Jackson Haulage - VTC

Jackson Haulage - VTC

We are a new and up and coming family ran Virtual trucking company with the Hope's of becoming a rea

Photos from Jackson Haulage - VTC's post 29/02/2020

As we promised earlier here we have pictures of the latest creation from jackson haulage...named "Holly louise"

let us know what you think...

Photos from Jackson Haulage - VTC's post 28/02/2020

Well.. well.. well.. here we have another truck coming fresh out of the Jackson haulage workshop and she is looking mighty fine if we do say so ourselves 😍🚛


A sneak preview of our brand new outfit...

R730 twin tag on full air
4 axle kassbohrer

What more could you want? 😍🤙🏻

Theres a few more touches to add to the motor when there done we will show you some more detailed pics of the unit 👌🏻

Photos from Jackson Haulage - VTC's post 25/02/2020

Here we are guys...the first motor to leave the Jackson haulage stable. We're very proud of it as a first truck that's for sure!

Family is everything in our eyes so we decided to name this beauty after its drivers daughter...here we have JH46 AKJ (Amelia rose)

Watch this space to see what comes next for our line up.

