Encik Planner

Encik Planner



Wishing all muslims Eidul Adha and happy holidays to all!

May Allah bless us all.. 🤲


After a whole day spent learning new things, it's time to relax and remind myself of how fortunate I am despite ongoing challenges I'm having..

Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal..

Nothing beats the calming atmosphere in the mosque. 🕌🤲


If Only My Dad Took Action 25 Years Ago, We Would Have Been Enjoying Aurora Lights Now In Iceland!

My dad, who is a sole breadwinner, only trust income generated from his salary. He doesn't dare to grow his money for fear of losing his money. 📉

However 25 years later, most of his peers frequently go overseas outside of Asia and he wonders how they manage to do that. He only realised that he had missed out a BIG chance that he should have taken 25 years ago. 💰

Now that he is 60, he told us - his children - that if we have surplus from our income, we should invest our money so we wouldn't miss the chance to enjoy Aurora lights when we are still young and have the strength to endure the pain of sitting long in an airplane. 🛩


I lost 78.6% of my total asset when I was 25 because I don't know these... 💸

I don't know that I need to have at least 6 months of cash savings before I start investing. 💵

I don't know that there are courses out there that I can learn to help maintain and increase my investment portfolio. 🧑‍💻

I don't know that there are halal investment that anyone can participate. 📈

But it's never too late to restart my investment journey again.

Now my investment almost reach 5 figure sum! The best part, I start from only $200! 💵💵

I know now what are the best investment vehicles are there out there now.

I know how anyone can start investing with low capital.

And how anyone can participate in a halal investment vehicle so you don't have to doubt about any returns you receive. 💰

If you don't want to go through all the hassle, talk to me! I can share you the way.. 🚸


I lost 78.6% of my total asset when I was 25 because I don't know these... 💸

I don't know that I need to have at least 6 months of cash savings before I start investing. 💵

I don't know that there are courses out there that I can learn to help maintain and increase my investment portfolio. 🧑‍💻

I don't know that there are halal investment that anyone can participate. 📈

But it's never too late to restart my investment journey again.

Now my investment almost reach 5 figure sum! The best part, I start from only $200! 💵💵

I know what are the best investment vehicles are there out there now.

I know how anyone can start investing with low capital.

And how anyone can participate in a halal investment vehicle so you don't have to doubt about any returns you receive. 💰

If you don't want to go through all the hassle, talk to me! I can share you the way.. 🚸


Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim friends and clients.

May Allah accepts our amal in Ramadhan and bless us all our lives!

And happy holiday to all..


It’s the start of a 10-day sprinting activities!

A once in a year chance to get up and close with The One & Only.

That serenity and tranquility of the night that rarely happen in a year.

This is it.

The time is now!

Let’s go for it!

It’s now or never.


Always Muhasabah and reflect what we have done so we can do better today.


#1 How to make $ by investing.

Hey guys! I’m starting on a new journey to simplify topics on money and finances.

If you have things to clarify, do DM me! Would love to hear thoughts about the topic.


Happy Lunar New Year to all my Chinese friends and clients..

May you have a prosperous and joyous year ahead!

Photos from Encik Planner's post 20/01/2023

[Part 2]

Inflation however is not totally a bad thing..

Because…. Read on..

Photos from Encik Planner's post 20/01/2023

[Part 1]

This is what I found out after 3 months in financial industry…

Majority of our community don’t know what causes the goods and services to rise over time.

Here are the simplified version of what causes it…


Yes. You will feel tired. If you work on all these.

It's meant to be. As this place is not meant to be ours forever.

Work on this. However it may suits you.

If you don't put the works, everything may run away from you.

And you will feel empty from within.

There you'll start to fill the vacuum, with all the things that is not meant for your life.

Then 1 day you will have this question...

"Why are all these happening to me?"

Not realising that it is you who unconciously brought all these into your life.

But again, everything happened for you. Not to you.

You decide how you see the world
.. and put in the work to have a better life.


Life will be meaningless if you have no goals to live by.

Goals can be,
Being happy with your spouse
Having enough to live by
Having a roof above your head

And it can also be,
Becoming a millionaire
Proud owner of Bugatti Veron
Staying in a mansion with a swimming pool

But ultimately, it's about having a peace of mind.

Being rich doesn't mean you have a peaceful life. You may be stressed with all the debts you incur.

Being famous too don't guarantee you that. With papparazzi and fanatical fans keep stalking on you.

Working 24hrs a day will give you more money but in exchange, you got to sacrifice your health.

At the same time, having enough may sometimes be not enough.

What's the point of being happy with your spouse but everyday you sleep hungry?

Or having the roof over your head but your partner is unhappy with you?

It's ying and yang.

Everything must be balanced.

Everything needs work.

And some of the work involves is, planning your life.

Have you made plans on how to live your life?


Just 1 step further... That's all it takes.


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 22:00
Thursday 08:00 - 22:00
Friday 08:00 - 22:00
Saturday 08:00 - 22:00
Sunday 08:00 - 22:00