RoxyFit PT

RoxyFit PT

Gym Based Personal Trainer
Online Coach
Nutritional Coach


Made a lovely lunch today!

Organic mushrooms and onions cooked in Tamari, sliced advocado on sourdough bread.

Salad with a honey and balsamic glaze.

Tyrells sea salt crisps 👌


What should my plate look like???

As above try and have a palm size amount of carbohydrates and bulk your plate out with your vegetables and protein 👌

Simple 🤷‍♀️


I just want to take a minute to thank each and every one of you that tag me in posts recommending my business and those that refer their friends/clients to me!
honestly means the world as i’ve gained three new clients alone this week just from that!! 💜💜💜


Let’s Talk Nutrition.

I’d go as far to say that with any health and fitness goal, your nutrition plays the biggest part at about 80% of what you do and how sucessful you are in achieving your goals!
You cannot out train a bad diet!

Personally I find a well balanced healthy diet is far more simple than you think, way too often we try to over complicate things and it’s really not needed.

Fill your plate with protein in the form of meat, fish, pulses etc
Vegetables- make your plate as colourful as possible each different coloured veg gives a different nutritional value!
Carbohydrates- complex carbs are best, wholewheat and whole-grains!

Struggling with portion size, NO!! weighing your food isn’t needed be sensible and if you are hungry bulk the plate with the protein and the vegetables!

Keep it simple and tasty by adding marinades, herbs and spices, keep everything homemade like salad dressings and sauces!

Within my Personal Training and Online coaching I Offer Meal Planning and Nutritional Support For All Needs!

Get In Touch For More Info!!!


2 spaces available on my online coaching programme, get in touch if you want in.

Limited Gym Based Personal Training sessions available.


Blessed to have the most amazing clients/friends ❤️❤️❤️


importance of self care!!

Let’s clear up one common misconception from the get-go: Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day!

Make time for it, it’s certainly needed!!!


Welcome to my RoxyFit page,

I just want to show a massive appreciation for those of you that have liked and shared all my posts, it’s pretty overwhelming the support I am getting from you guys.

Just an introduction into the services I offer,
If you need help and guidance in any of the services listed below please send me a message on Facebook or hit the WhatsApp button.
I really am here to help anyone that needs it.

Can’t wait to hear from you
RoxyFit ☺️
