The Pleasured Life

The Pleasured Life

The Pleasured Life is committed to providing a holistic response to creating optimal wellbeing. Thro

The Pleasured Life Offers:
- Fitness and Nutrition Consulting
- Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching
- Workshops/Classes


I know this recipe is probably all over the interwebs but I’m over here loving on this high protein snack on my study break. High protein diets are having their day again- but last time I wasn’t a perimenopausal woman, full time student, and putting in full time work hours. Adequate protein is critical for hormone building blocks and since I’ve been focusing on getting in 0.8-1 g per pound of body weight- I’m feeling so much better. Physically and mentally. Estrogen is an important hormone for brain function- not just s*x organ function. This dip (Greek yogurt, protein powder, peanut butter, and chocolate chips) is going to need another apple for mouth delivery. 😋

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 10/11/2023

What a rush! Both exciting and terrifying at the same time. Building neural circuits and longevity through novel experiences. And having a blast with my at the same time.


My favorite time of day. Early morning light exposure health benefits aside, the feeling of just being with myself is priceless. I used to dread being with my own company but I’m growing on me. 😉

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 31/10/2023

I love the cotton Candy morning skies at this time of year. They also remind me of my grade 7 eye glasses. With their blue/pink tint. 🤣

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 28/10/2023

After an incredibly busy week- ❤️.


HEY! I know you know this- exercise is good for your mental AND physical health. Moving your body makes everything better. Your mood is better, your memory is better, your relationships are better, your sleep is better, your health is better. You feel better. You ARE better. I realize that’s a bold claim- but if you’re a data kind of person the data is there. If you’re an anecdotal person- that support is there. Other things are important for your overall health and joy too- but this is such low hanging fruit- and if you aren’t active at all right now- it’s the biggest bang for your buck. Yeah yeah….I know it’s not easy. I know it requires planning and commitment and motivation. But I think you’re worth that effort- I hope you do too.


Do hard things. Especially as you age. says if you want to kick ass until you kick the bucket you have to engage in novel outdoor experiences with others. This is in line with research in adult development psychology. As we age most people back down from challenges, especially physical pursuits, but that’s exactly the opposite of what you should be doing. After 50 new pathways impacting wisdom and creativity are present in your neural circuitry when you engage in novel experience. These novel active outdoor experiences impact mental health, physical health, and longevity and they’re super fun too! I just went on a lunchtime skate date and the local arena with and practices my hockey skating abilities. I missed those toe picks for stopping let me tell ya! But I’m feeling great and I’m ready to sit down to study. Remember- if you want to rock til you drop (maintaining physical and cognitive function) you need to do novel things.


If you look, then close your eyes and listen, you can hear it. *crunch crunch crunch


💣 I wrote a blog for my organization on AWE. As I make my way through my psychology classes I’m drawn to learning more about how the experience of AWE in everyday can improve mental and physical health. One of the comments from the blog included two links to on YouTube. This line landed so poignantly this morning. It created that vast experience for me that is indicative of an experience of AWE. I’ll share the video link in the comments. Find awe. Improve mental and physical well-being.


Pssst- maybe you need some water?


On the heels of a weekend spent in gratitude and thanksgiving, I was awarded with this view on my walk.


🌲⭐️🔥= 😳


Annnndddddd breathe. That fire looks fairly reflective of how my week has felt. Feet to the fire trying to keep up with the things coming at me- making me sweat- hot as hell!!! I made it!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you all ❤️


Pancakes aren’t my forte- but practice makes perfect. I love this mix for high protein pancakes. And then I up the level with added protein powder, eggs, milk or kefir, sometimes Greek yogurt. Make enough for a few days- and make mornings easier!!!


Todays awe is this worm. On our wet walk this morning I told Ken it’s weird that we have t seen any worms this year! And then this guy popped up (or slithered I guess 🪱)


Shadows are so cool. Imagine being the person who discovered that they were the result of the angle of the sun and the height of the object. Awe. Think about all the things that occur in your day that are downright brilliant that we hardly give a seconds notice to!!! This practice of awe, though, it’s bringing me more to be in awe of. ❤️


I can’t wait to get my hands on new book co-written with Moving in the direction of happier is something everyone can do. Positive and negative affect are heritable traits and some of us are naturally higher or lower in these domains. If you think about doing things that can make you happier than you are right now- it feels actionable. For those with scoring higher in negative affect making their way to a destination of happy may feel downright impossible! What can you do to make yourself feel happier today? Not happy- just happier than what you are right now?

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 26/09/2023

As much as I love sunrises, I adore the cloud formations that the fall mornings bring. Wow!!!

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 24/09/2023

We hiked 10 National Parks this year in the US and Canada. This jewel in Glacier was 👌🏻


Remember doing shots of beet Kvass I’m grateful for that memory. 😘


I tried to take a picture of my breath this morning- it was fresh! But so were the attempted photos- and borderline inappropriate. Some things we just can’t capture. Some things are amazing little moments that pass quickly but when you’ve created a container for noticing those little things (meditation, intention, awareness) those gems may pass quickly- but not unnoticed. Anyone else feel childlike when they can see their breath on a crisp fall morning? 💨🍂🍁


Awe- find it in nature, find it in moral beauty, a sleeping kitty- small moments of everyday wonder can change your life.


I’ve had a couple of complete s**t days. And no. I’m not over it. I just wanted to let you know that it’s perfectly fine, healthy even, to acknowledge and name feeling like garbage. Being pi**ed that s**tty events have transpired. And not want anyone to try and make you feel better- or to look for the positive. It’s okay to say it sucks. Period. Yeah yeah- I still have to go about my day. I still have things I have to do- and they’ll probably distract me and that’s good. But I’m going to come back to it. I’m going to have to find solutions to problems I wish didn’t happen, and that I don’t feel like solving. And I don’t have to be happy about them. It is what it is in this case. And based on my experience with this kind of crap- I’ll get through it and probably learn something from it- but I don’t HAVE to look for the lesson and I don’t have to be grateful for the experience or the lesson. This is all about the process and experience of being a human. Which sometimes feels like a dumpster fire. 🤷‍♀️


Yesterday morning I stood on the ridge above our site at Koocanusa. The sun is taking longer to show itself over the mountains and the trees, but the glow is there. I was waiting for Ken to join me to walk the dog. As I stood there, the orange glow bathing my face, the trailers below, and the tips of the trees, I thought about how we just take for granted the night ends and day begins. I wondered if any of my Kooc neighbors spent time thinking about how remarkable it is that the sun comes up every single day. It’s a small wonder though, don’t you think? This design of our planet that includes night and day, light and dark. You might say it’s an experience of awe. 😉Everyday encounters with awe have the potential to change your life. A bold claim supported by empirical evidence. Even if you can only find moments of awe a few times a week- you will benefit mentally and physically. What’s your awe today?


For years I’ve marketed this class as a yoga class- and yes- we practice yoga.
But we also work on flexibility, mobility, and strength.
We talk about new research in the field of health and longevity.
We discuss nutrition, share recipes, and new favorite dishes.
We talk about good reads.
We laugh- a lot.
We have a community.

There are 3 spots available in the upcoming class.

We meet Tuesdays at the United Church from 7-8pm

October 3- November 28
No class on October 31
$120 for 8 classes

We’d love for you to join us.
Message me for more details.


People keep asking when I’ll be finished school. Honestly, as long as packages that contain gems like this keep arriving- I’m going to go with NEVER!


Hello September! You always feel more like a New Year to me than Jan 1. So here I sit, reflecting and tossing out what no longer serves- it’s funny how that stuff piles up without us noticing, isn’t it?

And the summer’s gathering MVPs are…. — Priya Parker 31/08/2023

Connection and gathering are essential to our human experience
Read Priya Parkers piece on gathering

And the summer’s gathering MVPs are…. — Priya Parker What do Taylor Swift, Greta Gerwig and Beyoncé have in common besides creating culture-defining work that has given the entire economy a post-pandemic boost? I’ll give you one guess


There were a lot of bobbing heads in the water this weekend. Making memories. ❤️


As I popped the full one in the back of my car, I said a couple words of gratitude that I can lift a full propane tank with relative ease. This is why I train my body the way I do. Additionally, we either too often forget, or we’re simply unaware that training for physical strength, endurance, stability, and mobility has incredible cognitive benefits as well. Physical exercise is no joke. It’s not just for people who want to look good aesthetically, it’s for folks who want to remember names and grocery lists. Who want to age in place. Who want to fondly remember the cool 💩 they did in their former years. It’s important to train all areas of fitness as well. Cardio queens and strength Spartans beware- you need it all to live in a body that also supports your brain (and vice versa). Fitness IS health.


It’s almost like it’s important to move our body or something!!! Throughout this entire textbook every chapter contained a ‘non drug therapy’ or an ‘unconventional intervention’ segment. Every one of those segments discussed the impact of physical exercise and movement for mental health. Every psychopathology is impacted positively when you move your body. And the physical impacts as we know are profound as well. You must move to be well.


Happy Friday Folks! Look up ❤️


Find somewhere without light pollution, a clear night, and look up. You will not be disappointed. Find something to be in awe of.

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 09/08/2023

I’m trying to reset dopamine. Did you know you could do that? There are a bunch of ways to come back to baseline and reset the ways your body releases dopamine. Too many hits, so to speak, creates a state in which it requires more and more effects to just ‘feel normal.’ This mechanism of action affects motivation, mood, and energy! For example, I love listening to podcasts and learning. And that’s what I do on my morning walks. Today- no music- no podcast. Just the sound of my apparently VERY chatty mind. But it was just a little bit before the chatter slowed and calmed. NOT doing the things we love can help to bring dopamine levels back to baseline. What could you NOT do today that you love to do?

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 06/08/2023

Pay attention to the things around you. Notice them. Create the conditions for this awareness by making a point of getting outside. We spend a lot of our human life indoors, spaces that are right angles. When you get outside, you’re exposed to fractals, your vision widens, you walk on uneven terrain, you create challenge for your body and brain. And all of this improves your mental and physical health. It improves your ability to problem solve. It exposes you to dirt and microbes that are necessary for your well-being. Outside is a priceless supplement. 🌱🍄🌲🐾🌊🌸🪻🌞

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 31/07/2023

In commune with growth this morning. 🌱


I’m not sure what it is about the shape and growth structure of these tomatoes- but I’m in awe. Remember- awe is a self care practice and it can improve both mental and physical markers of well-being. It’s such a small practice to engage in with an amazing ROI.

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 26/07/2023

After supper fireweed run- and some wild raspberry snacks. Fermented Fireweed tea is delicious. It has a fruity black tea taste and the medicinal properties are plentiful. Get outside✌🏻


You simply have to pause and marvel at the beauty in front of you and behind you. 🏔️

Photos from The Pleasured Life's post 19/07/2023

We have all day. ⛰️🏔️ It was the perfect day for a view from Lineham Ridge.

Videos (show all)

Ugh- I debated posting this because it feels ironic to be creating content while talking about not consuming content. Bu...
Winter has come to the trails.
With the symptom gone (pain) it would be easy to let the list of important preventative and rehabilitating practices I n...
Pay attention to novel things today. Look for them. Give your brain and mind some loooovvveeee ❤️🍎🍎🍎
Louder for those in the back!!! Motivation is not a character trait. It is a biochemical process that happens in the bod...
One more time- motivation is not a character trait. Motivation is a biochemical process occurring in the brain and you c...
Did you think I was just going to talk about exercise and food in Thursdays workshop on Self-Care? While those are defin...
The Science of Self Care. Save the date!!July 13 in Claresholm. Registration and more details to follow next week.
The Science of Self Care.Save the date!July 13 in Claresholm. I’ll have more details and registration information next w...
The how is not as important as you may think!

