
Personal Training : Bootcamp : Kick-Boxing
Giving everything you've got has never been this much fun

I survived 7 near-fatal infections, 4 life-saving operations and dramatically improved my quality of life by implementing 2 key elements into my lifestyle - Fitness & Nutrition. I want to inspire people do the same so they can experience the satisfaction that it brings. After all, doesn't it feel great to receive complements from others who notice?


"Life doesn't discriminate between early and late, and effort doesn't discriminate between ages." — Ashley Cheung


Discomfort is the side-effect of growth.


Detoxing — people ask if I’ve ever done it. Yes. Do I see the point of it? No. Your liver and kidneys do the detoxing. I have a hunch that those who do it and advertise about it aren’t clean eaters. If you eat clean and train hard, there’s nothing to worry about.

I do see the point of detoxing for those who make statements like “okay I promise I will start this *eating clean thing* after my detox”. It’s like admitting you treated your body like s**t and NOW it’s time to start doing something about it.

How to stay healthy: Eat clean, train hard, sleep, repeat.

Photos from TRAiN LiKE ME's post 23/02/2022

Feels fantabulous having a training partner again for the gym. It’s, like, “yeah I can do it on my own….but!” — y’know what I mean? 😂🤣😂

Photos from TRAiN LiKE ME's post 20/02/2022

Almost spring time! That means beach season is around the corner. Time to throw some punches! 🥊


The training . Who says you can’t train at home and look awesome — pull your finger outta your . Where your mind goes, the body follows. to be


Nothing tires you out more than training in the sand. Christopher Janosik James Cameron


It’s all about perspective.


When you’re carrying a lot of stress on your shoulders and it also happens to be shoulder day....f**k yeah. Lift, push yourself and burn. The tough days are the days that deserve your attention in training.

Mike Tyson Drops Serious Knowledge In Leaked Never Seen Before Footage 08/02/2021

UFC fighters get a good pep-talk from the legend - Iron Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson Drops Serious Knowledge In Leaked Never Seen Before Footage Mike Tyson Drops Some Serious Knowledge In This Leaked Never Seen Before Footage from the ultimate fighter with georges st. pierre


Let’s face it....

You sang the song, didn’t you?


This product is something that has been around for a few years. I’m putting it to the test when it arrives by mail. My end goal is that if the brain 🧠 feels good, I’ll be anticipating great workouts - I want to feel anything but stagnation. Because right now I’m in the stagnation zone or bored workouts.
Feeling a difference in cognitive ability is something I’d like to try, and hopefully utilize on a regular basis.

We shall see!

Heavyweight Knockout King Mike Tyson on Why He Loves Fear 22/03/2020

Fear is good. Know that it's only an illusion of failure, which in turn, helps propel you to your potential.

Mike Tyson grew up having zero confidence. Till he was taught how to use fear.

Heavyweight Knockout King Mike Tyson on Why He Loves Fear Mike Tyson’s relationship with fear goes far beyond the fact that he’s one of the fiercest boxers to ever step foot in a ring. In this clip from Wide Open, M...


If I ever catch my peeps doing any of these moves, find yourself a new trainer. And don’t look back.

You’ll probably be made famous in this dude’s next video. 😂🤣😂


Intuitive Eating - Ya know what that is? It's a way of thinking about eating that takes you back to your childhood. Those times when you ate what you wanted for as long as you wanted till you were full.

I'm in that phase. But thankfully, my mom was a great cook with excellent principles that lead me to good diet intuition. Those foods you pig'd out on also happen to be muscle building foods. Aaand having cystic fibrosis kind of allows me to keep re-enacting intuitive eating. Till my ❤'s content, minus the worry of extra calories.

