EbonyKa Essentials
The Divine Feminine Spirit Essentials

Sema.. Ka.. Maat

It's Ok... Thou Shall Not Sin By Excess Of Speech...

Divine Feminine Mobility Fusion
Every Wednesday 11:11am Start!
Express Your Divine Feminine Energy through Divine Rhythmic Movement, Affirmative Meditation and Flexibility Stretches.
Develop your Strength of Chracter, Discipline, Self Worth, Healing and Manifestation Powers Guided by the Kemetic Posture Principles and Values of the Ntru

Saturday Rising
Kemetic Yoga Workout
Online Weekly via Zoom
9:43am Prompt!
Join Basu SatAbti-Lea for a Health, Strength & Longevity producing posture series
KemMovement of the Month is: Udja Ra! The Movement of the Sun
Activate Digestion, Oxygenate the Blood and Ventilate the Lungs... Build Core Strength & Burn Fat
Stimulate Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Balace