Radical Ravens
We want to create new games that are inspired by legends.
Does anyone else see the similarity there?
Just for fun 🙂 enjoy!
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Today is Jules Verne's birthday.
Our dwarf DarkWalker and his owl Firefly is inspired by Silfax, a mysterious character from the Black Indies novel.
A hermit with an owl living for many years in a closed mine is an amazing character.
Bravo master!
What do you think?
Rate our rascal hero from 1 -10
Maybe new support for brothers?😎🔥🎇
GDWC competition ❤️🔥
The Parvificent Seven - Radical Ravens - GDWC - The Game Development World Championship The Parvificent Seven is a real time tactics game. Through a series of crucial events, the seven dwarfs become a striking force against crooked justice and in the end they must do against their will!
A je tu ...Pre-Alpha Demo! Vydali sme krátku ukážku z pripravovanej taktickej hry v reálnom čase The Parvificent Seven.
Pre zasvätených by sa dala označiť ako The Seven Dwarfs Commandos.
Hra ponúka sedem originálnych špecialistov a pre ich úspech bude spolupráca nevyhnutná!
Demo predstavuje dvoch bratov s mnohými prekvapeniami, ako je niekoľko druhov nepriateľov a zaujímavé environmentálne riešenia ťažkých situácií.
Pre-Alpha Demo:
Je to stále len Pre-Alpha Demo a nezodpovedá úplne našej vízii a technickým detailom, ale budeme veľmi radi, ak sa s nami podelíte o svoje skúsenosti, alebo tech. vylepsenia na diskorde.
The Parvificent Seven on Steam How did the seven dwarfs meet before Snow White appeared in their house? Real time tactics game with heroes like you have never seen before. Specialization, environmental advantages and cooperation. These elements make the game a real challenge!
Sedem trpaslíkov cestuje do Košíc na Game Days 2022!
Teda len dvaja - bratské duo zlodejov, ktoré si však vie poradiť z mnohými prekážkami a nepriateľmi.
⁉️ The Parvificent Seven je totiž Seven Dwarf Commandos ⁉️