Nigeria Governance Watch- Nigorwa

Nigeria Governance Watch- Nigorwa

Giving your voice a meaning. Don't be silent on issues that affect your existence as a nigerian.

Foreign aid hampering development 21/03/2024


Foreign aid hampering development The truth is that foreign aid is not a move for poverty alleviation or economic development. Rather, it can be seen as a vehicle for neo-colonial exploitation and dependency.


If President Bola Ahmed Tinubu continue to behave as if all is well soon hunger and not the opposition party will push Nigerians to revolution. A bitter truth!


Dear Sir
With a very heavy heart I have written this letter. It is unfortunate we are here today.
The prices of goods are daily increasing. Our forex is in shambles. All because of deficient government policies.
You have taken up the job because you are equal to the task. You don't need to be an Harvard economist to know that fixing our refineries and making it work will solve about 40% of our problems. No amount of palliatives will take away the suffering of Nigerian people. The hardship in the country is much. Nigerians are being push to the wall. It is in the news you want to control price of goods. Is that the way forward? Will you control the price of sweet, pepper,onions, tomatoes, biscuits,pen, notebooks,rice,gari, cocoyam, potatoes, beans,plantain,bread,yam,okro,melon,groundnuts,wheats,drugs,automobile parts, virtually everything in the market and other services. Price control regime can only affect few items. It is never an option with the current situation in the country. And has gone to show the very weak and inastute side of your government. It is a deceit from the pit of hell to show you are ready to alleviate the suffering of the masses. People are beginning to see you as being wicked. You said the other day you felt our pains. You can't feel our pains because everything is at your beck and call. As much as I believe in subsidy removal you are making it look as that is not our problem because we are better off with it. Nigerians are hungry and angry. Remember you have a limited time - your target and focus should be giving Nigeria functional refineries with the capacity to cater for us and other part of Africa. Except the fuel price is reduced, and as a matter of urgency nothing meaningful can be achieved by your government. If this gets to your reading like it and comment - we are angry. God bless Nigeria.


As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ worldwide let's reflect on the person of Christ. He came as a lamb of God to take away the sin of the world. He made the biggest sacrifice. He gave his life for the redemption of mankind.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God - Hebrew12:2. For Nigeria to metamorphosize from her developing status to a developed State, we must shun and delete from our brains every act of greed. Self-interest and greed have brought the country to a state of comatose. Except we emulate Christ no meaningful change or progress can be made. Happy Birthday LAMB OF GOD, FATHER OF FATHERS, JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Mc Bankalert, Godwin Esume

