360GymnasticsUK Videos

Videos by 360GymnasticsUK. At 360GymnasticsUK you can Discover and Improve your potential as an athlete and gymnast.

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Mini montage of recent gym performances from back end of this year for team Loughborough Students and Team Grotzingen.

When the girls your suppose to be coaching beam mounts to need a little extra encouragement it's time to get involved yourself. #gymnasticsat30 #HOGC #gymlife #360gymnasticsuk #goingtheextramile

Preparation for first comp since turning 30 going well. It is A LOT harder than it looks believe me #360GymnasticsUK #itsawayoflife #Gymnastics@30

I'm often ask, as many gymnasts are, what type of training do I do. This is a short video of a typical upper body rings circuit that gymnasts do. Younger gymnasts do a lot more. Oh and ignore the Great British Summer tan lines 😜. DO TRY THIS AT HOME! 💪