Anita's Camping

Anita's Camping


i love Camping


Off the skegness in the morning freda deserves a holiday as shes been left standing for seven monthes as ive been to ill to drive.


Author in Motion. Off camping in my bongo going into the Derbyshire hills for the second time this month. Only for a few days but so need the peace and quiet as I'm editing my next book. See you on Uppertown near Carsington. Hope the weather holds or gets better. Take care Anita

Photos from Anita's Camping's post 11/10/2023

A walk down the canal. I needed this has its been a long year of more downs than ups. I hope this autumn sees you in better health.


Author in motion with Vanita Bongo, my new van.
My first time in a Bongo Frieda.
A change of plans. Sorry to say I had to let my Kangoo Van go as she needed more work that I could afford, so now I’m planning my first trip in a Bongo Frieda, to Matlock, though close to home, but still out in the country. She’s not fitted out, but I can make do and mend with all the camping gear I’ve got, and the back seat folds down into a double bed. Both my sister and I need a break, with nothing to do, but yo admire the scenery. Health wise, neither of us have had a good winter. With a bed made up and all we need stowed away, including a sunshade, carpet and toilet, we are ready for the off. Though only a short trip to see how the van and ourselves cope. Hoping for good weather. No writing or editing for me, as I’m have three books ready to publish, so I’m taking a break and just resting.
More soon.

EcoFlow RIVER Pro 12/05/2022

I think ill check this out

EcoFlow RIVER Pro Wall outlets, solar panels, and more


Hi, Author in Motion here.
Away at carsington again on Uppertown caravan park and breathing in good clean air. I already feel better.
The views are superb and the weather is holding. If you fancy a good book and you are up this way look for the the silver van and pick up a bargin.


Away last weekend for a badly needed break and to visit Wirksworth bookfest. The weather was too windy to set up a stall so did not sell a book, came back to uppertown farm disappointed, but had a few visitors that cheered me up. One seemed to be reading the notice board. I wonder if he found it interesting.


Out in carsington at uppertown caravan park.
So peaceful and relaxing.

Escape to a different time and place with Anita K. Mills.
New Book out now. When the Blackbird Whistles
A Fantasy and Mystery in a new series. A Tale of Tralia
Check out my other releases the Chronicles of Tralia and the Debutant’s Mysteries series by clicking on the links below and if you like it, please share and please leave a review. Its an authours best friend.
Amazon Book link


Author in motion. Vanita's adventures have finially started.
Out at last. Staying on uppertown caravan park at carsington. Going to Bookfest at Wirksworth today. If you wish to meet me and buy a book look for the silver van.


Vanita's Adventures will return soon. She is awaiting a new facelift and then she'll be back on the road.
The Author in Motion will be on her way, writing more stories and with more books to sell for your Fantasy or Mystery delights.
So if you see me, stop for a chat.
Anita K. Mills
Escape to a different time and place with A.K. Mills.
Click on the links below and if you like it, share and please leave a review.
Amazon Book link


Haven't been out for a while not feeling to good. Hope to catch up with you all in the new year. Take care stay safe and a Merry Christmas to you all
