Tails That Tell

Tails That Tell

Adventures with Bean and all the furry friends we will meet and photograph along the way.

These are the bits & the pieces of emotions that fall out of me into image & into words create the unfolding tale of this wildflower, once rose. Her Wild Love, a story about falling in love with oneself & battling then healing from their demons. These excerpts, words & verses will be slowly compiling a collection fit for a book publication worthy of your hands to hold & eyes to read.


It snowed again. ❄️

We’re ready for spring already 😆


It’s almost spring, hold on just a little bit longer!!!


Springing forward is exhausting….
Who else wants that lost hour of sleep back???


Basking beautifully in the morning light ☀️

Photos from Tails That Tell's post 06/03/2024

My poor Beanie baby is sick.

Off to the vet to have her assessed this afternoon, taking in her snuggles in the meantime this morning.

Enjoy this photo of my girl hanging in the yard from a week ago, before the dumping of fresh snow and cold hit us.

Photos from Tails That Tell's post 22/02/2024

Registered and tagged
Bean is “officially” ours to care for!
She’s already loved SO much🧡🖤🤍


This is Maeby.
Mae was our first dog, the baby before we had any babies.
She was there when my babies came and left too soon, and when we finally brought them home.
She was there in some of the hardest memories we carry.
She was there in so many of the good.
She was oh so lovable.
She was with us for 14 year before crossing her rainbow bridge.
1.5 years later, she is still terribly missed.


So last night my youngest looked at a tik tok I posted of our little Bean (I’ll add it here later too), after laughing at the video he read the name of my page. “Tails That Tell….” He looked at me and then asked “tails that tell?” And promptly followed up with “That’s terrible!!!!”

I just about died laughing.

If you guys had any idea how much I agonized over a name and the torture I put some friends and family through choosing it…

The names I most loved were loved by many others, and I wanted something that was easy to look up and find me as opposed to 13000 other pet businesses.

Sooo….lay it on me… is he right???
I can take it guys, you can me 🤣
Is it terrible?

Videos (show all)

Beans first photoshoot  🖤🧡🤍my sweet little puppy dog girl, she brings me such joy!
Our first week together 🧡🖤🤍 🧡🖤🤍 #puppylove #puppylife #partofthefamily #newpuppy #yycdogs
