Nord-sud (la droiture); the chosen one for a great achievement...
We are Walk In Love

Tous ensemble, aidons les démunis...

If God has put in you the burden of helping people, especially the needy ones, here WIL gives you a way to not only help but to also glorify God 🤲🏾 through your deeds...
God bless you all
For we have received Mercy from God 🤲🏾
Let us be merciful to others...
❤️ Walk in love ❤️

Easter with children, NAVACHETENA ORPHANAGE
Marchons dans l'amour

Pâques 2023, orphelinat de MAMAN RICA OLENGI

Marchons dans l'amour...

On ne peut aider tout le monde mais tout le monde peut aider quelqu'un...
The greatest mistake a man can do is to seek for the independence from GOD(Elohim)