King's College London Handball Club
A fun and friendly Handball Club for anyone studying at King's College London! Welcome to the King's College Handball page! Sounds amazing? That’s because it is!
We have a men’s and a women’s team who last year competed in local friendlies, the London League as well as a tournaments in Lille and Lyon too! Whether you consider yourself a handball God amongst the likes of Nikola Karabatić or Gro Hammerseng; are an experienced player or a complete beginner interested in starting the sport for the first time, we believe you have something invaluable to offer
Congratulations to the newly elected Handball Committee for the 2019/2020 academic year!
President: Anton Lammers
Men's Captain and Treasurer: Hugo Garbutt
Social Sec: Paul Müller
Social Media Sec: Vlad Mititelu
Good luck guys, hopefully next year will be even better than the last one!

Have a read on how we played in Varsity!
VARSITY SERIES 2019: Handball - Roar News Barking isn’t exactly the most glamorous place to spend a Saturday morning, but watching the first ever Varsity handball fixtures made the trek out to zone 4 more than worth it. London’s finest (and UCL) assembled at Barking Sporthouse and Gym at 9am to face off in what turned out to be two nail...

In the historic first Handball Varsity, we unfortunately lost both women's and men's games...
Despite the ladies' effort, UCL beat them 15-7.
The men's game was tough and truly dramatic. Our guys managed to come back from -7 goals at half time and equalise in the last minute. Unfortunately we lost in penalties.
Final scores:
KCL- UCL (women) 7:15
KCL- UCL (men) 20:20, 1:3 in penalties

Our first Varsity game ever is taking place tomorrow at Barking Sportshouse and Gym from 9am, tickets are free!
In the meantime, meet the players who are going to beat UCL and show them who rules in London!
The King’s Handball team are here for their first ever Varsity They’re gonna destroy UCL
We're in the top 8 of the British university handball teams!
In the National Championship finals last weekend our Men's team was knocked out as far as the quarter-finals stage by the future champion, University of Bath.
Results of the group stage on Saturday:
Nottingham Trent- KCL 8:5
LJMU- KCL 2:11
Imperial- KCL 6:5
Results of the knock out games on Sunday:
Round of 16: KCL- Cambridge 14:13
Quarter finals: KCL- Bath 8:10
Thank you very much guys for participation and your involvement, this was a pretty successful National Championship for us!
Now the last match of the season is the first-ever Varsity series match against UCL on Saturday 9th March at Barking at 9am. GO KING'S!

Last weekend, the Men's Team participated in the second stage of National Championship. The results were as follows, though most importantly we proceed to the Cup Finals (so the top tier in the Championship) from the top of the group table!
Imperial- KCL 14:20
KCL- Cambridge 12:8
KCL- UCL 11:9 (!)
KCL- Portsmouth 16:10
Bath- KCL 19:17
The Finals will take place in Gillingham, Kent, on 2nd and 3rd March, so please keep your finger crossed for us!

Feels good to beat UCL Handball Club 31-18!
We actually have the scoresheet of the game, so we're going to show off how many goals our boys scored!
Stanislas was an absolute star today- 10 goals,
Hugo scored his solid 6,
Both Marian and Sindre scored 4 each,
Michal got 3 today and luckily no injuries this time,
Oriol scored 2 with right hand from right wing, so respect him,
James and Hadrien scored 1 each, happy to see you guys scoring!!
And unfortunately Vlad didn't manage to score but he played well for the team!
Also thanks to Felix who guarded our goal seeing that we had no goalie today.
We're going to play UCL at Barking on 9th March as part of the Varsity series. It's first time ever we've been included, so book the date if you want to see the best two London uni teams play, and stay tuned for more info soon!
KCL- UCL 25:22
Congratulations boys! Well done, we're still unbeaten this season!

Nationals Day 2 update:
KCL vs Bath 24:16
KCL vs Chichester 17:11
In total: 2 days, 4 wins, 71 goals scored, 45 conceded, and most importantly FIRST PLACE IN OUR GROUP!!!
Congratulations guys, well done!!!

We played two great games at the Nationals today, so well done guys!
KCL vs Brunel 18-12
KCL vs Cranfield 12-6
Two more games coming up tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed!
KCL- Imperial 33:19, well done boys!!
Next weekend, we're playing at the first tournament of the National Championship in Gillingham, so stay tuned!

Hi there!
We are present at the Freshers Fair at the Barbican this weekend! You can find us on the upper floor in the sports section.
Please remember that the first training of the year will take place on Wednesday 26th September 4-6pm, although we'll meet up in front of Strand campus (main door) at 3pm and we'll travel to the venue in Leyton together.
If you have any questions about the club, trainings or membership just drop us a message.
We're looking forward to seeing you and playing some handball together!
Your Handball Committee

Hello everyone!
We hope the summer has treated you all well :) This post contains a lot of information so we hope you read it thoroughly. If you have any questions left after reading this then do contact us through this page or via our personal profiles which will be linked at the end of the post!
The training place and time for this year has finally been confirmed. The trainings will be taking place at LEYTON SCORE CENTRE (100 Oliver Rd, London E10 5JY) at 4-6PM ON WEDNESDAYS. This is also the time and place for the freshers’ tryouts in the first two weeks. We welcome everyone who is interested in handball to come and try it out, whether you’ve played it earlier or even if you’ve never in your life played handball before!
The first two trainings, which are also the free tryout sessions are:
--> Wednesday 26th of September at Leyton Score Centre 4-6pm
--> Wednesday 3rd of October at Leyton Score Centre 4-6pm
If you are not sure how to get there by yourself and/or want to travel there together with some of team, we will be doing a meetup for these two first trainings. You can meet us outside Strand campus’ front doors (the entrance with the lobby) at 3pm. We will leave towards Leyton at 3.15pm.
There will also be an event to these first two trainings here on Facebook where all of this information can be found as well! Remember to click going!
We hope you bring shoes that are suitable for indoor sport and that support your feet well, some comfortable clothes to exercise in, and a water bottle. Good spirit is recommended as well :) We will provide the balls.
After these two sessions you can buy the membership on the KCLSU site if you wish to join us. It costs £32 for the whole year. (Note: for insurance reasons we can only offer these two sessions for free and therefore if you wish to join the team we require you purchase the membership before the third training on the 10th of October.)
We also offer an associate membership for anyone who is not a student at King’s but would like to join! The membership is the same price as the standard membership (£32). It can also be bought from the KCLSU website.
The memberships will soon be available for purchase but we will make another post about them later once they are available.
We will be at the freshers’ welcome fair on Friday the 21st and Saturday the 22nd at Barbican ( & ). You can come to chat with us and meet some of the team members!
We hope you are all as excited as we are of the new year and new season of handball! Hope to see you soon!
Best wishes from the handball committee,
& Max
Handball KCLSU Handball Club consists of both a men's and women's team. No matter if you are a handball beginner or a pro we will find something for you to do, with personalised tranings and both local and national competitions!

Congratulations for the newly elected 2018/2019 committee!
Michal Met for President
Oona Alisa Elonen for Women's Captain and Vice-President
Maximilian Fink for Men's Captain
Emmanuel Petit for Treasurer
Jakub Křikava for Social Secretary
We want to thank the leaving committee for their commitment this year, and we're looking forward to seeing everyone next year!

Congratulations to both King's College London Handball Club and UCL Handball Club Men's Handball teams on good performance in the game this Saturday.
The final score was 30-18 for UCL.
Thank you for attending the match and sharing the handball experience with us!
Michal 7
Antoine 3
Nick 3
Roman 2
Jakub 1
Brendan 1 (well done in his first appearance for the team!)
Maximilian 1
Gaël (GK)
Peter 8
Basile 6
Axel 4
Karim 3
Bill 3
Pierre-Alexandre 2
Seb 2
Quentin 1
Henry (GK)
Gabi (GK)