Borderlands Bloodworks
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Borderlands Bloodworks, .

Azatar Item Conversions
For those who have items from the Borderlands Bloodworks shop. We will be offering the same sort of thing we have done for seekers. Converting the staffs, wands, spirit boards, rings, converters, anything that was made through the shop.
So basically, seeker sessions and item sessions for those who already have them from Borderlands Bloodworks. No new ones will be made. So, item conversions are currently only applicable to past clients.
We are only able to do it for Borderlands Bloodworks items at this time. All of those seekers and items were tied in with and through the Athranaak. They have the capacity to move through 4th to 5th.
A full session and overview are done on the items like we do for seekers. Each session is customized towards the item.
We do NOT know exactly what item it will become BEFORE we do the session. This is why there is also an overview to explain what it is, and how it connects with your player character.
The session is done first, and then the overview is normally done the same day or the next day, so the lore can propagate.
Borderlands Bloodworks Items to Azatarian Conversion
Item Session and Overview Combo
(Price includes both the session and the item overview)
Ring Conversion - $200 USD
Talisman Conversion - $200 USD
Wand Conversion - $225 USD
Necklace Conversion - $225 USD
Athame Conversion - $250 USD
Converter Conversion - $275 USD
Spirit Board Conversion - $300 USD
Staff Conversion - $350 USD
We will need a photo of you and a photo of your item. Let us know any other details about it. Also let us know any side and gender preference you have.
*We cannot guarantee an exact match up of your preference, especially if you want hybrid. Sometimes it will convert into an item you NEED more rather than your currently prefer. However, it is nice to know what direction you would like.
Payments - Be sure to message when you order.
(Ashamorah Bloodrose )
Contact me on messenger if you have any questions.

Azatar Sessions for Pets and Seekers
There are Azatarian sessions available for both your seekers and your pets. All seekers and animals will eventually be born as creatures in the Azatar, but it can be totally random depending on the animal.
Some may want to get that conversion started now and also have the animal be soulbound to their player character as a permanent companion. This way they can already start helping you to spread your power base and help terraform your area to your side.
Normal Seekers and Oddity Seekers
An Azatar Seeker Session is similar to the Azatar Infusion, but for seekers. This will switch over the seeker from 4th age to Azatarian in your personal side of Arcane, Nature, Holy Light, Fel, Necromantic, or Void Shadow. We can also hybrid them between two.
Azatar Seeker Session (Seeker equivalent to Azatar Infusion) - $100 USD for regular seekers and $150 USD for oddity seekers.
You can then get an Azatar Overview for your newly reformed companion. An Azatar Seeker Overview is $75 USD. This tells you what sort of Azatarian creature they are and their description. We can also tell you what level they currently are and what abilities they have.
Living Pets
As for Living Pets that you currently have, the equivalent Living Pet Session would be $150 USD. A Living Pet Overview $75 USD. You can choose what side they will be on, or can be hybrid. I recommend using your same side, and if hybrid, anything that would not conflict with you.
Deceased Pets
If you had a living pet that is now deceased, that you still have a photo of, we can treat them like a normal seeker, at $100 USD for the Deceased Pet Session. $75 USD for a Deceased Pet Overview.
This will cause them to instantly become your Azatarian companion, but they won't have a physical body yet at this time.
PREREQUISITE REQUIREMENT FOR ANY SEEKER or ANIMAL SESSION: This can only be done for people who have already had an Azatar Overview and Azatar Infusion, that way we can bind it directly to your Azatarian player soul.
If you do not have these prerequisites we have nothing to bind the seeker to. We cannot soul bind an Azatarian seeker companion to a 4th format person.
WHAT WE NEED: A picture of you, a picture of your pet or seeker, their name and current gender, and any requested side details.
Payments - Be sure to message when you order.
(Ashamorah Bloodrose )
Contact me on messenger if you have any questions.

Here is a more organized list of what I offer set on focusing from the past and also looking towards the future.
These sessions focus on who you have been to who you are right now. These include your true self through this past age as well as any past lives.
IG Session $150 USD
Includes a description of your True Self and answers for up to 3 questions. Great for connecting with your past self.
Incarnation Destruction (comes with two activation chants) $300 USD
Clears away human essence to make room for your spiritual connection with your true self.
Core Fusion (comes with activation chants) $300 USD
Combines your core with your true self at the Midgard incarnation level. This cannot be separated.
Physical Spiritual Connection Tune-Up $200 USD
Repairs any disconnects between your physical and spiritual bodies.
Spiritual Points Alignment $150 USD
Alignment of the spiritual points for your heart, mind, soul, and body. Helps you be in sync physically and spiritually.
Past Prep Complier Chant (Level 3 chant) $300 USD
Integrate all your past in a way to prepare your body, mind, heart, and soul for the future. It will work through all your past experiences and help prep your body for what is to come. Like a compiler.
Past Life Readings $200 USD
Up to three past life descriptions. Any additional life descriptions added on are $50 each. Midgard lives only.
Borderlands Connect $500 USD
Contacting someone who has already passed.
These sessions focus around developing yourself further into the future. This includes all the sessions and rituals which involved the Azatar.
Step One: Azatar Overview $200 USD
Includes your current name and status.
Step Two: Azatar Infusion (comes with booster chants) $450 USD
This is like a unification and core fusion in one, but with your Azatar self.
Step Three: Azatar Enhancement $200 USD
This does further infusion of your abilities and racial traits into your mind and body. This helps your physical and mental development into more fully Azatarian. You may repeat this session as you feel necessary to enhance and boost through your development.
Azatar Follow-Up $120 USD
This is a follow up for those who have already had a full Azatar Overview. This goes further in depth to your Azatarian self as well as your race and side. It is basically a continuation of an overview, a part two, part three, etc... This can be repeated to gain further insights as often as you'd like.
Side Specific $200 USD
There are also side specific sessions including Necromantic Stitches, Fel Gorge, Arcane Befellowment, Nature Purge, Holy Righteousness, and Void Shadow Spelldur.
These connect you in further depth to Necromantic, Fel, Arcane, Nature, Holy, or Void Shadow sides and energies. It is stronger than an affinity, and more like a baptism. You may get a repeat session of this no more than once a month. And yes, you can order from any side.
These apply any direction.
Divination Reading $150 USD
Bodily Unnatural & Negative Energy Cleansing $150 USD
Home Unnatural & Negative Energy Cleansing $150 USD
Custom Rituals
Want something that is not on the list? We can customize something for what you want to accomplish. Ranges from $150 USD and up. This includes Curses, Hexes, Healings and anything else.
Item Enchantments $150+ USD each
Have an item or several items enchanted to custom fit your needs.
Custom Thothilssin Chants
You can customize affirmations or a description and a chant will be designed around this purpose. Level Ones are $100 USD, Level Twos are $200 USD, and Level Threes are $300.
Payments - Be sure to message when you order.
(Ashamorah Bloodrose )
Contact me on messenger if you have any questions.

2024/2025 Current Offerings
All my work is shown through photos, which I send via messenger. All rituals are custom designed to fit the individual.
Ritual Services
Incarnation Destruction (comes with two activation chants) $300 USD
Core Fusion (comes with activation chants) $300 USD
Azatar Infusion (comes with booster chants) $450 USD
Physical Spiritual Connection Tune-Up $200 USD
Bodily Unnatural & Negative Energy Cleansing $150 USD
Home Unnatural & Negative Energy Cleansing $150 USD
Spiritual Points Alignment $150 USD
Alignment of the spiritual points for your heart, mind, soul, and body. Helps you be in sync physically and spiritually.
Bond Call $150 USD
Custom Rituals
Want something that is not on the list? We can customize something for what you want to accomplish. Ranges from $150 USD and up. This includes Curses, Hexes, Healings and anything else.
Item Enchantments $150 USD each
Have an item or several items enchanted to custom fit your needs.
Custom Thothilssin Chants
You can customize affirmations or a description and a chant will be designed around this purpose. Level Ones are $100 USD, Level Twos are $200 USD, and Level Threes are $300.
Spiritual Physical Diagnostic $100
IG Session $150 USD
Includes a description of your True Self and answers for up to 3 questions. Great for connecting with your past self.
Divination Reading $200 USD
Azatar Overview $200 USD
Includes your current name and status.
Past Life Readings $200 USD
Up to three past life descriptions. Any additional life descriptions added on are $50 each. Midgard lives only.
Borderlands Connect $500 USD
Contacting someone who has already passed.
Payments - Be sure to message when you order.
(Ashamorah Bloodrose )
Contact me on messenger if you have any questions.
If you're ordering chants or rituals please message me here for new payment options.
Chants are available. Along with rituals such as core fusions please leave a message here if you are interested or have any questions.
I will be reopening my services for energy work.

I'm reopening my business for energy work at the moment.