Juliana C. Pereira is a new chef in Toronto from Salvador, Brazil.
She is a graduate from the George Brown College Chef School and Culinary Mangement program bringing her own take on handmade desserts and specialty baked goods to you!
Cooking is love made edible!
Ever since I was a little girl living in Salvador, Brazil, food has been a part of my life. It began with my family and friends, making food for them as we shared stories and happy memories together. The kitchen was a place of nourishment of all kinds. It was a place of tradition, but also a place of play. When I make food, I look for different ways to express my love. A particular twist in flavour, or change in recipe to show you just how I feel; a little Brazillian flare to show you just who I am.
Although I LOVE cooking, baking is my TRUE passion and its from there that my real colours show. Playing with classic French recipes, Brazilian twists and Canadian favourites, I bake to not only feed your belly, but feed your soul.
So “Come and get my love”! To find out more about all recipes for order, visit my page below and check out my instagram page @chefjuliana_.
And don’t forget,