DL Building Projects

DL Building Projects


New Buildings, Additions, alterations, roof erections, paving, tiling etc
All structural work on residential or commercial buildings

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 10/11/2024

So begin dinge na n Kant gaan …..

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 01/11/2024

Huis Outeniqua Strand kom aan. Die reen het ons effe agter skedule.
Dak volgende week op.

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 13/10/2024

Huis Outeniqua Strand vorder. Nadat 5 weke op NHBRC gewag is.
Baie hoë vloer neem baie tyd.
Volgende week vloer en dan op dak toe 😁

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 29/08/2024

Nuwe huis Outeniqua Strand.

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 22/11/2023

Ek het lanklaas aandag aan hierdie blad gegee.
Besig net n groterige aanbouing in Reebok.
Desember kom nader

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 15/04/2023

Projek amper klaar. Victoria baai
Hoe dit gelyk het………


Só gaan dit in jou beroep ook.

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 26/12/2022

Oorspronklike plaas huis gebou te Groot Brakrivier in 1898.
Wat n uitdaging om te restoureur……..

Before and after ……..

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 02/11/2022

Beide huise voltooi en reg vir okkupasie.

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 25/06/2022

Breaking ground for 2 duplex units in Groot Brakrivier


Nuwe huise vanaf R9500/m2
Alle ander bouwerk ook.

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 28/05/2022

Aanbouing Avonddans

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 03/12/2021

Another job done.
Beautiful apartment in Santos Mosselbay.
Complete redone, internal walls broken out.
Cemcrete on the walls and floors.


Another job done.
Beautiful apartment on Santos totally redone.
Cemcrete on walls and floors.

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 18/08/2021

Huis Rheebok.
Aanbouing en kolomme opgerig vir dak struktuur asook braai.
Balkon toegemaak met aluminium.
Geute nog uitstaande.


New houses from R9500/m2 depending on size and finishes.
20 yrs experience
NHBRC 44520

Garden route, Struisbaai/Agulhas/Overberg

All residential, light commercial and additions .
Free quotations e-mail plans to [email protected]
Cell 082 920 8908


New houses from R8000/m2 depending on finishes.
Complete house. Just move in.
20yrs experience and registered at NHBRC.

Call me for a free quote and e-mail plans.
George, Mosselbay to Agulhas/Struisbaai/Overberg area.

Photos from DL Building Projects's post 14/03/2021

Addition in Reebok.
Total new look and bigger house.
(Not completed in pics)
Will update

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Videos (show all)

New houses from R9500/m2 depending on size and finishes.20 yrs experience NHBRC 44520Garden route, Struisbaai/Agulhas/Ov...

