USANA 2021 Americas & Europe Virtual Convention Shailamei - AEVC
Fans of USANA Health Sciences Inc.
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Thousands of professional and Olympic athletes trust USANA more than any other supplement company in the world. They have confidence in the company's obsession with cellular health, the proven science that goes into every product formula, and the strict manufacturing standards that guarantee what is on the label is what’s in the bottle. USANA supports its commitment to personal excellence and optimal health. And, with the Athlete Guarantee Program, athletes know this safety and quality make USANA products pure and free of any banned substances.
Work hard, stay healthy, enjoy life and give back to society !
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Diet and nutrition are important for good health. Every day, your body produces billions of new cells. As they grow and duplicate, support them with optimal nutrition and micronutrients containing vital vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are essential for normal metabolism, healthy growth, and development. Minerals are elemental to enzyme systems. They also support already healthy immune function, regulate normal metabolism, and aid normal digestion.
Work hard, stay healthy, enjoy life and give back to society !
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The mountains and rivers in the universe are romantic, and life is warm. You must stand in the world you love and shine brightly.
Work hard, stay healthy, enjoy life and give back to society !
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The mountains and rivers in the universe are romantic, and life is warm. You must stand in the world you love and shine brightly.
Work hard, stay healthy, enjoy life and give back to society !
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POSTED BY USANA 2021 Americas & Europe Virtual Convention Shailamei - Aevc21
USANA 2021 Americas & Europe Virtual Convention Shailamei - AEVC
Fans of USANA Health Sciences Inc.
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Welcome to follow us at USANA Shailamei
UAssociate - YouTube We are on a mission to help individuals part time create a full time income from home!我们的使命是帮助您获得健康的同时, 在家兼职创造全职收入。
我們將為您呈現總公司導覽!讓身在家中的您和我能觀看我們為您精心準備的USANA總公司特別線上導覽。VIP導覽的導遊包括USANA總裁Jim Brown、首席資訊官Walter Noot、首席銷售官David Mulham及美洲、歐洲、澳大利亞和紐西蘭執行副總裁Jeannie Price,和他們一起參加這場專屬的幕後導覽。其中將介紹總公司、研發實驗室、先進的生產設施,以及完全投入運營的新食品生產設施。了解我們為USANA大家庭製造世界級產品的設施。您還將以幕後的角度一窺USANA基金會的全球運營,親眼見證服務創造的神奇力量。
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《線上總公司導覽》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
紀雲基 - 董事會主席兼首席執行官
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《紀雲基領導力論壇》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
David Mulham & Jeannie Price的事業寶典
您現在已經了解到產品的身體益處,是時候該關注事業益處了。帶上能提升您銷售業績的數據工具進入21 世紀。包括易於使用的產品推薦工具、分享連結等。觀看所有「這就是USANA」新節目首映會並了解獎勵旅程的詳情。而且,您還將率先了解專為啟動您事業目標而新推出的銷售獎勵活動。首席銷售官David Mulham將與美洲、歐洲、紐西蘭和澳大利亞銷售執行副總裁Jeannie Price主持這場大會,為您提供不容錯過的事業建議和更新。
David Mulham - 首席銷售官
Jeannie Price - 美洲、歐洲、澳大利亞和紐西蘭銷售執行副總裁
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《David Mulham & Jeannie Price的事業寶典》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Jay Shetty主題演講和問答環節
觀看備受歡迎的說故事者、《紐約時代雜誌》頂尖暢銷書作家及世界知名的播客主持人Jay Shetty 有關「僧侶思維:提升您的抗壓力,提高心理素質」的精彩演講。Jay將分享他作為前僧侶的永恆智慧,幫助訓練您擁有平和且富有目標的心態。學習如何識別阻礙您發揮潛力的因素。運用Jay的實用步驟來獲得戰勝消極、焦慮、糾結和有害期望的新力量。準備好用提高堅韌品格和心理素質的目標來鍛煉您的思維。首席銷售官David Mulham將主持這場與世界上最受人尊敬的「目標教練」之間進行的互動對話。直播大會過程中,請在聊天功能中提交您的問題。
Jay Shetty - 暢銷書作家、播客主持人、前僧侶和人生意義導師
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《Jay Shetty主題演講和問答環節》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
隨著USANA專屬的自由基樂隊搖滾節拍享受狂歡之夜。他們將以精彩的演唱會點燃這一晚的熱鬧氣氛,祝賀我們的2021獲獎者。因此,請身穿最隆重的晚宴服裝並以最高昂的心情共同慶祝USANA大家庭的成功。看一看誰贏得了年度最佳新人獎、頂尖傑出成長、頂尖優惠顧客保薦人等獎項!我們還將公佈新的美歐區Denis Waitley事業卓越領袖獎得主。舉辦一場線上派對,在直播聊天功能中祝賀您的特許專營商夥伴。您絕對不想錯過這場為您打造的慶典之夜!
Lori Truman - 美國市場銷售副總裁
Tracie Graham - 加拿大總經理
Javier Fajardo - 拉丁美洲區域總監
Devan Foster - 歐洲總經理
紀雲基 - 董事會主席兼首席執行官
Lori Truman - 美國市場銷售副總裁
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《嘉獎晚宴及自由基樂隊音樂會》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
年會正式開幕!我們將以精彩絕倫的開幕大會來為2021美歐區線上虛擬互動年會揭幕。觀看獨特的《我們是USANA》市場歡迎活動,展示熱情洋溢的拉丁文化。主持人首席銷售官David Mulham與美洲、歐洲、紐西蘭和澳大利亞銷售執行副總裁Jeannie Price以及幾位特邀嘉賓將公佈USANA的重要公告,這些出色的舉措讓我們能改善整個世界和您的生活。
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《開幕大會——2021美歐區線上虛擬互動年會盛大啟動》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Dr. Rob Sinnott分享有關未來實驗室的信息
在USANA,科學創新是我們的原動力。首席科學家Dr. Rob Sinnott將帶您親眼體驗USANA創新且具革命性的科學未來。觀看USANA研發實驗室世界級成就的內幕旅程。研發團隊將與Dr. Sinnott一同介紹USANA的科學基礎和未來。
USANA 產品研發科學家團隊:
Howard Gurney - 產品發展程序副總裁
Jeremy Tian, Ph. D. - 新產品研究總監
Rachel Brewer, Ph. D. - 新產品研究總監
Keijun Koh - 產品發展總監
Mark Levy, Ph. D. - 產品驗證總監
Shelli Baxter - 全球營養計劃執行總監
Rolando Maddela, MPH, CCRP - 全球健康教育和營養研究執行總監
Chuck Walton - 主領研發科學家
Katie Burton - 產品發展資深經理
Jason Braithwaite - 食品科學家
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Ashley Collins介紹產品動態
的健康和銷售業績的年終計劃。了解根據身體益處分享產品有多容易。市場營銷執行副總裁Ashley Collins將在這場以產品為中心的推廣方法研討會中詳細說明。而且,您永遠都想不到我們可能會發表什麼類型的產品,所以千萬不要錯過。
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《Ashley Collins介紹產品動態》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Nick Vujicic 主題演講和問答環節
與世界知名講員、《紐約時報》最暢銷書作家及企業家Nick Vujicic一同探索堅持的力量。Nick生來沒有四肢,雖然他經歷了絕望、無助和孤獨的痛苦旅程,但他在成為一位倡導者和教練後找到了自己的人生目標。在歡笑和淚水之間,您將學習如何將障礙轉化為機遇並戰勝逆境。與主持人美國地區銷售副總裁Lori Truman一起聆聽這場難忘而又啟發人心的一小時演講。
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《Nick Vujicic 主题演讲和问答环节》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Dr. Oz & Barbara Corcoran和Dan Macuga
Dr. Mehmet Oz再次來到我們的年會!他這次帶來了一位特別嘉賓,房地產大亨兼事業專家Barbara Corcoran。觀看這兩位能量十足的講員探討創業和平衡工作與生活。而且,心胸外科醫生、艾美獎獲獎脫口秀主持人,以及USANA信譽合作夥伴Dr. Oz將回答您的問題並分享有關情緒健康和應對生活中劇烈起伏的絕佳建議。USANA首席資訊傳播官兼首席市場行銷官Dan Macuga將主持這場Dr. Oz的多方面精彩會談。
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Dr. Oz & Barbara Corcoran和Dan Macuga Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
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《麦伦华斯博士面对面访谈》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Jeannie Price特許專營商交流會
在事業寶典的基礎上繼續深造,了解其他特許專營商如何使用USANA的數據化工具來推動銷售業績。親身學習樹立品牌如何幫助您發展事業。了解簡單快速的建議來幫助您更便利地管理您的USANA事業。美洲、歐洲、紐西蘭和澳大利亞銷售執行副總裁Jeannie Price將主持與一些USANA最出色的領袖們交流的研討會,這些領袖們包括:
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《Jeannie Price特许专营商交流会》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Matt Grevers & Dan Macuga運動員中心
緊隨 2021 年夏季奧運會即將揭開序幕,6屆奧運獎牌得主及游泳冠軍Matt Grevers將現身報導USANA運動員的重大新聞並分享他的故事。了解哪些運動員在殘奧會上以驚人的表現引發轟動。一起與週末勇士——首席資訊傳播官 Dan Macuga——一同了解所有USANA運動員的閃耀時刻,並詢問Matt的日常規律和冠軍心態。請在聊天功能中提交您的問題。
Jessica Long——美國殘奧游泳選手
Nick Mayhugh——美國殘奧會田徑
Natalie Spooner —— 兩屆奧運獲獎者及克拉克森杯冠軍
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美好的事未必都需要結束。了解如何在未來的日子中運用您在這場極具能量的年會中學到的知識來付諸行動。聆聽戰勝萬難、努力進取的USANA大家庭中啟發人心的故事、消化您從中學到的重要知識,並接受閉幕大會中公佈的挑戰。和本場大會的主持人首席銷售官David Mulham及美洲、歐洲、紐西蘭和澳大利亞銷售執行副總裁Jeannie Price一起重溫大會中的精彩重點。
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《闭幕大会——感召行动》 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Closing Session—Inspiring Action
All good things do not have to come to an end. Discover how to take action in the days ahead using the knowledge you’ve acquired throughout this power-packed Convention. Hear the inspiring stories of your resilient USANA community, process the top lessons learned, and accept the challenge announced during the wrap-up session. Join hosts David Mulham, chief sales officer and Jeannie Price, executive vice president of sales for the Americas, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand for all the highlights.
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Closing Session—Inspiring Action [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Athlete Center with Matt Grevers & Dan Macuga
Hot on the heels of the 2021 Summer Games, 6-time Olympic medalist and champion swimmer, Matt Grevers is here to report big USANA Athletes news and share his story. Find out who else is making waves with surprise appearances from the Paralympics. Joined by weekend warrior Dan Macuga, chief communications and marketing officer, get all your USANA Athletes highlights and ‘Ask Matt’ about his routine and champion mindset. Submit your questions via the chat feature.
Jessica Long – U.S. Paralympic Swimmer
Nick Mayhugh – U.S. Paralympic Track and Field
Natalie Spooner – 2X Olympic Medalist and Clarkson Cup Champion
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Athlete Center with Matt Grevers & Dan Macuga [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Associate Exchange with Jeannie Price
Building on the All About Business session, learn how your fellow Associates are using USANA’s digital tools to boost sales. See first-hand how being the brand can help you grow your business. Get quick and simple tips to help make running your USANA business more convenient. Jeannie Price, executive vice president of sales for the Americas, Europe, Australia and New Zealand moderates this educational exchange of ideas with some of USANA best leaders:
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Associate Exchange with Jeannie Price [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
One-On-One with Dr. Myron Wentz
CEO Kevin Guest talks one-on-one with USANA Founder Dr. Myron Wentz for a revealing and candid conversation about the role of resiliency in science and building a legacy. Learn more about Dr. Wentz’ remarkable journey and discover what the next chapter includes for this beloved visionary. Join this insightful encore exchange between USANA’s Chairman of the Board, past and present.
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One-On-One with Dr. Myron Wentz [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Dr. Oz & Barbara Corcoran with Dan Macuga
Dr. Mehmet Oz is back! And he’s bringing a special guest, real estate mogul and business expert Barbara Corcoran. Join this dynamic duo as they talk entrepreneurship and work/life balance. Plus, Dr. Oz, cardiothoracic surgeon, Emmy Award-winning talk show host, and trusted USANA partner, will answer your questions and share sound advice on emotional well-being and tackling life’s dramatic ups and downs. Dan Macuga, USANA’s chief communications and marketing officer hosts this multi-faceted and captivating conversation.
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Dr. Oz & Barbara Corcoran with Dan Macuga [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Nick Vujicic Keynote + Q&A
Discover the power of perseverance with world renowned speaker, New York Times best-selling author, and entrepreneur Nick Vujicic. Born without arms or legs, Nick shares his harrowing journey of hopelessness, helplessness, and isolation before discovering his purpose as an advocate and coach. With a few tears and a lot of laughter, learn how to turn obstacles into opportunity and rise above adversity. Join host Lori Truman, vice president of United States sales for an unforgettable hour of inspiration.
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Nick Vujicic Keynote + Q&A [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Product Newsfeed with Ashley Collins
What’s in your newsfeed? How about product news to benefit your body and your business. And let us know if you ‘like’ this end-of-year plan aimed at boosting your health and your sales. Discover how easy it can be to share products by body benefit. Executive Vice President of Marketing Ashley Collins maps it all out in this product-packed how-to session. Plus, you never know what kind of product announcements may pop up—so don’t miss out.
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Product Newsfeed with Ashley Collins [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Future Lab with Dr. Rob Sinnott
Scientific innovation is the driving force at USANA. Experience the future of USANA’s groundbreaking, revolutionary science with a first-hand look from Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Rob Sinnott. Enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour of world-class achievements in USANA’s research and development laboratory. The R&D team joins Dr. Sinnott to explain the foundation and future of science at USANA.
Featuring USANA R&D Scientists:
Howard Gurney - Vice President of Product Development Process
Jeremy Tian, Ph. D. - Director of New Product Research
Rachel Brewer, Ph. D. - Director of New Product Research
Keijun Koh - Director of Product Development
Mark Levy, Ph. D. - Director of Product Validation
Shelli Baxter - Executive Director of Global Nutrition Programs
Rolando Maddela, MPH, CCRP - Executive Director of Global Health Education & Nutrition Research
Chuck Walton - Lead Development Scientist
Katie Burton - Senior Manager of Product Development
Jason Braithwaite - Food Scientist
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Future Lab with Dr. Rob Sinnott [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Opening Session—Americas & Europe Virtual Convention 2021 Kick-Off
Let’s do this! We’re kicking off the Americas & Europe Virtual Convention 2021 with an action-packed opening session. Dance along to a one-of-a-kind market welcome that gives “We Are USANA” a little Latin love. Join hosts David Mulham, chief sales officer and Jeannie Price, executive vice president of sales for the Americas, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia, along with several special guests to hear all the great things USANA's doing to make the world, and YOUR world, even better.
Featuring: Peggie Pelosi - USANA Board of Directors
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Opening Session—Americas & Europe Virtual Convention 2021 Kick-Off [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Recognition Gala and Concert with The Free Radicals
Get ready to dance the night away to the rocking beat of USANA’s very own The Free Radicals. They are igniting the night with a special concert in honor of our 2021 winners. So, don your best Gala fashion and cheer on your USANA family in style. Find out who will win Rookie of the Year, Top Growth, Top PC Enrollers, and more! Plus, we’ll announce the first Americas & Europe recipients of our new Denis Waitley Leadership Award for Business Excellence. Throw a virtual party and send shoutouts to your fellow Associates in the live chat feature. You don’t want to miss this night of celebration created just for you!
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Recognition Gala and Concert with The Free Radicals - [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Jay Shetty Keynote + Q&A
“Think Like a Monk” to increase your resilience and mental strength with viral storyteller, New York Times best-selling author, and world renown podcast host Jay Shetty. Jay will share the timeless wisdom he embraced as a monk to help train your mind for everyday peace and purpose. Learn how to identify the roadblocks to your potential. Achieve new power with Jay’s actionable steps to break through negativity, anxiety, overthinking, and unhealthy expectations. Get pumped to work out your mind muscle with a goal to build resilience and mental strength. Chief Sales Officer David Mulham hosts this interactive conversation with one of the world’s most formidable “Purpose Coaches.” Submit your questions during the live session via the chat feature.
Jay Shetty - Bestselling author, podcast host, former monk, and purpose coach
David Mulham - Chief Sales Officer
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Jay Shetty Keynote + Q&A [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
All About Business with David Mulham & Jeannie Price
Now that you understand the body benefit, it’s time to focus on the business benefit. Jump into the 21st century with digital tools built to give your sales a boost. Including an easy product recommendation tool, share links, and more. Catch the premiere of an all new This is USANA business video and news about incentive trips. Plus, be the first to hear about a new Sales Incentive aimed at activating your business goals. Chief Sales Officer David Mulham and Executive Vice President of Sales for the Americas, Europe, Australia and New Zealand Jeannie Price host this session of business tips and updates you can’t afford to miss.
David Mulham - Chief Sales Officer
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All About Business with David Mulham & Jeannie Price [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Kevin Guest Leadership Forum
This is your all-access pass to explore the leadership mindset with USANA Chairman of the Board and CEO Kevin Guest. Soak up the wisdom of our very own personal growth guru as Kevin answers your personal and business development questions in this insightful interactive forum. Learn how to bounce back in the face of adversity and the importance of pushing through to achieve success in all aspects of your life.
Kevin Guest - Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
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Kevin Guest Leadership Forum [AEVC2021] Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Master Your Mindset
Build your entrepreneur mindset. This workshop explores the importance of establishing goals and gaining the tools to achieve success. Learn the key elements of business building and develop crucial skills to navigate your future. It’s your USANA business—let’s grow it together.
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Master Your Mindset - 掌控您的心態【英语研讨会】 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Strategies to Build Your Business
USANA is an online business you can build and grow anywhere you have cell service. Learn new ways to engage customers, leverage social media, incorporate storytelling, and share videos. This is more than being friendly and authentic—it’s your roadmap to success and attending Executive Summit and Elevate.
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Strategies to Build Your Business - 事業發展策略【英语研讨会】 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Three Keys to Onboarding
Welcome aboard! Create a lasting connection with your new team members and help them live the USANA lifestyle. This workshop will equip you with the tools to expand your team. You’ll develop the skills to train your team to share USANA with new potential Associates. Learn how to brand your business, build confidence to share USANA, and discover the importance of growth.
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Three Keys to Onboarding - 新成員的起步三要領【英语研讨会】 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Active Nutrition to Activate your Business
Active Nutrition isn’t just the future of USANA—it’s your introduction to new sales tools. Learn how to drive sales and grow your business sharing this new line of products through social media, monthly promotions, and your Personal USANA Website. You’ll discover the health benefits of Active Nutrition and how to promote 28-day programs and build a community.
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Active Nutrition to Activate your Business - 開暢事業的暢活營養【英语研讨会 】 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
Relationships for Retention
Community is key to nurturing and retaining your customer base. Keeping your customers and team connected helps to create a dynamic USANA business. Plus, it’s a lot of fun working with and uniting your USANA family! Learn how to conduct virtual trainings and events—ideal for building a committed team for the long term.
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Relationships for Retention - 人際關係與顧客留存 【英文研讨会】 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited
The Dos and Don’ts of Digital Advertising
Social media is your most powerful tool to reach, engage, and retain a dynamic customer base. Learn how to leverage the best practices of digital advertising and activate your social media to grow your USANA business. Gain new strategies to take your business to the next level with your first digital ad campaign using USANA’s digital sales tools.
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The Dos and Don’ts of Digital Advertising - 数字广告的注意事项【英文研讨会】 Shailamei Andave@WayUnited