Cai Li Nailz
New nail salon in Second Life

Just working on the HUD now, 11 colors

Coming soon with HUD

W.I.P With 6 colors HUD

We're coming to the Infinity Event's October round & BEYOND....

** Mesh nails fitted for Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Belleza , Slink & Tonic
These are NOT appliers, you will get the actual nail set.
Thank you for shopping Cai Li Nialz....

** Mesh nails fitted for Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Belleza , Slink & Tonic
These are NOT appliers, you will get the actual nail set.
Thank you for shopping Cai Li Nialz...
Two sets debuting soon!
For starters stilettoes or Long 🤔
Welcome to Cai Li Nailz, future Nail salon within the Secondlife grid for all those Queens and Princesses