting and release from social media begins tomorrow morning .
There is no class this Saturday as I am on retreat .
But class will resume
For regular time 9.15am to 10. 30 am Saturday 24th feb.
For those of you who want to join me on part of my fast / journey .
I will be doing 108 frogs each day
And Bowing Jaap saahib Kria .
Message me if you want details and connection to me on the journey ahead .
We will be walking into our own desert and facing our own temptations and demons .
Bless you all ️ # # #
For any of you who are interested / feel drawn to teach young souls the foundations of yoga this is an avenue you can look into , the courses are also held down south ,contact Siri Arti and find out more .
Open your Hearts and join in with group consciousness, as we flood our being with Devine energy and Love .
Saturday morning rise and SHINE class at the Gurdwara Crawley .
All are welcome and we now welcome men into the group .
9.15 am - 10.30 am .
Please message me if you need any more information .
Yoga Bowl !
What to eat for how you feel .
There is a rise in Vegan , Vegitarian , Raw food , juicing ext and you may well be into your first month of experiencing how a new Food philosophy is effecting you , are you feeling light , bright , energised , creative , balanced , calm and content ?
These are all the symptoms of a great digestive fire .
In the yogic science of Ayurveda we recognise that each individual is unique and each are influenced constantly by interior and exterior energy shifts , seasons , geography , climate and so much more .
Living your life strictly following one food regime isn't always going to make you feel the best you can.Eating a purely raw food , juice , will put incredible strain on your digestive system if your a natural Kapha type ( earthy , slightly rounder , calm , loving soul ) it can make you feel gassy , bloated , sluggish as your digestive system is naturally much slower and trying to break down raw foods puts a huge stress on it .Vata types ( light , airy , nervous , intelligent types ) may feel light headed and ungrounded , begin to cause anxiety and insomnia if you are a natural Vata type.Pitta type may well have digestive problems , acid reflux , ulcers , Gas , ext if you are a fiery Pitta type ( dynamic , powerful , intelligent , challenging type ) .
This isn't just about challenging vegan , Vegitarian , juicing , Palio ext ext , I'm a vegan , it's about balance and empowering you to really understand how each food and how it's prepared , is it seasonal , is it fresh , made with love ?
Leftovers have no prana ? Are already decaying and we put them into our gut , food is medicine !
With correct food there is no need for medicine .
Food styles and philosophy's are options and if you are drawn to a certain style think into what you are trying to gain from it?New" styles are constantly emerging , some one always has a better idea .
"This isn't my idea " Ayurveda is a 5000 year old yogic science , and just as yoga and meditation will help you to realise your potential ,having a cosy place for your being to rest invites higher energy's in to join you , who wants to live in a unpleasant environment ?
The complementary medical association will be giving accreditation to courses I am putting together to teach the principles of Ayurvedic food and Nutrtion , modern / classic Ayurvedic cookery .
In the mean time we will be running one day taster workshops at our London Cookery school and here at the Ayurvedic Cottage .
Bhakti life , living a life of devotion includes loving yourself !
The new blog will be published shortly to inspire and motivate your Ayurvedic journey .
Live life lightly ! Only take what you really need , give generously , and Love with all your heart . ❤️
No class tomorrow : Saturday 9th December due to sickness.
Many thanks
Carol .
The beautiful setting for the teachings to be delivered .
The first London Ayurvedic cookery school ! .
The first two day work shop is fully booked .
Message the school for info on future events .
Yum !
My dear friends , these are incredible healers and I urge you to take the opportunity to attend any of these incredible events .
I will be there lapping up the light and shift in vibration . Cx