

To provide best in class B2P and B2B Virtual Commerce , learning and payment network solutions


Virtual Reality:

Virtual Reality’s most immediately-recognizable component is the head-mounted display (HMD). Human beings are visual creatures, and display technology is often the single biggest difference between immersive Virtual Reality systems and traditional user interfaces

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Virtual Reality:

VR headset models are moving from computer and phone powered to standalone (no other device needed to jump in VR)

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Virtual Reality Fact:

There are 3 primary categories of virtual reality simulations used today: non-immersive, semi-immersive, and fully-immersive simulations

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Companies involved with the web 2.0 metaverse totaled $14.8 trillion in terms of market cap.

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Did you know?

- AR is 3 times more memorable compared to traditional non-AR media

- AR received 45% higher engagement than TV

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skmetasoft wishes everyone a very Happy Guajrati New Year! 😇

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Did you know?

- The first VR headset was patented in the 1960's and was named the "Telesphere MAsk" by inventor Morton Heiligh.

- VR isn't all fun and games - the technology is now being used in the healthcare to treat depression, amxiety and PTSD amongst other things.

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Did you know?

The term "Metaverse" was created in 1982.

In 2021 alone, Facebook invested $10 billion in the metaverse.

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Did you know?

The term "Metaverse" was created in 1982.

In 2021 alone, Facebook invested $10 billion in the metaverse.

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As augmented technology and virtual technology keep evolving, it can sometimes be hard to know which is which. Here are some definitions from the science and technology museum the Franklin Institute:

Virtual reality is an immersive experience in a completely simulated environment, excluding everything in the physical “real” world.

Augmented reality, on the other hand, doesn’t completely shut out real life — instead, it adds digital elements to a live view of the world, typically via a smartphone. AR technology is a bit more advanced than VR at this time.

Mixed reality (MR) combines elements of both AR and VR, and Extended reality (XR) is an umbrella term covering all technologies that enhance senses. It includes VR, MR and AR.

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Virtual reality refers to an immersive visual environment. It can refer to 360-degree videos, photos or product demos; or the more complex “headset” VR enabled by devices like the HTC Vive or Oculus Quest.

For retailers, the use cases typically either augment or innovate on in-store experiences, or digitally recreate the benefits of shopping in person.

Let’s look at some of the ways merchants are already using VR, as well as some of the potential for even richer applications in the next few years.

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The ecommerce industry is always evolving — just like retail more broadly and, of course, consumers. Implementing every new technology isn’t just impossible; in fact, it’s a bad idea to try. But so too is not keeping up with new technologies and thinking about ways they may benefit you in the future.

If as a merchant you want to provide a novel experience, create and strengthen relationships with your customers, and/or leave a lasting impression, virtual reality could be worth considering more closely.

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Virtual showrooms are one application for the technology, enabling customers to visit your virtual storefront online from the comfort of their home. Customers may be able to browse through clothing racks similarly to being inside a store. They could also meet with friends in the virtual world and shop together in real-time.

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Using a VR headset in your brick-and-mortar store can be beneficial in several ways. Maybe you have products with a lot of different configurations; a VR headset could provide a great way for shoppers to see the possibilities without having to store them all in your showroom.

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Though it might seem counterintuitive — especially while COVID-19 continues to spread — VR is actually a great tool to use in physical stores to give customers a memorable shopping experience.

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Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that employs pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to give the user an immersive feel of a virtual world.

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Augmented reality (AR) augments your surroundings by adding digital elements to a live view, often by using the camera on a smartphone.

Virtual reality (VR) is a completely immersive experience that replaces a real-life environment with a simulated one.

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Types of blockchain and their main purposes:

1. Public Blockchain
2. Hybrid Blockchain
3. Private Blockchain
4. Consortium Blockchain


Do you know how Blockchain works?

1. Transaction - A wants to send money to B

2. Block - The transaction is represented online as "Block"

3. Verification - Those in network approve the transaction is valid

4. Hash - the block then can be added to the chain, which provides an inedible and transparent record of transactions

5. Ex*****on - The money moves from A to B


Top industries that will be transformed by the Metaverse:

6 - Gaming

Several metaverse concepts, such as 3D avatars and world-building. And the key trend toward online, interactive and more immersive gaming will only continue.

5 - Education

Metaverse and blockchain technology gave a reliable way to leverage the students to explore even better opportunities that lay in the dark for so long.

4 - Real Estate

Global Metaverse Real Estate Market analyses the Metaverse real estate market poised to grow by $5.37 billion between 2022-2026.

3 - Travel and Tourism

Technological advancements leveraged not only the logistics- bookings, transfers, local cuisine, leisure, and entertainment, it facilitated an altogether unimagined avenue for the industry- virtual tours.

2 - eCommerce and Retail

Millions of people are already logging into existing metaverses on a daily basis, representing a major new channel for brands to tap into, from new revenue streams to organic marketing.

1 - Media and Entertainment

How we consume media content is certainly influenced by technology. From traditional media to social media and from live TV to online streaming, the metaverse is just another way to create and consume.
