The Harmfree Home

The Harmfree Home

The Harmfree Home
- Essential Oils
- Low Toxic Cleaning products
- Natural make up
The perfect way to live a happier, healthy life

Photos from The Harmfree Home's post 24/07/2021

That DREADED time of the month...

Well atleast it used to be.

Now I can happily say I have moved on from using toxic tampons and plastic pads..

To a much safer and more sustainable period undie from

It has been the best investment to my self care and self love by far..

Go do yourself a favour and make the change,
Learn to love your body and everything that it does,
Embrace your cycle


Throw back to 4.5 yrs ago when my beautiful baby got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes..

Our whole world turned upside down..

It was the biggest life adjustment we have had to face ..
Nakiah tackles her diabetes day in and day out and we are thankful everyday that she is still here and we haven't had any major complications yet ๐Ÿคž ..

Photos from The Harmfree Home's post 12/06/2021

Shhhh... Let me tell you a secret
This whole outfit is 2nd hand ๐Ÿ™Œ
This dress was $7 from a thrift shop
This beautiful jacket from i got 2nd hand online for 1/2 the original price
And my shoes are over 10 years old
I admittedly used to be so against thrift shops and 2nd hand clothes, I felt embarrassed by walking in them and I'd never buy clothes 2nd hand from anywhere but today I am happy to say that about 70% of my wardrobe is from the above:)
I thrive on a good find at a thrift shop. I go crazy over the amazing 2nd hand clothes people are getting rid of and I am making my mark on this world to stop fast fashion
Clothes are one of the worlds largest wasted items and fast fashion is beyond a joke.
Its kinda ironic that I did a degree in design specialising in fashion and I have gone down a total different career path because I saw how damaging it is
There are so many different ways to get 2nd hand clothes or how to even use your unwanted clothes for other purposes. Just think before you buy something brand new, try not to chuck clothes out, keep them until they are completely broken and unwearable, send your old clothes to thrift shops so other people can get use out of it
@ Hazelbrook, New South Wales

Photos from The Harmfree Home's post 31/03/2021

It was recently Nakiahs 4year diaversary and it has been one hell of a ride.

We have had numerous hospital trips, lots of highs and lows plenty of screaming matches, tears from us all and have tried and tested many machines and insulins to try and find the right ones to suit Nakiahs needs.

But despite all of that this girl is my superhero ๐Ÿฅฐ She wakes up every morning ready to tackle the day.

So every now and then I like to spoil her by letting her bling out her machines. ๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿ’–

Everybody meet
Cleo - the magical mermaid pump &
Grace - our fingerprick saviour

I hope one day they find a cure for this horrible disease but we will continue to tackle it like bosses.

Diabetes can go eat a 'beep'..... @ Hazelbrook, New South Wales

Timeline photos 21/01/2021

Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray and Soak.

Young Livingโ€™s Thievesยฎ Fruit and Veggie Soak is the best way to safely clean your produce without having to worry about lingering additives, synthetics wax or dirt! As you soak your fruits and veggies, it effectively cleans with the power of three exclusive essential oil blendsโ€”DiGize, Thieves, and Purification. When combined with the other naturally derived ingredients, like Decyl glucoside, produce is easily and conveniently cleaned.

Decyl glucoside is the plant-based surfactant used in many Thieves products. It is a plant derived ingredient used to effectively remove dirt wax and other surface impurities.

To use, just add Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak to a basin of water, soak for a few minutes, scrub (if needed), rinse, and enjoy eating your fruits and vegetables as nature intended!

Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray is great for single use servings or when you are away from home. It is small and portable for convenient use at home or school. The convenient 2 oz. spray bottle fits in a purse, backpack, or carry-on, making it easily accessible. With just a few spritzes, you can quickly and efficiently clean fruits and vegetable no matter where you are.

Even if youโ€™re buying organic produce, a fruit and veggie was will help clean your product from wax, dirt, and other surface impurities. You never know who has touched your produce at the store!

Unless youโ€™re buying exclusively organic fruit and vegetables, thoroughly washing the produce you buy is pretty important. Many research studies say that insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators can build up in the bodies of children and adults.

And to think I never used to wash my fruit ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ i am so lucky to have these amazing products at my fingertips.

Timeline photos 20/01/2021

Self Love...

One thing I promised myself this year was to learn to love and accept my body the way it is.

After having Lotus ( baby number 2 ) my body did not return back to where I would of liked it too, and it has taken me almost 18 months to start realising that this is OK!

Stretch marks are there to remind you that our bodies do amazing things in order to carry a child, for me fat is there as a reminder to eat healthy and excercise, no matter if you are skinny or curvaceous, tall or short, have big b***s or have no b***s ( like me ๐Ÿคฃ ) you ARE beautiful...

I hate that we live in a society where girls are judged, bullied, criticised for not fitting a criteria because the world has made their own image of what beautiful should look like.

I'm scared for what the future holds for my girls and the tears they might shed but I know what I can do now is make sure they know that they are beautiful, and be kind to others, no judgement on how someone looks because the world will be a better place when we can fix this.

I am starting by loving myself, ALL of ME!

I am starting by being grateful for the body I have been given and the gift I have had to carry my children, to allow them to grow inside of me and to be able to birth my baby's ๐Ÿ’–

Timeline photos 12/01/2021

Face Routine...

There has been one part of my body I have always looked after and that has been my face. I have always had compliments on how nice my skin looks and what do I do to keep it like that

Up until a few months ago my face routine included harmful chemicals and fragrances that were being soaked into my skin and bloodstream... SCARY right!!!

Now my face routine is completely low tox, plant based and all natural and my skin has never looked and felt better.

It is super important to know what you are putting on your face and what chemicals and fragrances are hiding in your products.

It isn't law that companies need to tell you exactly what is in their product and can call it eco friendly, green and natural without it being 100% true. Too many companies get away with greenwashing and I'll be the first to put my hands up and say yes that was me, I fell for that...

Here are the products I now use on my face ๐Ÿ™Œ

- Mirah cleansing oil by Young Living
This cleanser is AHmazing, and the best part about it is you can stick it directly over your make-up and cleanse and wash it off all in one go.
I use this 2-3 times a week.

- Satin Facial Scrub Mint by Young Living
If you want a refreshing hit to your face while wanting to cleanse your pores this is the perfect product.
I use this 2 times a week.

- DIY Face Serum
I make this using Frankincense, Lavender Copaiba & Blue Tansy essential oils combined with jojoba oil. It is the perfect combination for any skin and leaves my face feeling soft. All these oils give your face everything it needs to stay moistened, hydrated and keep a beautiful complexion.
I put this serum on every night after my shower.

- Rose Quartz Facial Roller and Gua Sha
I have only been using this since Christmas but I'm loving them. It is increasing the blood flow, smoothing my skin and decreasing puffiness around my eyes.
I use this every night after I have put on my face serum.

Photos from The Harmfree Home's post 05/01/2021

Natural Perfume...

One of the biggest hormonal disruptors in women is perfume. A daily fragrance that thousands of us wear and apply directly onto our skin.

It is then absorbed into the skin, breathed in by our children and is doing way more damage then you think!

Making the switch to low tox means I get to make my own perfumes..

With hundreds of oily combinations i can now make safe & natural perfumes and at a quarter of the price PLUS look how pretty they can be!

Here are my top 5 perfume combinations

Ylang Ylang 10
Patchouli 8
Grapefruit 8

Frankincense 10
Ylang Ylang 8
Lavender 8

Joy 12
White Angelica 8

Stress Away 12
Lemon 8

Valor 12
Frankincense 6

All made in a 10ml roller bottle & topped with liquid coconut oil

Timeline photos 04/01/2021

Introducing ME...

I thought it would be suited to do a post about me, to introduce myself to my new insta followers and why I created the harmfree home...

My name is Annalyse Fisher, I'm 26 years old (27 in April)
I am a mum to two beautiful,cheeky, outgoing full on girls (Nakiah 6 & Lotus 1).
I have a loving partner Bjorn who I have been blessed to be with for the past 5 years..
For 2 years now I have been extremely lucky to call the Blue Mountains my Home after buying our first house there...
I started my low tox journey with Young Living in July 2020....
Reason being I wanted a better environment for me and my family, a place where we are not surrounded by harmful chemicals that are going to effect our health. It also gave me a purpose, a reason to educate myself and start on this crazy self care journey.....
I created the harmfree home page so I can educate and inspire other people out there who want to live a low toxic lifestyle......
Nakiah has had type 1 diabetes for almost 4 years and its been one hell of a journey, her health has always been my main priority and if I can educate her and use natural products around our home I know I am taking the right steps in ensuring she will live a long happy healthy life......
Lotus is my little wild child, my true blue mountains baby, a little hippy at heart who will now grow up the all natural way.......
I have a bachelor of design specialising in Fashion but have high anxiety when using my machine because uni was a terrible stressful experience ........
I currently work in hospitality part time as a waitress and cook.........
I have a crazy obsession with Dream Catchers, I have around 20 in my home, a giant tattoo of one on my back and this has to be my favourite Young Living essential oil to date

Timeline photos 31/12/2020

'La vie est belle'

Timeline photos 30/12/2020


Our home away from home has always been down south.

For as long as I can remember I have been coming down here with my grandparents and my dad..

Its my calm, my peace and my future...

My home is anywhere that these 3 are. They are my home, my happy place, my life....

Timeline photos 26/12/2020


I'm ready for you!

I'm ready to tackle my demons

I'm ready to focus on self care

I'm ready for a year of growth

I'm ready to kick 2020 to the curb

2021 will be my year and I won't let anyone stop me...


Timeline photos 25/12/2020

Merry Christmas from my grinch squad ๐Ÿ’– Hope everyone is having a magical time and making the most of seeing those who we can ๐ŸŒฒโ›„

Timeline photos 16/12/2020


It has been one hell of a year to start school but I'm so proud of Nakiah and how far she has come.

You have achieved so much this year and I can't wait to see where that brain of yours takes you..

I love you my not so little girl...

The world is your oyster....

Timeline photos 09/12/2020

Taming those toddlers & tantrums with the perfect TRIO....

One thing I love about essential oils is being able to support my daughters wellness and ever growing emotions and changes she is facing as she gets older.

I have found that these 3 three roller blends have been the perfect go to. Its super easy to grab them and roll on when needed, and better yet Nakiah can be involved and is learning how to appreciate natural products.

Emotions - 6 Valor & 3 Frankincense
Roll on wrists and take a deep breathe in.

Sleep - 5 Rutavala & 3 Lavender
Roll onto the bottums of feet before bed.

Relax - 6 Peace & Calming & 4 Lavender
Roll onto back of neck and temples.

All topped with liquid coconut oil

Timeline photos 06/12/2020

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I have ended up where I needed to be"

Timeline photos 06/12/2020


This weekend we took our caravan away for the very first time and to say the girls were excited would be an understatement!!

I love that we can pack up our caravan and just go.

We live in such a beautiful country and I can't wait to explore it more with my little family ๐Ÿฅฐ

Here's to the first of many adventures and the many many more to come

Photos from The Harmfree Home's post 29/11/2020

Looking for the perfect giftset for teachers, or a thank you present to your boss. I am doing little bundles like this available from now until Christmas ๐ŸŒฒ comment below or msg me if you are interested

Timeline photos 26/11/2020

To say I'm obsessed is an understatement ๐Ÿ˜

Loving my new roller ball necklace from Young Living.

Now I can have a natural perfume on the go at all times..

I never thought I would give up my bottles of perfume but after realising the damage it was doing to my body and to my girls when they breathed it in from a simple hug I knew I needed the change...

Not only is it natural, but its so affordable! And endless possibilities of new scents๐Ÿ™Œ

Some of my favourite perfume roller blends (10ml)

10 Valor
7 Peace & calming
5 Lavender

10 Stress Away
6 Lavender
6 Frankincense

Spring time
10 Ylang Ylang
8 Lavender

10 Joy
10 White Angelica

Fresh Floral
10 Ylang Ylang
8 Patchouli
8 Grapefruit

Christmas Spirit (Pumpkin Spice)
10 Thieves
8 Orange

I top them all with liquid coconut oil ๐Ÿ˜

Timeline photos 17/11/2020

Girl Squad...

While the world was full of kaos I found myself my soul girl, my oily bestie and I think the universe has found the sister I never had.
It scares me how alike we are and I love that our girls get to grow with each other.
Days spent with you are full of love & laughter & occasionally drinks and stupidity haha.

Never stop being you.

Timeline photos 02/11/2020

Essential Rewards...

Most of you by now have probably heard me talk about essential rewards or my monthly wellness box and that's for a good reason because it is the most cost effective way to start detoxing your home and have it delivered straight to your door.
No more greenwashed products or standing in line.

You can totally customise your order and replace those everyday items in your household like toothpaste, body wash, laundry liquids and soooo much more...

Not only can you replace products you would buy at your local grocery store but you can get yourself FREE products and earn a % back on every order that you can redeem later for other products.

As if this doesn't sound like the best rewards program..

You can sign up with your starter bundle and get onto essential rewards straight away earning 10% back immediately, the longer you are on essential rewards the higher the % gets
You can cancel your essential rewards at any point for no exit fee.

If you want to start detoxing your home and think that essential rewards is the best way to do it message me and let's have a chat and get you started on this low toxic journey with me...


Christmas is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate with your friends & family then with an oily party ๐Ÿ’– Wether you want to do it in person or as an online class, get your girls together, have some wine & nibbles and let's explore Young Livings Starter Bundle and how 12 essential oils can change your life & even better you will all get to make a 5ml Roller of choice.
To host a party contact me for some more details ๐Ÿ˜


This Wednesday @ 8PM myself and a few girls are hosting a ditch & switch class. This is the perfect online class to get an insight of how to go low tox and to see exactly what products we can offer you.
If you would like an invite comment below :)
Invite 3 friends on top and you will receive a 5ml roller perfume ๐Ÿ’–

Photos from The Harmfree Home's post 16/10/2020

The Christmas Catalogue has arrived ๐Ÿ˜ there are so many amazing deals available from Young Living.
I will be doing 1 more order this month if anyone is interested in making a purchase please let me know :)

These gifts will not last long..

Can't wait for Christmas, it's my favourite time of the year ๐ŸŒฒโ›„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ


When you purchase a starter bundle through me I offer these little welcome packs, not because I have to but because I want to get you off the ground straight away :)

Each pack is designed to help you start using your oils or cleaning products right away. They are the first step to experimenting with your product, creating your own DIY's and simply getting the best experience from your bundle.

Young living has changed my life and opened my eyes to a much healthier lifestyle. If you think that this is the change you've been looking for I would love to guide you and have you part of my team ๐Ÿ’—

If you have any questions on how to purchase a bundle or to start your own business through YL please don't hesitate to msg me

I have 6 of these bundle ready to go ๐Ÿ™Œ



To the 3 people who make me who I am today, know that I always love you even when I'm mad, know that I will care for you even when I can't care for myself.
Know that I'm listening even if I'm not showing it, I will always be your shoulder to cry on and your best friend when people let you down.

I love you all more then you know and am so glad the the universe chose me to be your mum and partner ๐Ÿ’–

All that I am doing i am doing or you.



Self Care September ๐ŸŒผ

One thing I've noticed is that self care & self love require lots of focus.

On the few occasions I get to focus on myself this blend has been uplifting and inspiring. Highest potential with the power of blue cypress & other essential oils it creates an empowering aroma to help support my dreams & goals.
Peppermint is that energy kick that i need.

This blend is perfect for those afternoon study or homework sessions or diffuse while cleaning to keep you motivated and focused on the end goal.

Roll on neck & temples or diffuse this blend with half the amount of drops ๐Ÿ˜Š


Self Care September ๐ŸŒผ

As a child one thing i loved to do was read, and one of my biggest regrets was growing out of it.

I think reading and books are so important in self growth & care, it opens up a word of imagination and deepens your mind to the world around you. Wether you are reading fiction or non-fiction, a biography and article you are exploring and learning while doing so.

Since being on the self care & low tox journey I have made a promise to myself that I will read one book a month. These are the books I have bought thus far in order to inspire and educate myself to help in personal growth & success for my little business.

I want to be able to pass on my knowledge and skills to anyone who wishes to be apart of this journey as well as to my children.

This month I am reading ' How to win friends and influence people ' by Dale Carnegie.
I am almost finished and it is so incredibly inspiring the little way we can change our manor in order to become a better person and successful in the path we choose to take. This doesn't only help me with my business but in everyday life, my favourite principle it has taught me is to smile ๐Ÿ˜Š
A smile can be such a powerful thing to yourself and others.

So I want to know what your favourite book is & why?


Self Care September ๐ŸŒผ Day 24

Anyone who knows me knows that I have always suffered from extremely dry lips my whole life, Wether it was from licking my lips as a kid, to wind burn or simply just lack of moisture.

It is something that I've always been so self conscious about because there is no where to hide when its on your face.

I have tried numerous lip balms & different products and spent hundreds of dollars and nothing has worked until I used this.

After using young livings poppy seed scrub only a few times I have already noticed a difference. It leaves your lips with a smooth conditioning layer and exfoliating that dead skin off your lips is just as important as exfoliating the rest of your body.

Hopefully this can help boost my confidence and keep my lips feeling and looking luscious ๐Ÿ˜š

Photos from The Harmfree Home's post 24/09/2020

Self Care September ๐ŸŒผ Day 23

This is the perfect oil to soothe all your muscle tensions and aches. Panaway is a favourite amongst all oily women and men.

With a cooling & refreshing scent use panaway to uplifting during moments of exhaustion. Dilute panaway in a roller and apply to neck and back anytime for a soothing and stimulating aromatic experience.

My oily man loves to use panaway on his lower back especially after a hard day at work. Being a tradie he is forever putting his body through strenuous activities and now where at ease knowing he can use an all natural product to help ease the pain.

Add a few drops to your bath alom with some Epsom salts and watch your body soak up all the goodness.

We all need panaway in our lives ๐Ÿ˜Š

Swipe left to see my Muscle Roller blend so you can maximise the effect of Panaway ๐Ÿ™Œ