Tanja Mickwitz Yoga

Tanja Mickwitz Yoga

Tanja Mickwitz is a Soul Guide and Mentor using embodiment practices, astrology and shadow work to facilitate transformation and soul alignment.

Photos from Tanja Mickwitz Yoga's post 21/08/2024

‘Being tattooed is the ultimate self care’ said as we chatted during my session - and yes, I feel this - self care, self love, inner and outer ritual …

So much came through to be seen and processed during the sitting which will now always be present and presenced on my skin.

The appointment scheduled long ago suddenly felt divinely timed and aligned.

Who also came with me home was Kali Maa from Dom’s wall (see the now empty wall space in the pics). She was with me through the whole session. Fierce Mother energy running through strong at this time - both FOR me and WITHIN me ❤️‍🔥 …

Obviously it needs the right tattoo artist for any of this to be possible, I am so grateful to have found 11 years ago now and for all their art I have got to literally embody over the years. Thank you Dom for the amazing space and extraordinary beauty you create!!

Check out more of Dom’s artwork on their other IG handle as well.

with love
Tanja 💕


Happy Friday ~ Happy Venus Day 🩷 still blessed to enjoy Greek paradise for the weekend…

Under the surface creative juices are flowing for THE JOURNEY - a programme bringing together yogic practices, astrology, tarot, shadow work , archetypal understanding and mythology.

If you’re curious to know more sign up in my bio and you’ll be first to know as full information is up!

… back to teaching schedule as of Wednesday… hope to see you on the mat soon …

with love
Tanja 💕


I love the quiet morning stillness, the slow stirring of the world awake. There’s a freshness and sense of promise. Yes, we do get to start anew. The day is ours to embrace and greet with grace.

It was early morning yoga practice which made me a morning person (despite late evenings waiting tables) … then later with young children it became ‘my’ time, before they woke some time to breathe, to practice, to be with no demands on my attention…. and now early mornings are still my most favourite time…

… even if very few of my mornings look as spectacular as this! Sending you love and beauty and the promise of new beginnings from beautiful Kefallonia.

with love
Tanja 💕


In the elements, in my element… I know that this capture will be just a moment before a likely big loud laugh! Trying to hold composure!

… but also - sitting on sun-warmed ancient stone in beautiful wild nature surrounded by a group of gorgeous humans I’ve journeyed deep with through very special retreat days at … this is where I feel totally ME, at home and put to good use …

My cup is full, my heart filled with gratitude, I am blessed and in awe of what happens when we dare to let our guard down a little, be brave enough to show our vulnerability and come into true connection ♥️

If this calls you… come journey with me … one-to-one sessions have a few open spots and next retreats will be in Turkey in October and Goa in the spring…

with love and joy
Tanja 💕

Photos from Tanja Mickwitz Yoga's post 08/06/2024

So I took some time out … and then couldn’t quite find my way back! (…to social media…)

Perhaps the re-set needed holds a bigger picture than I had quite anticipated?

Truly grateful for the beauty and spaciousness (and food!!) my Puglian adventure held, as well as the togetherness and forward dreaming it allowed room for.

Sharing a few snapshots of my holidays, like a postcard that arrives weeks after you’re already home.

1. Cosimo’s gorgeous B+B in Carovigno

2. Monopoli

3. Gelato Love - Pistachio + Caffé

4. Polignano de Mare

5. Lovely

6. Martina Franca under waxing moon

7. Oria

8. Ionian seaside

9. Traditional trullo stay

I always feel joy at returning to yoga rooms filled with warm, familiar faces - and yet somehow I cannot help my itchy feet! … already dreaming of next adventures … still have some spaces free on my Portugal Soul Source Retreat in July - so you could join me!

But for now - wishing you a lovely weekend (see you for Sunday Soul Service at 10.15am)

with love,
Tanja 💕


Scorpio Moon you got me … 🌕 🦂 … anyone else feeling it??

Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Ta**us square Pluto - planet of deep excavation and transformation - this is not an easy alignment and a whole lotta stuff might be up! Edginess, uncomfortable truths surfacing… questions around loyalty and integrity…

Use it as fertile soil for growth! Remember growth brings growing pains… it’s part of the journey… even when you’d rather just run away! (… or is that just me?? )

with love
Tanja 💕

P.S. for personal astrology, tarot, one-to-one mentoring see my website or send me a note 💫

Photos from Tanja Mickwitz Yoga's post 12/03/2024

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL WEEK ✨ and a beautiful constellation of souls gathered with me at ✨

Just a little glimpse of a week filled with sharing practices, stories and so many moments of joy and laughter nourished by this very special place ✨

My heart filled with gratitude as I slowly land back in a much colder and less bright London ~ however lovely to be greeted by loved ones and many friendly familiar faces returning back to regular class schedule 💛

Next SOUL SOURCE RETREAT will be in Portugal 10-15 July at - come join me!! ✨

Also early booking for next year’s GOA SOUL SOURCE RETREAT 2-9 March 2025 at is open so you can spread the cost over a reasonable time ✨

For those of you in London ~ see you on the mat for regular classes, and also:

SPRING EQUINOX DAY RETREAT 23 March at in Peckham ✨

with love
Tanja 💕



✨ Journal your dreams

✨ Feel into what needs to be released to clear space for what your heart really wants

✨Embody release through dancing or shaking it out - maybe even howl at the Moon!

✨ Ground yourself, ground your purpose … this can be through rest, restorative yoga, maybe a meditation on just feeling the support of the earth hold you …

with love + coconuts
Tanja 🌴💕


A place of not many words just now … living life with deep sorrow just beneath the surface. It makes everything that much heavier. And in between pulls me under with the deep heartache of missing.

I also know to resource myself by holding the small things of joy very precious.

One of the biggest learnings I had as a teenager when my mum passed unexpectedly was this:

Happiness is not a constant state. Happiness is in the fleeting moments of joy. And even in the midst of our hearts breaking those are moments to truly cherish.

Probably especially then.

Grief is familiar yet this new grief has its own flavour and rhythm. I let myself flow with it. Take its time. Do my best to follow the advice I would give anyone else to go gently with myself.

Wishing you unexpected glimpses of joy today ✨

with love
Tanja 💕

Photos from Tanja Mickwitz Yoga's post 26/01/2024

With a difficult start to the year I am especially looking forward to my upcoming retreats as highlights of my year ahead.

… special times of deep practice and healing in beautiful nature… finding togetherness and alone time in whichever measures feel right… the magical unfolding through the days as practices are shared and connections made ... within and without...

Being away from the demands of daily routine gives space for realignment and revelation, contemplation and envisioning, soul nourishment and deep healing.

Each retreat takes its own little special journey through the unique constellations of souls gathered. I cannot wait to be with a new retreat ‘family’ in Goa soon….

… and maybe YOU will join and offer your own special light to our group gathering this summer for the next European Soul Source Retreat in Portugal?

in Portugal


with love
Tania 💕

Photos from Tanja Mickwitz Yoga's post 20/01/2024

Erik Mickwitz 24.11.1938 - 6.1.2024 … I have been quiet and taking it as slow as I can grieving my dad who passed two weeks ago.

As I sit with the loss I often feel back to moments shared sat with my dad on the steps of our archipelago cabin looking out to sea. Something in his eyes which felt like a quiet awe of the beauty … an unspoken communion with the mystery….
I hope he has now found the peace he seemed to always feel out there. A place he was so at home.

For us left behind there is a gaping void. He lived a long and rich life, something to be celebrated. But still the emptiness he’s left behind is huge. A void hard to accept.

Grief and I have walked side by side for a large part of my life. I know to expect the unexpected. That the waves hit and pull you. And that in between all seems normal even if somehow heavier and duller than before.

I also know that especially now it is really, really important to appreciate the small joys, to see the little moments of beauty and to hold loved ones very close.

I am grateful. What a precious life this is.

Sending you extra love today wherever you are and whatever you might be facing,

Tanja 💕


First time on ice since my teens!! ✨⛸️✨

And this time with my own teen child as an excellent coach being kind and attentive as I held on to the side rail for dear life for the first 15 minutes!!!

… and after a while it came back and my body started to remember … can’t believe I didn’t fall once - I’m sure I will next time!!

… as in life - sometimes we glide along , even with a little extra shimmy on the way, sometimes we wobble and fall flat on our bottoms and other times we just need lots of support as we hang on tight!!

Have a beautiful weekend 💫

with love
Tanja 💕



In the first two episodes of we have introduced ourselves as well as set the scene for how we wish to orient within the space we are creating. In this episode we start to look at the themes which we will explore in coming episodes. In our experiences of group and individual work we have come to see some common shared aspects of being in this human experience living in this world which are helpful to name and work with.

Here we start to look at how the conditioning we have grown up with has cultivated a sense of separateness and championed individualism, and how the transformational practices we have engaged with have helped us into deeper connection and understanding of inter-connectedness.

We explore what connection versus disconnection may look like, what creates disconnect and how we experience disconnection as well as othering, whether that is othering parts of ourselves or the othering of fellow humans and beings. In this episode we begin to touch on how triggers work, what activates us, how we experience our own reactivity and the helpful tools to recognise these patterns.

Identifying and looking at the challenges we face, what happens when we’re pulled off centre and the unhelpful behaviours we keep repeating is how we begin to pave the way towards a more integrated way of being. It is where the work towards experiencing wholeness starts. May this space open up more possibilities for seeing both ourselves and each other in the fullness of our being.

Our first introductory group with only a few spaces to create an intimate container will run Sunday 10 December - come LEAN IN LIVE with us!! … link in bio …


POSTCARD FROM SANTA LAND 🇫🇮 just a super quick visit to celebrate my dad’s 85th birthday… greeted by -10 and snow!! ❄️

Sorry to have been off-grid a little of late … sometimes the immediate needs of our loved ones require our full presence … on the whole I hope for a world where this can be well tended to and supported …

Back to usual schedule this week including the new classes Tuesdays 7.45pm at .community and Thursdays 5.30pm … would be wonderful to see you on the mat!!

with love
Tanja 💕

P.S. third episode of dropping this week!!


EPISODE TWO of is here 💫💫💫 we hope you’ll enjoy this conversation where we orient ourselves in the space and the care with which we aim to hold all of us within it.


Jessica and I have loved all your messages, comments and feedback on our first episode - thank you for being with us and listening!

with love
Tanja 💕

New Moon + New News!! 12/11/2023

Latest newsletter - new Islington class, podcast episode 2, Midwinter event, Soul Work Sessions and more .... ✨✨✨

New Moon + New News!! It’s a New Moon in Scorpio (Monday 13 November 9.27am GMT) and this one activated by not just the Moon and the Sun sitting together but also joined by Mars. Mars is ‘at home’ in Scorpio, as the sign’s traditional ruler, and holds a strong activating power. Mars gives us energy and the will t...

Photos from Tanja Mickwitz Yoga's post 07/11/2023

GOA CALLING ☀️🇮🇳🌴 SOUL SOURCE RETREAT 25 February - 3 March 2024 … will you join us??

Cannot wait to return to one of my most favourite places on the planet … this is what keeps me going through the British winter - knowing sun and warmth is on the horizon!!

You are so warmly invited to join us for a week of soul nourishing practices and being held in the beauty of this magical place ✨

Please see the booking link in my bio and send me a note if you have any questions.

with love
Tanja 💕


It’s here!! First episode of now up on Spotify - see the link in my bio!! 💫

We really hope you’ll enjoy listening. Gratitude to for the music and my son for sound tech’ing “mamma’s podcast 🙂

Happy Samhain!! ✨🕯️✨

with love
Tanja 💕


C O M M U N I T Y - at the centre of all we aim to offer with ~ the vision is a togetherness which can hold all our stories and differences as well as our shared experiences with great care at the very core.

We truly hope to build a collective of practitioners who can support and lean into each other. That LEANING IN becomes a place to turn to when we need to feel held. A place where we can share our challenges as well as our joys.

If this calls you please tune in - our first podcast episode will drop on Samhain 31 October - and if you do listen we would love to hear your feedback, too!

We are also facilitating our first online introductory group on Sunday 10 December, please see the link in bio.


Come learn about the Tarot with me at Saturday 21 October 10am-3pm, you’ll also receive a Tarot deck and a video library introducing the whole deck before the workshop!

For Tarot Readings please see link to my website to book or contact me directly - I have a few free slots this month ✨

with love
Tanja 💕

Photo credit


✨ LEARN TO READ TAROT ✨ 21 October at 10am - 3pm - before our day-long workshop you’ll have access to short videos taking you through the whole deck as an introduction ✨

I’m excited for this day as I really love sharing the magic of the Tarot and supporting you in creating your own personal, intuitive relationship with the cards ✨ link in bio if you’d like to join us!!

with love
Tanja 💕

Photo credit at ✨


200hr YOGA TEACHER TRAINING 2024 - ONLINE Q + A on Wednesday 11 October 1pm 💫💫💫

I’m really happy and excited to be co-teaching this training again with the wonderful at running January to June 2024 with a retreat in Portugal included!!

Please join us next week for an info and Q+A session online - also send us questions in advance and we’ll address those. The Zoom recording and IG live will be available afterwards, too, if you can’t be there live - though we’d love to see you in ‘real-time’ of course ✨

You can send questions directly to either of us or via

with love
Tanja 💕


Creative Legacy ~ this is a rare photo of my mamma’s studio … she was a prolific children’s book illustrator, writer and animator in Finland, with works translated into many other languages, too.

This scene so familiar from the many times I used to pop in after school to see her working. The room was in a basement and I used to climb in through the window. It was such a warm and welcoming space despite being slightly damp and cold, as basements can be.

You can see the walls covered by various posters of her work as well as family photos and the obligatory school portraits of me and my siblings. And there was always something in motion, a project living and breathing the space alive.

I haven’t inherited any of my mum’s artistic talent…. however I guess the storytelling lives on in a different shape and maybe no coincidence that one of her characters was a little witch…!

… just a few musings under the waxing Pisces moon … feeling into artistry and ancestry through the realms…

Wishing you a beautiful midweek!

with love
Tanja 💕


SACRED SPACE … may look like this … it might also look like that moment you choose to take a slightly longer breath, feel what’s going on within you and around you fully … total presence uncovers the Sacred …

We practice in these special places and spaces and circles to then bring the awareness and awakening with us into those everyday moments.

Alive to appreciating all of life more and more…

Gratitude to for both the capture and the stunning altar for our closing circle on retreat at

with love
Tanja 💕

Photos from Tanja Mickwitz Yoga's post 19/09/2023

COME FIND ME + RASA YOGA … I’d love to see you on the mat, in the circle, in training, on retreat, in sessions and readings….

This autumn and winter I will be offering the following:

✨ AUTUMN EQUINOX DAY RETREAT Saturday 23 September at

✨ 200hr YOGA TEACHER TRAINING with - TASTER EVENT Saturday 30 September at - the course will run January to June 2024

✨ INTRODUCTION TO TAROT Saturday 21 October at

✨ SOUL SOURCE RETREAT in GOA at beautiful 25 February - 3 March 2024

✨ ASTROLOGY + TAROT READINGS online via Zoom - message directly to enquire and book in

with love
Tanja 💕

Thank you for the 📸💕

Photos from Tanja Mickwitz Yoga's post 16/09/2023

Look at this BEAUTY 💕 such a generous and thoughtful gift from my retreat group 🩷 a Matthew Weir original which they felt reflected the week’s teachings and practices of the elements 🩷

What a stunning week we shared, nourished by the beauty and holding of the land at as well as by delicious meals prepared by ~ thank you, thank you, thank you 💕

There is something which happens when we show up in full presence like this… real and raw and perfectly imperfect humans holding each other… it really is beyond words…

My heart is filled with awe and gratitude 🩷

Hope you are all having a beautiful weekend, wherever you are and however you are spending it … I’ll be back at tomorrow Sunday 10.15am for Sunday Soul Service!

with love
Tanja 💕


Hey… I’m Tanja … a little introduction or re-introduction as I’ll be sharing posts this week with …

So who am I (big question!!)…??

I’ve been teaching yoga since 2005 and in 2015 I found my ‘yoga home’ in the vision had with the first Rasa Yoga Advanced Teacher Training, I am so grateful!

I teach weekly classes in London at and as well as online through The Sadhana Collective, my online membership circle.

I also offer Astrology and Tarot Readings as well as Guidance and Mentoring sessions.

I have a great love for creating sacred spaces through the embodied practices, through ceremony and ritual, through storytelling and archetypal understanding… to in all ways create more intimate connection… within and without… with self and with each others… with the world and with spirit…

I am also mamma to two amazing teens who in many ways have been (and continue to be) my greatest teachers… they most definitely teach me about change being the only constant - in a very immediate and practical way!!

I look forward to sharing more soon…

with love,
Tanja 💕


CREATE MAGIC ✨ it is totally possible to bring your dreams and vision into being ✨… especially today with the Sun trining Jupiter!!

This beauty awaited me last weekend as I arrived to officiate a wonder-full woodland wedding in Sussex.

The whole celebration such a stunning manifestation of clear vision, love, joy and togetherness!!

Truly an honour and privilege to be part of it ~ you created something so very magical ✨ and may your journey together continue to be so!!

Happy Friday people, keep dreaming - big and small - it’s where it all begins!! ✨

with love
Tanja 💕


This is a ‘VENUS STATIONED DIRECT ~ thank goodness!!’ moment 🌺🩷🌺

Has anyone else been “in it” these past forty days of Venus’s underworld journey??

Venus Retrograde calls for a lot of reflection and re-evaluation on what we value the most as well how we do love… so you might’ve felt these themes very present these past few weeks.

Now with Venus having stationed in the early hours of today it might be a good time to think back on what’s come up, what you’ve learnt and how you wish this to inform you as you move forwards.

You might be called to find new ways of being and prioritise differently from before. What do we really hold as central in what we value in our lives? How do we wish to be loved and experience love - how do we want to live into love ourselves?

Hope you can take some moments for yourself even if we now truly dive back into routine and all of the ‘starts’ September tends to hold for us.

with love
Tanja 💕

P.S. if you’re curious about Venus in your own personal chart and other parts of your unique astrology, then get in touch to book in for a full birth chart reading 💫


BLUE MOON NEWS :: GOA SOUL SOURCE RETREAT 25 Feb - 3 March 2024❣️❣️❣️

Bookings are now open - spaces are limited so book early to avoid disappointment …

I cannot wait to return to for my annual visit… to have this to look forward to in the winter months is just the best!!

Please see the link in my bio for full details and bookings … a magical adventure awaits…. ✨

with love
Tanja 💕

Videos (show all)

So what does PSYCHODYNAMIC actually mean? ✨ A short introduction ✨If you’re curious about delving deeper get in touch an...
💫 GOOD NEWS: Mercury FINALLY stations direct Wednesday 28 August!! Phew!! 💫And Mercury in Leo can guide us to express ou...
RASA YOGA Fire + Nectar Retreatwith JC Rawady and Tanja Mickwitz 1 - 6 October 2024 Turkey We are feeling inspired by th...
I PASSED!!! ✨✨✨ Excited to be certified as a Psychodynamic Coach and to bring forth more of the deeply transformative on...
✨ AQUARIUS FULL MOON ✨ hold on tight to ride the waves of the unexpected!! with loveTanja 💕#thestoryinthestars #astrolog...
✨ The Story in the Stars ✨ Mars conjoins Jupiter - super charged energy to harness getting things done, though watch out...
✨ MERCURY RETROGRADE ✨ but fear not - just slow down, be more meticulous, take the opportunity to go back and refine, re...
LEO NEW MOON BLESSINGS ✨ and an INVITATION to join me on THE JOURNEY ✨After a long time brewing I am incredibly excited ...
Psssst …. something’s brewing ✨✨✨… more soon!!with loveTanja 💕#thejourney #stories #stars #shadow #soul #diveintothemyst...
✨ TUESDAY TAROT ✨ THE EMPRESS : what are you ready to birth into the world? Now is the time!! You are supported by nouri...