

Don't be afraid to share your story. We are here to listen. A Mental Health Promotion Campaign for everyone.



Health promotion campaign evaluation 21/07/2021

Hello, everyone!

Our health promotion campaign is coming to a close and we want nothing more than for us to know your progress in your recent days with us. As we know, our campaign focuses on you and your mental health, aiming to provide you the support and every information you need while sharing significant knowledge to everyone else.

So, we would like to ask for your cooperation and let us know your opinions, comments, insights, and recommendations for our health campaign. We love to know what we could improve for us to better achieve our goals and provide more effective and quality ways to help you.

We sincerely hope for your short amount of time to answer our evaluation tool below. Thank you very much and see you in our last chapter!


Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.

Health promotion campaign evaluation Hello, everyone! Thank you for your time in reading and taking part in the contents of our health promotion campaign focused on mental health. It would be of our great pleasure if you will evaluate our campaign for us to identify where we largely contributed as well as how should we improve on some....

Photos from Eunoia's post 21/07/2021

Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you, doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone - Lisa Olivera

Hello everyone!✨ How are you today? We hope that you are all doing great!

Are you aware of the different mental health services and hotlines available in our country? If not, then here’s a list of organizations that offer free counseling services online and via call to help you manage your anxiety, fear, and stress.

Remember that it is okay for you to seek help and reach out and that you are not alone in this journey. There will always be someone who is willing to listen to you and will understand you❤️

Our forum is still open for everyone! What are you waiting for? share your thoughts and stories now

Don’t forget to follow us on tiktok:

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.

Photos from Eunoia's post 20/07/2021

What's up, everyone? How you doin' today?

As always, we hope you're doing great! For the last three days of our health promotion campaign, let's seize the opportunity and finish this long journey together. For now, here's another set of wallpaper for you to enjoy and take it as a sign to rest.

Stay positive and always remember that you can do anything without a doubt! How do we know? Because we believe in you and we already know that you are already the best!

Just some words of thought, no matter what happens today or in the following days, what you do and what you are will always be enough. 🤍

Reminder, our forum is still open for you so come on and check it out!

Also, don't forget to follow us on Tiktok!

See you in our last two chapters together!

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.


Engage in Physical Activity to be Mentally Healthy! 💪🏻

We, at Eunoia would like to express our utmost appreciation to all of you whenever you guys like and share our posts to help our group to spread mental health awareness, so here’s another tiktok video that contains another coping strategies to start your week right! This strategy is very good for your mental and as well as your physical health. Remember that you should equally take care of your inner and outer self. ✨

Continue celebrating small wins and for making progress! 😌

Don't forget to follow us on Tiktok 🥰

See you in our next chapter 💚

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.

Photos from Eunoia's post 18/07/2021

Hey everyone, whats up? It's a beautiful Sunday right 🤍

To make it even more beautiful, here's another set of wallpapers just for you. Remember to always stay positive and believe that everything will be okay.

Need to express your feelings? No worries! Our forum is still open for your thoughts and emotions. If you're shy, it's okay! You can still read some of the messages of the people who already wrote on our forum!

The link is found below:

It's already our 7th day together. We are very proud of your progress! Keep it up and see you in our next chapter 🤍

Don't forget to follow us on Tiktok! We have something special for you tomorrow 😉

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.


Hello everyone! How are you doing?

Are you having difficulties handling stressful situations?
Do you experience panic attacks or negative emotions?

Let us help! If you want to learn more about mental health and coping strategies, then check out our infographics below!

Yup, there are several strategies to cope up with mental illness. Sooooo.... don't limit yourself to our shared strategies, just do whatever makes you happy!

Always look after your mental health, oki? 🤍

“Mental Health problems don’t define who you are. They are something you experience. You walk in the rain and you feel the rain, but importantly, you are not the rain.”. -Matt Haig

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”- Mahatma Gandhi

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Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.

Photos from Eunoia's post 16/07/2021

Hi everyone! Hope you are resting well~

Have you ever felt that everything happening around you is too much? Well, take a look at these aesthetic yet helpful wallpapers to brighten your day. Again these are free to download, save, and share for you to use 😊

We, at EUNOIA, want to help you through your journey and listen to your story. With this, please know that you are not alone and that we are here for you so visit the link below to share your story for your voice to be heard.

A Quote from Lori Deschene, “You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared, and anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person. It makes you human.”

See you in our next chapter!

Don't forget to follow us on Tiktok:

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.

Eunoia invites you to join a discussion on 14/07/2021

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Are you tired of holding it in? Do you feel like you wanna talk to someone to vent out, but the fear of being exposed or being judged by others is holding you back? Don't worry, we got you!

We created a discussion at Xoyondo, a platform where everyone is free to anonymously share their feelings, insights, burdens, and experiences, so that we can inspire, encourage, and lift up each other. So click the link below and don't be afraid to share your story, we are here to listen.

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.

Eunoia invites you to join a discussion on Eunoia set up a message board and invites you to join the disussion. It is free - no registration required.

Photos from Eunoia's post 14/07/2021

Hi everyone! How are you doin' today?

Do you need something to boost your motivation? Perhaps a healthy reminder to value your self-worth?

How about taking a look at these aesthetic wallpapers filled with words of encouragement that promote a healthy and positive mindset. Again, feel free to download, save, and share any of the following wallpapers below.

We, at EUNOIA want to spread awareness and reduce the stigma against mental health issues. You can use the link down below to anonymously share your thoughts, feelings, experiences and story in hopes that this will inspire and educate others about mental health. What are you waiting for? Let your voice be heard!

You can also follow us on Tiktok where we'll soon be posting some more amazing content! Ahem, we'll be posting starting tomorrow 😉

See you in our next chapter! 🤍

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.

Photos from Eunoia's post 13/07/2021

Hola! How’s our mind going?

Well, It’s definitely okay to feel empty, stress, sad, and angry, but just so Euno(ia), We’re all in this together! *insert music cue 🤧 * Kidding aside, for the second part of our journey together, here’s an infographic to let you know more about Mental Health. The infographic talks about Stress, Depression, and Anxiety. Feel free to share this post to spread mental health awareness to your friends, family, and loved ones.

A Quote from Fred Rogers, “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.”

We are hoping you get to smile more today and do things that you enjoy the most! Do not forget to use the link below to let the world know your story.

See you in our next chapter! 💚

Follow us on Tiktok:

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.



Hello! How's everybody doing tonight? Well, we love to make sure that all of you are doing great!

Have a look below and take a screenshot of the checklist we made for you! As you can see, it is full of self-care activities that we hope you do everyday. We encourage you to add your checklist to your Facebook Stories and show to the world the progress you made!

By the way, this content is also available in our Tiktok account. Before you scroll down, take a snap and share it to your friends. 🥰

Take time to unwind and recharge. Good night, everyone!

Follow us on Tiktok:

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.

Photos from Eunoia's post 12/07/2021


Hey, everyone! For the first part of our journey together, here’s something to remember. Noticed anything? That’s right! You are free to download any of these photos and apply it as your wallpaper. This way, you will always be reminded that you matter!
As we walk our path, think about your amazing stories you would like others to hear! Remember, this is your story, don’t be afraid to share it!

This is the first step of achieving EUNOIA. Feel free to save our wallpapers and don’t forget to use the link below to let the world experience your story.

Beautiful Thinking. Goodwill. Well Mind. Eunoia.

See you in our next chapter!

Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.


Beautiful Thinking. Goodwill. Well Mind. Eunoia.

Are you feeling anxious about your academics? Do you doubt yourself constantly? Does doing the things you love suddenly felt boring? Do you feel alone? Depressed? Have you thought about interacting with someone to relieve your distress?

No need to worry anymore because we, at Eunoia, will be here for you! We have all the messages, words of wisdom, knowledge, advice, and strategies you need to make you feel better.

In one to two weeks time, you will be able to see life differently! More importantly, with the experience you will have here at Eunoia, you will be able to keep a positive mind for someone who was in the same situation as you. So, what are you waiting for? Keep yourself updated and let's hear the stories of one another!

Don't forget to follow us to fully experience the positive journey we are about to embark together. See you tomorrow!


Disclaimer: Material produced serves as a final output of Group 6 for RS-HPM230 in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.

Videos (show all)

Engage in Physical Activity to be Mentally Healthy! 💪🏻We, at Eunoia would like to express our utmost appreciation to all...
Beautiful Thinking. Goodwill. Well Mind. Eunoia. Are you feeling anxious about your academics? Do you doubt yourself con...
