Kerri Okie Videos

Videos by Kerri Okie.

Just trying to get ahold of @iamfrankiejonas

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Other Kerri Okie videos

Just trying to get ahold of @iamfrankiejonas

Tell me your New Year’s resolution #withouttellingme your New Year’s resolution.

Guess I should’ve read the instructions! @tiktok

How to spot a lie!

Reply to @omljaden

Okay... best 2 out of 3, @dr_oz

This new grand baby better hurry up!

It’s a vibe, @jordanmcgraw. You’ll get it. The New Balance don’t hurt though.

SHE-sh. Did I do this right?

Ya know, @sheenamelwani, he may be a lost cause… #sidehustle #philisms

Let’s hear some parents’ advice! #familytime #advice #parents

How’s my choreography, @totouchanemu?

This is my message for Brian Laundrie #JusticeForGabby #GabbyPetito #BrianLaundrie

I’ll be doing a tutorial of this rudiment soon. #drumtok #drumsolo

FaceTiming bestie. @meghantrainor

3 things to keep in mind for more ethical true crime consumption

Have you heard about over-parenting, #ParentTok? We’re diving into teen mental health next Tuesday.

My most opinionated guest yet #dogtok

“The connection between our emotions and our hearts isn’t just figurative. People really can die of a broken heart.”

So wonderful to see young people on the spectrum finding their own comfort level at their pace while experiencing the joy of tennis. Have met some of the most fascinating kids. Love seeing their faces light up when they hit a great shot! To get involved visit #ACEingAutism #autismacceptancemonth