The Stage in the Woods
due to covid-19 we need to come up with new and alternative ideas to keep live music alive! I bring
Free beer and football today

Help for Woodgrain, organized by Christopher Sneed Woodgrain was in a very serious motorcycle accident. The costs of his rehabilitation will be eno… Christopher Sneed needs your support for Help for Woodgrain
Ok stage family we got 2 more shows booked this year! Announcements coming soon!

Found on ground next to Keg. Ear piece tip is broke off. Prescription. Let us know if they're yours, they are in the house now.
Thank you to all that came out and supported the musicians... They do this for y'all!
Come on out y'all! Bands are already poppin'
Tomorrow people The first annual Kaufman County Music Festival! Appearing will be:
💥Steve Feemster
💥Allen Timpa
💥Sherri Booth
💥Hillbilly Moon
💥The Tresspassers
💥Kadie Lynn
💥Thin White Line
Remember free admission and BYOB!
Ok everyone bring your chairs, coolers, alcohol, children and yo asses out to ”the Kaufman County Music Festival ” this weekend, we have an immense line up of bad ass musicians and even nation recording artist as well as a ”America's got Talent” runner up Kadie Lynn and her amazing band will be gracing out stage!
Alright folks for our First Annual Kaufman County Music Festival we have a pretty amazing line up so far including Six Gun Sam, Thin White Line, Ryan Savallo Band, Kadie Lynn, The Trespassers, And Jimbo Moody! September 25 more details and artists coming soon, please spread the word!!
If any vendors who were set for the Pro Jam on the 10th are available for the rain date of April 24th please let us know.
Any new vendors interested for April 24th? Just send us a msg!
$50 vendor fee, no electric/no water.
Pro jam fest 2021 postponed to April 24th
Here's the schedule!
ProJamFest Artists
Noon: Welcome and Stage Protocols
David Aguirre 12:15 to 1:00
Travis Andrews 1:00 to 1:45
Greg Swint 1:45 to 2:30
Tami Hix 2:30 to 3:15
Monty Lamb 3:15 to 4:00
Arthur Anderson 4:00 to 5:30
Double R’s 5:30 to 6:15
Jeff Smithart and 1836 6:15 to 7:30
Six Gun Sam 7:30 to 8:45
Ryan Savallo Band 8:45 to 10:00
Thin white line 10:00 to 11:15

The reach is getting out there. Share this page and let's see how far we can reach!
Huge show announcement coming this week! March 27... save the date!