
Whatever you do in life, it will be insignificant. But it is very important that you do it. Mahatma Gandhi

How nice it would be if, by some magic or miracle, completely forget everything that was, that has lived in recent years, forget everything, refresh your head and start again with renewed vigor. F.M. Dostoevsky

The doors that open and close in front of us every day decide our lives.

Life is neither suffering nor bliss. Life is a blank canvas, and you yourself have to be an artist in relation to it. Osho

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness. Chinese proverb

You have to fight yourself. Struggling - to win. Victory is self-affirmation. Self-affirmation is a force that helps you find the only true path to your happiness.

Never go back. There is no point in going back. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts were drowning. Even if it pulls you to where everything was still so cute, you never go there, forget forever what was. The same people live in the past that they have always promised to love. If you remembered this - forget it, you never go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, once they left you. They killed faith in the soul, in love, in people and in themselves. Live simply by living and even though life is like hell, look only forward, NEVER GO BACK ...

Waiting is painful. It hurts to forget. But the worst of suffering is not knowing what decision to make. Paulo Coelho