A mission to collect soda can tabs to benefit Auxiliary Mount Sinai Hospital


Collecting can tops to purchase medical supplies for Mount Sinai Hospital

Montrealers Helping Montrealers

Photos from POP the TOP's post 04/12/2022

Please share this page. Open to everyone
Thank you
Yair Meyers


If anyone is interested in collecting can tops in their home, office or school please let me know
I can arrange a can delivered or picked up for collection


Anyone interested in collecting can tops in their home, office or school
Please let me know
I can arrange these beautiful cans for collection to be delivered or picked up.
Thank you


Thank you everyone for contributing to this.
Please spread the word that there are more cans available.
You can have a can for your house, office or school class room.
Please reach out

Photos from POP the TOP's post 28/11/2022

My late father-in-law was in a wheelchair in his later years and it was mentioned to my kids that if you collect can tops you can donate them to purchase a wheelchair.
They decided to do just that. They started collecting them among family members and made a pile by our Shabbat candlesticks.

I am not from here but after speaking with some Montrealer’s they told me that Mount Sinai collects them and does that exact same thing.
I got in touch with the Auxiliary Mount Sinai department and told them my vision and goal and they told me that they are not physically collecting them anymore due to lack of volunteers and most recently covid.

I asked them if my family can take it over and collect, sort and recycle on their behalf and all donations will be made to them. They 100% agreed.

With the help of a friend, we created a flyer and a label that I print and put on cans that you can have at your home or in your classroom and collect them there. Once you have a lot, I will arrange to have them picked up.
