Danielle Getty Nutrition
Providing people of all ages a balanced approach to nutrition.

Opinion | Timothy Caulfield: Holiday detoxes and cleanses sell more snake oil than science There is no solid science to support the idea that we need to detox our bodies in the way the purveyors of detoxification suggest.

Great article. The last sentence sums it up "So pick a whatever legit anti-inflammatory diet pattern you like best, and reap the benefits of a sane, diverse diet whose anti-inflammatory potential has some actual science behind it."
Your Anti-Inflammatory Diet Is Probably Just the Opposite The real science behind inflammation doesn't support popular diets' claims.

New AAP Recommendations which are useful at home, school and when your child is at the doctor.
No More Diets... and Other AAP Recommendations New guidelines for prevention of obesity and eating disorders in adolescents

Can't stress this enough. One small comment can change the way a girl or boy- young or old - feels about themselves. Modeling positive behavior speaks volumes.
Parents Should Avoid Comments on a Child’s Weight New research suggests that careless comments about weight gain can have repercussions for years afterward.

Thank you New York Times for backing up what us RD's have been saying for years!!!
Fancy Juice Doesn’t Cleanse the Body of Toxins There is no scientific basis to support undergoing juice detoxification or colon cleanses, as trendy as they may be.

Some good advice for those with growing boys (especially teenagers)... watch those protein supplements!
The Always Hungry Teenage Boy Why are young men told to eat less meat? It really means they need to eat their vegetables.

Thanks to my friend and one awesome RD Laura Wuhl Burak for sharing this article. Some good tips about how to be more mindful when we eat...
A Cornell scientist came up with four ways to lose weight without dieting The best diet may be the one you don’t know you’re on. If you change just one lifestyle habit, instead of struggling to power through a traditional “diet,” you can lose two or more pounds each week. If you change up to three habits, you may lose more. Sounds simple? It can be, according to...

The nutrition world has been seeing this for many years now. There is finally more info for the public coming out on the topic. A very serious and scary issue for adolescents and young adults.
An Eating Disorder in People With Diabetes Diabulimia occurs when people with Type 1 diabetes manipulate their insulin in order to purge calories, much as someone with bulimia might induce vomiting.

Some positive trends for our kids.....
8 Kids Nutrition & Feeding Trends to Follow in 2016 There are a lot of trends happening right now when it comes to feeding your kids, but these are the ones you should actually follow.

The latest, but not the last we will hear, on peanut allergies.
To Fight Peanut Allergies, Give Peanuts to Babies, Pediatricians Advise Giving peanut products to babies before they're a year old may help prevent allergies from develop later, pediatricians said Monday.

This is a great article by Ellie Krieger.... broken down plain and simple!
Five words you should stop using when you talk about food These can actually do harm to your health and self-image.

A great article about body shaming ... especially for those of us who have daughters, how young they are when this becomes part of their world and how we can help.
The Not-So-Sexy Origins of Body Shame - Be Nourished By Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD Do you know when you began to lose trust with your body? For many women, the loss of body trust begins at the onset of...
Some good guidelines here. I like that one "rule" is eating with people you care about.

A nice reminder of what it means to be "fit" ... thanks to my sister in law Angela Hassett Brunelle Getty who knows all about being strong inside and out!
"25 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got Fit - The Woman's Perspective" by Shannon Vonkaenel The journey that I have been on the past two years has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Not only did I do it the right way by losing 75 pounds over 2 years, but I feel as if ...

Nuts Are a Nutritional Powerhouse A series of studies found that the more nuts people consumed, the less likely they were to die at any given age, across classes and ethnic groups.

Some good tips on how teaching your children balanced and mindful eating are a big part of healthy eating.....
Trying to Get Your Child to Eat Vegetables? Here's Why You Shouldn't With so much societal pressure to raise little foodies who cannot get enough of beets and prefer carrots to a carrot cake it is easy to overlook many other aspects of healthy eating.
Happy National Registered Dietitian Day to all my fellow RD's!
I have been blessed to work with and learn from many talented and fun Dietitians along the way. Cheers to all of you!

Some Food for Thought .....
Diet May Be As Important To Mental Health As It Is To Physical Health We know that food affects the body -- but could it just as powerfully impact the mind? While the role of diet and nutrition in our physical health is undeniable, the influence of dietary factors on mental health has been less considered. That ma...
Just in time for National Nutrition Month (March) I have finally finished my website!! Please like it and share!
Here's to a more balanced you!