Lindsey Huskins - Journey to Health

Lindsey Huskins - Journey to Health


I’d love it if you’d follow my journey and reach out with any questions!


I almost forgot to make and post the “1 year ago” comparison.


My journey… 1 year ago today.
I’m not sure why I’m sharing this each week other than to keep myself held accountable! I never want to go back!


A year ago today, I was 3 weeks into my journey!


Last year this time, I had been on my journey for 2 weeks. I’m always happy to answer questions so feel free to send me a message.


Way to go, Angie! (And… check out that 5 pounds of fat she is holding!)

“I’m so happy I found this amazing program that literally changed my life. I lost 60 lbs over approximately 7 months. With the tools and healthy habits I’ve learned my future looks so much brighter!

In the second picture I’m holding what 5 lbs of fat looks like. Next time you say I’ve only lost 5 lbs….remember this picture!!”

Photos from Lindsey Huskins - Journey to Health's post 12/02/2023

As promised, here is my “one year ago” weekly update.
At this point in my journey, my energy had started to pick up!

Please reach out with any questions! I’ll be glad to answer them!

Photos from Lindsey Huskins - Journey to Health's post 05/02/2023

1 year ago today we were driving home from a Disney World vacation. 1 year ago today my health coach was texting me with information about the 5&1 health plan. 1 year ago today was my “night before day 1.”

As we go through this next year, I’m going to walk you through my health journey. Here are a few pictures - I didn’t take many - of me on our trip. Here, also, are the pictures my health coach insisted I take the night before my “day 1.” I did NOT want to take these pictures. And, I am still embarrassed to show them but, as a health coach myself now, I wouldn’t be doing anyone any favors if I didn’t show what this program has done for me.

So, here we go… 1 year ago!


Prepping some lean and green lunches for work this week!


🎉🎉5️⃣-0️⃣ lbs GONE!!🎉🎉🎉
AKA 200 lbs of pressure off my knees😮-- a big reason I looked into a change at age 30!
Starting Weight: 229.4 #
Today: 178.8 #
•Actually LIKE wearing jeans over leggings
•Boots fit over calves
•Can climb on and off my counter like a ninja
•No seat belt extender for an airplane
•Can bend over to clip my toenails 🤣
ALL amazing outward changes BUT the best change thus far is the inward one via the Habits of Health transformation system ...
•Habits Instilled
•New Outlook


Thank you for sharing your story, Ericka!

My Story: In mid January, I bought some jeans in a size that I honestly didn’t know were created for women and my world was thrown for a loop. Being overweight is a very normal part of my everyday reality and no longer want to continue with “normal.” I have found this awesome healthy lifestyle program and haven’t looked back! I’m down 53.5 lbs in 14 weeks and I feel so overwhelmed by this blessing! If I can make progress so can you, don’t let fear or complacency hold you back!


Meet. Get married. Learn to eat on a budget. Raise a kid. Weight gain. Life happens. How did we get this way? So thankful for our habits of health that laid out a simple plan that was just right for us. Together we lost 137 lbs and have changed our habits so we could break the generations curse.


Even in maintenance, I get so excited when a new box arrives!


This was me in Hawaii in January. I was so insecure with my body. My clothes were too tight, I was tired all the time, I was afraid to take my shirt off at the pool. I didn’t care anymore, I felt defeated. I thought I would be uncomfortable in my own skin for the rest of my life. Fast forward to now! I have a renewed spirit and energy! I’m mindful of what I eat and it doesn’t hurt to exercise anymore. I can take my shirt off in public and feel confident! This program changed my life! It wasn’t easy, there is no quick fix (Believe me, I tried all of them). NOTHINGS IMPOSSIBLE! Healthy mind, healthy body 🙌🏽❤️


I love Bonnie's story!

My name is Bonnie and I finally found something that works! In 2006 I was finally diagnosed with hip dysplasia. I spent the next 12 years in various stages of pain repeating the cycles of surgery, healing, deterioration, repeat. I gained weight with each repeating cycle. After my fourth surgery I was finally pain free for the first time in 12 years! In the year that followed I was able to regain some flexibility and tried different fitness memberships to no avail. In January 2019 I started the OPTAVIA 5 & 1 plan. In 3 months I have lost 32 lbs. and feel great. I sleep better, move better, and have more energy. Other members of my family are seeing similar results. I am working to lose another 28 which I never thought was possible.


Look at Becky!


January 20, 2019 was my big decision day. I decided to stop hiding, to commit to myself like I've committed to others my entire career, and to just "get 'er done!". The fire, and focus, and determination, and discipline that ignited in me that day are both mind-boggling and amazing; I thought they were all a thing of my past, and I was destined to just be "overweight" for the rest of my days. But, because of this program..."THEY'RE BAAAACK!" And the lifestyle, introspection, and lessons I've learned in the past 7 months apply to not only my physical being, but also to my psychological, spiritual, and emotional expansion and awareness.'s been a helluva journey, so far!!!
I ❤ my program, and I ❤ the new coaching opportunities now available to me to help others "get 'er done!", too!


In November 2019, I realized my health was not going in the right direction. It was nothing serious, but I knew if I didn’t make a change I would be visiting my physician more than just for annual checkups. At that time, I was close to my pregnancy weight. My mobility was becoming more challenging from pain in my knees, feet and joints. My Coach began to work first with my husband on his health goals of making sure he met military physical readiness standards. After seeing him transform, and witnessing our coach, her husband and son lose 100 lbs together in 16 weeks, I quickly jumped in. Y’all, it has been the best decision ever. I lost 4️⃣0️⃣lbs and my husband lost 2️⃣0️⃣lbs! We are now enjoying the way we look and feel. We were fresh on plan during the busiest time of year from November-January, when all the temptations are intense! Thank God for the simple system found in the Optavia program. When we worked all of the components work together we achieved the results we desired.


Here is Kim's story:
"In January at 288lbs I was in chronic pain, severely depressed, and not sure what I was doing with my life.
Now at the end of July I am 89 lbs lighter and able to live my life. I am so passionate about the program that I coach and want to pay it forward so others can live their lives to the fullest with me. Are you ready for a change?"


"My name is Janeen, and on January 22nd I made the decision to improve my health. I was on the verge of getting weight loss surgery, but decided to go a different route...and I'M SO GLAD I DID!! Since that day I have lost 60lbs. and several dress sizes! I have a ton more energy, stamina, and zest for life, and I feel so much better about myself. I am still on this journey and love to share it with everyone."


Wow. I 100% agree with everything Manny says! It takes work. It takes an investment. But it's so worth it! If you are ready to invest in your health and future, let me know!

"Change does not happen overnight. It doesn't come free. It doesn't come without sacrifice. AND it's NEVER permanent. You have to stay on top of it. You have to continue to pay a price, both financially and physically, but nothing good ever comes free, except of course salvation of the soul, which is received by faith and through God's grace.
If you've ever thought about getting your life to a good healthy place, now is a good time to start thinking about it. The new year is around the corner. It was this time last year when I started looking into this program. I pulled the trigger in January after researching it. I am so glad i took the chance. It will cost you something, but trust me, and I really mean this, IT'S WORTH IT!"


Yes!!!! I do see you, Nicole!!!

Do y’all see us?!✨
Last year we were new parents to our 2nd daughter, exhausted, overweight and unhappy. We took our family pictures sick, tired and in a season where desperate change was needed.
Fast forward to this year-y’all can’t tell us nothing!! DK and I are soo happy this year because we’re living our lives the way we pictured. We feel amazing, we’re closer than ever and our girls get the best versions of us! My GOD!! I’m a momma who didn’t know if I’d ever have enough energy or time to raise our girls and this year gave me both!
I told y’all awhile ago we weren’t going back and these pictures are the reminders of that promise!
Y’all can’t tell us nothing, we BIG FINE😜😜


I’m in disbelief that this is me! I used to ONLY wear A-line dresses with a loose skirt. ALWAYS had to have a loose bottom half to cover my wide hips and thighs. There was limited selection when trying to find flattering clothing when I was a size 18 and 70 pounds heavier. But here I am now wearing a tight, figure-hugging size 8 dress! Shopping and dressing up is so much more fun now 🙌🏼🎉


Back in mid-January, I was struggling. At 365 pounds, my weight was out of control and had very little energy. Just getting through each day was a challenge.... I needed help.
And I found it! I reached out to my aunt (whom I had watched go through her own transformation) and she shared her story and this wonderful program with me.
Fast forward not quite seven months and I’m down 100 pounds! I have more energy than I’ve ever remembered. I sleep better. I FEEL better.
My journey is yet ongoing, but with this program I know it’s just a matter of time.


I started my journey in January 2019. I had no idea when I started that my life was going to be changed physically and mentally. I lost 60lbs in 5 months and feel FANTASTIC!!!
I WAS a carb and sweets addict; I have tried SO MANY times to lose weight only to fail due to cravings and hunger. I would start off good every morning and I found that when I got home I would be tired and starving and go straight to the pantry to eat. Then my thoughts of failure and guilt took captive and I would sabotage the rest of the evening and think to myself I will start over tomorrow. This was a vicious cycle. I enjoyed working out but it was my NUTRITION that has always been my issue. I had to make a decision because I was tired of being overweight. I finally decided to take control of my health and stop letting food control me. I have learned YOU CAN’T OUT RUN YOUR FORK.
Before, I didn’t feel good about myself. I was always exhausted, my clothes didn’t fit well and I lacked confidence. Now I have gained my confidence back, I no longer hide behind my kids when we take pictures, I had to buy NEW clothes (BONUS) and I have the energy to play with my boys!
This program is DRASTICALLY different than anything that I’ve tried before because I can stick to it without cravings and hunger and the pounds disappeared without exercising! The best thing is, I have learned healthier ways of eating from this program and my kids are also learning to fuel their body as well. Quality food is required to fuel a healthy, long life. I am finally in control of my future and it feels AMAZING!


⬇️70lbs in 4 1/2 months 🤯
I told myself repeatedly I’ll start tomorrow, next week,next month, January 1st New Year New Me😞 Time passed and there was no change just the same old habits and excuses.
Not anymore!!! Those old habits and excuses are a thing of the past. Sometimes I cry 😭 cause I never imagined I would be where I am now. I have not only been transformed on the outside but on the inside as well 💪❤️🧠


I wanted to lose 50 lbs by my 50th birthday, which came and went. Then I said I’d lose 50 by 51, but that came and went too. Last July I finally made the decision and started this amazing journey. My goal was to lose that pesky 50, but I ended up losing 70. Last week I pushed myself, and this week I hit 75 lbs. I’m super pumped knowing that I finally exceeded my goal, and this weekend I’ll be celebrating 52 with more energy, mental clarity, a strong mind and body, and so much happiness. Age is just a number!


Back in December 2021, I was praying and wishing for a solution to my weight problem. I gained over 50 lbs during pregnancy and had not lost the weight for over 2 & 1/2 years!!
I saw my coach posting her transformation story after having her baby in the fall and by January she was back to her normal weight in a bikini on the beach! Here I was 2 & 1/2 years later still at pregnancy weight. I finally reached out to her at the end of January to find out her secret.
I took action in February and can you believe in 9 months I lost 100 lbs?!?
I feel so good inside and out!
I have a better quality of life because of this program.
My goals were the following:
1)Be comfortable to do fun things with my toddler daughter!
2)Be in pictures with her!
This summer I was able to go down so many slides at parks with her and it’s the best feeling ever!


Anybody out there waiting for after the holidays to get healthier? January 1st?
The left photo is from a Christmas party from a few years ago. When I’d finally had enough, I contacted my coaching friend and started getting healthier in OCTOBER!
I felt energetic, hopeful and successful all through October, November, December. The program made the holidays about the people not the food. I still ate yummy foods, but they are nutritious foods that helped me shed 50 lbs. I was already halfway to my goal by January! Then my husband wanted better health too and...the results can speak for themselves. 🥰🎉
Same Christmas party.
Completely different lease on life!


Listen to what Tamara has to say about her husband!

Today marks a huge milestone for my husband, Rick. In just under 7 months, he has lost 100 lbs and is only 3 lbs away from his goal! I am so proud of him. Lifestyle changes are not easy, but he has done amazingly!


Meet Lizette...The pic on the left was her birthday, back in March 2018. Overweight, no energy, unhappy, and simply “surviving”. Right after this pic was taken, she looked at her phone and her heart sank. That was the day she realized she had to make a change. The day she hit rock bottom. Thankfully, the day she decided to give it One More Try. Fast forward to the pic on the right taken two weekends ago, she’s now living her best life and feeling great!!
For anyone wondering if our program works, or if it’s for you? I will say this... Do you think YOU’RE at least worth a try? I sure hope so. 2020 is quickly approaching. Now, for two New Year’s in a row, Lizette know’s what WON’T be on her New Year’s Resolution list.💥 😜
45 lbs lost in 15 weeks and Still thriving!!! 💃🏻
It’s time to spread health like confetti on New Year’s Eve!!🎉🎊 Are you ready for 2020?!!


Almost 3 months ago I decided that I had to make some changes in my life. A healthy combination of depression and self hatred/disgust have been ruining my life for years. Of course, I wasn't helping myself out with the drinking, eating, and drinking I was doing, and I had no real hope for making anything better. Even though I had wanted things to be better, something inside was holding me back - really wish I could explain it better.
The decision to change (1st step) was extremely intimidating,
Within 3 days of starting the weight loss portion (2nd 1st step) of my new 'journey', I noticed some good changes beginning to come around. While I still have issues that I struggle with (drinking, mental, desire to overeat), the gains have given me hope for real enjoyment in living life - my family deserves that.
Good habits have to be built and reinforced before they become the 'muscle memory'. My new program, and coach, is helping with that.
If this moron can do it, anyone can!


When you lose 65lbs in 5 months, the last thing you want to do is gain it back. The program has made this incredibly easy to follow and I now have the healthy habits it’s gonna take to live the life I love!
This Christmas is gonna look a little different. It’s always the season for a healthy lifestyle!


Doesn’t this look great?

Chicken Parmesan Meatballs

Makes 3 Servings
Each serving: 1 Leaner | 1 Green | 2 Condiments | (Still need 2 more Greens and 1 Healthy Fat)


I will never forget how that girl on the left felt having to put on a bridesmaid dress that just didn't fit right. I felt bloated, unattractive, and my self esteem was plummeting. I tried everything under the sun to lose weight only to yo-yo the same 10-15 pounds over and over. Then I found my health coach and an amazing program that wasn't just about weight loss. You see, the biggest weight I needed to lose was the weight of my unhealthy mindset. I am so excited to be helping others create the life they want, not only in their physical health but more importantly in their mindset😍
Please don't hesitate to reach are just 1 message, 1 phone call, 1 decision away from a totally different life!!!


What do you see behind that fake smile? I see nothing but pain. It's amazing what you can hide behind a smile. I was miserable physically and mentally.
The comparison between my before and my after is amazing. Losing the weight has been huge but the mental clarity and strength I have gained has been even more so. I love the changes in my physical health but even more so in my mental health. I am so incredibly grateful for this program and the support of my Health Coach, Gina Goodbred.
This can absolutely be you. I have done this all just by eating and creating healthy habits for myself and my family.


I still can’t believe this is my new reality! I had tried every single diet out there and never had sustainable or visible results. I’ve been overweight for 20 years and had given up hope, but I kept hearing about Optavia, and I finally made the decision to “try one more thing.” BEST DECISION EVER!
I have been on this program for 18 months and I’m down 93 pounds!! I feel amazing and feel like my life is just beginning again! Still going strong & im never going back! 💪


What a difference a year makes! ❤️
New Years 2018 / New Years 2019
sara joined to loose 15lbs but went on to loose a total of 40lbs!
Her energy is over the top. Her workouts are so much better and she's seeing the results of all her hard work and commitment.
Her over health and well being is finally where she knew it could be!
At 54, she can honestly say that this past year has been a year full of beautiful transformations in all areas of her life.


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