Pig ‘n Stitch

Pig ‘n Stitch

Handmade non-medical grade masks, comfortable, safe and great looking! We have to wear them so we might as well look good doing it!

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100% cotton silver linings

When you hear the word pandemic a million things come flooding into your brain: panic, uncertainty and fear. For me it was all that and so much more. I am able to spend so much more time with my family, connect to the things that are important and I have found strengths, I didn’t even know I had. In March 2020 schools shut down, stores shut down, heck, pretty much everything shut down. My family found refuge in our home and for months we made quarantine into something special. We corona cleaned, we organized, we played games, crafted, found projects and enjoyed so much time together.

Time spent with family is precious, but I needed to feel more productive, I needed something to make our upside down world feel a little more right side up. So, I ordered a sewing machine. Pre-kids, when momming was not my fill time gig, I was the Director of Product Development at a wonderful toy company, and boy did I love my job there. With 20 years of soft toy manufacturing experience under my belt, I thought, this could be a fun way to help keep people safe. While I was not the one with a pedal under my foot all those years, in fact, I haven’t been behind a sewing machine since the 8th grade, BUT I do know the ins and outs of sewing.

The sewing machine showed up, I found a pattern that I loved and started cutting up sheets and old fabric from around the house and made masks, loads of masks to keep me and my family safe. Then I started making them for friends and neighbors and they wanted to actually pay! That is where Pig ‘N Stitch began. I needed a company name. So brainstorming with my two sisters, we named our little endeavor with a nod to our Mom and Dad who instilled in us a strong worth ethic, a love to create and the need to help. We miss them dearly and strive to continue to make them proud with every mask made.

We want you to be safe and confident every time you step out of the house with a Pig ‘n Stitch mask so we sew love into every mask. Wishes for healthy and happy days ahead.