Mayner Hempapedic

Mayner Hempapedic

H**p is cleaner, stronger & more comfortable than cotton. Mayner H**papedic mattresses feature carbon

About H**papedic

Mattresses have recently become the Styrofoam cup of the world, a disposable, dubiously sourced, and environmentally catastrophic product. We at Mayner H**papedic have decided to do something about it. H**papedic was born out of the company's desire to clean up the dirty supply chain that consumers are unwittingly forced into. Funny ads and cool digital marketing are what mattress companies rely on for diverting attention to what really matters - transparency on the impact that their mattresses have on the environment. Mayner H**papedic is lifting the curtain and shining the light on the mattress industry. Our vision for an ethically produced mattress has three branches: Much cleaner and greener manufacturing than the norm, a non-exploitative working environment, and a mattress built to last for a longer, and therefore greener, life cycle.

Smell the difference! Today’s mattress companies are run by glamorous IT engineers who remind us through thousands of video posts how easy and fun it is to open up a rolled mattress, but these videos neglect the other two important senses we need to judge a mattress by, besides sight and sound. How does the mattress feel and equally importantly… smell? Yes, smell is one way you can judge the quality of a mattress and our team couldn’t understand that no one talks about it. The formula in producing foam varies from country to country, depending on how environmentally conscious regulators are in the region. Some countries use a whole arsenal of chemicals that produce the kinds of off gassing that you would prefer not to be smelling when you break open the bag of that mattress in a box. To make the decision more confusing, some domestic mattress companies use foam produced overseas. All mattresses will have that “new mattress smell,” but that smell should not come along with a sensation that your esophagus is burning! Demand transparency! Demand CertiPUR-US certified foams.
