15:7 Fitness & Nutrition

15:7 Fitness & Nutrition

Nutrition | Supplements | 1-1 Coaching


Mineral Cheat Sheet:

- Magnesium = Energy/Sleep/Bone
- Potassium = Blood Pressure
- Salt = Hydration/Digestion
- Copper = Collagen/Iron
- Selenium = Immunity
- Chromium = Blood Sugar
- Iodine = Thyroid
- Iron = Oxygen
- Manganese = Glucose
- Calcium = Muscle/Bone Health
- Zinc = Immunity


Eat like this 80% of the time and I guarantee your belly will shrink in 90 days 👇🏼

• 2 eggs + 1 cup of egg whites
• 2 slices of turkey bacon
• Hot Sauce

• 5-6oz Salmon/Chicken Breast/ Sirloin Steak
• 80g-100g White rice
• 1 Cup of Veggies

• 6oz Beef Filet/ Pork Chop
• 80g of Sweet Potatoes
• 1 cup of Veggies

Snacks (Pick 2):
• Oikos Pro Greek Yogurt
• Raw Nutrition Protein
• Quest Protein Chips
• Pure Protein Bar
• Catalina Crunch
• Boiled Eggs
• Beef Jerky
• Fruit


I had a client who was 147lbs, struggling to lose weight, eating 1 egg, a piece of Weight Watchers bread, and 3 cups of coffee every morning.

I asked her to start eating 2 pieces of normal whole wheat bread, add in 1/3 cup of egg whites and either 2tbsp of cheese or 3 tbsp of avocado with it, switch to 1 cup + 1 decaf cup of coffee and the scale started moving almost immediately.

Why is she losing more weight eating more and drinking less coffee?
Let’s break it down 👇🏼

(Read comments from first (bottom) to last (top comment)


When I was at my fittest - my health was at its most optimal- this is what I did:
Every Weekday and even some weekends.

Woke up at 4:30am to my alarm, not easy.
Drank ACV before coffee.. definitely NOT easy 🤢
Drove to the gym for a weightlifting sesh at 5:10am, not easy. Fought the urge to go through Starbucks thru for breakfast, not easy. While starving, drove 20 mins home and Made a whole, healthy, high protein breakfast at home, kinda easy.
Skipped & shimmied a little (it’s my happy food dance) smiled and floated through my day riding that rush of endorphins from choosing to do hard things that were 10000% worth it — EASY 😎

Jesus fasted to better hear the Lord - this is mentioned because of how weak the human mind is when it’s hungry. We are at our most vulnerable when we are hungry or tired.

Is bad food really worth feeling sluggish & depressed? Is letting your hunger pains really excusable when you say mean things due to inability to control your hunger/ mind and lack of patience based off a momentarily sensation? No. It’s not.

So stop being a sissy and start acting more like Jesus.
God cares about your goals- just gotta ask him for help! When you’re starving - ask him to fill you up and remove the hunger pains until you can eat. I bet he will. 🤙🏼


I hope Jesus likes coffee, cause we have it together every morning…☕️


Common traits of every fit person I know:

- Limited alcohol consumption
- Exercise is a habit (they're rarely driven by motivation)
- 3-5 strength training workouts per week
- Prioritize sleep
- Not "on a diet"
- They eat a ton of fruits and veggies
- They have protein in every meal
- They walk often

They just do the basic things consistently, and it works.


5 Low Calorie High Protein Foods for Weight Loss 👇

1️⃣ Chicken Breast:
- Calories: 165 calories per 100g
- Protein: 31g per 100g

2️⃣ Non Fat Greek Yogurt:
- Calories: 59 calories per 100g
- Protein: 10g per 100g

3️⃣ Egg Whites:
- Calories: 17 calories per egg white
- Protein: 3.6g per egg white

4️⃣ Low Fat Cottage Cheese:
- Calories: 81 calories per 100g
- Protein: 11g per 100g

5️⃣ Canned Tuna:
- Calories: 132 calories per 100g
- Protein: 29g per 100g


90% of hormone imbalances can be fixed with these 5 steps:

1. Stop fasting‼️
Especially if you are fasting without a plan. Or really even know what fasting entails (benefits & risks)

Fasting elevates cortisol levels - too much of which can be a bad thing (eg hair loss, redistribution of fat on the tummy).

Fasting disrupts kisspeptin expression which impacts GnRH pulsatility & therefore production of LH and FSH and potentially having periods.

The Steps👇🏼
1. Quit fasting

2. Eat a balanced high-protein breakfast

3. Always have some fuel before training

4. Eat 3-4 balanced meals (preferably every 2-3 hours) and 1 snack daily

5. Have your post-workout meal within 60 mins of training

If a woman who trains hard followed these 5 steps with her diet for 3 months, she’d balance her hormones, transform her energy and mood, and improve her body composition.

15:7 Fitness & Nutrition


The average person can’t:

- Run a mile without stopping
- Climb a flight of stairs without feeling winded
- Play with their kids without needing a break
- Squat their own body weight
- Deadlift their own body weight
- Do 1 pull-up
- Touch their toes without straining
- Get through the day without crashing by 3pm
- Fit into their favorite clothes from a few years ago
- Sleep soundly without tossing and turning
👉🏼👉🏼Enjoy life without feeling like they’re missing out

15:7 Fitness & Nutrition


Eat your bodyweight in protein.
Drink a gallon of water.

Every. Single. Day.

Do this, and your body will


The secret ab workout:

- 3 rounds of “Stop Eating Like an Asshole”
- Superset with “Skip the Snacks, Not the Gym”

Finish with “Don’t Binge, Just Because It’s Friday”

Abs are made in the kitchen & the gym, not in your excuses.


Try this Split next week!

Monday: Legs (Quads🦵🏽, Glutes 🍑)
Tuesday: Upper Body (Back & Biceps 💪🏾)
Wednesday: Glutes 🍑 & Hammies
Thursday: Upper Body (Chest, Shoulders & Triceps)
Friday: Legs (Quads 🦵🏽, Glutes 🍑 & Calves)
Saturday: (optional) Full Body & Cardio or just cardio
Sunday: Stretch & Rest


- Eat clean Monday to Thursday
- Eat whatever Friday to Sunday
- 4 days on, 3 days off = 57% effort
- 57% is failing
- No wonder you’re not seeing progress
15:7 Fitness & Nutrition


30-Minute AMRAP Full Body Workout

1. Kettlebell Deadlifts - 12 reps
2. Push-Ups - 10 reps
3. Dumbbell Thrusters - 10 reps
4. Kettlebell Swings - 15 reps
5. Jump Squats - 12 reps
6. Dumbbell Bent Over Rows - 10 reps (5 per arm)

Keep the intensity high, stay consistent with your reps, and enjoy the workout!



6 WEEKS of Dedication to yourself makes a HUGE difference!

* Nutrition Coaching
* Learning how to Prioritize your meals
*Learn and understand how your body responds to certain foods and workouts
* Build your Confidence
* Fit back into the clothes you’ve hanging on to

And just change your life!! Change your ways of procrastinating. Change your routine.

If you’ve already spent x- amount of months or years feeling unhappy with yourself why don’t want to take the first step to changing that? Whether it’s fitness or a business goal-

- 6 SPOTS OPEN. Starts 8/19 ‼️


These are my morning go to’s.
Since taking the Mary Ruth’s my hair has gotten softer I’m growing back hair where stress and caused immense loss.

These Omega-3’s are so dang yummy even Vance likes them and since being on them, my stomach is flatter, my skin is looking really healthy and my knees aren’t popping like they were last month. I don’t have headaches like I was getting last month either.

My Vitality vitamins have helped me with energy, digestion and immunity to just feel overall stronger and healthier.

It doesn’t take much to help your body do what it already knows how to do. Sometimes it just needs a little boost.


She has been with me since March 4, 2024

But when I did my 6 Week Challenge she jumped right in and got these results by the
4th WEEK‼️

She ordered her supplements.
She did her check ins so she would get her updates- and she busted her butt on staying within at LEAST 80% Adherence on her meals👇🏼
- - - - - - - - - - - -

🔆Only 5 Spots will be opened.

*Must order and maintain supplements during the challenge to optimize your results!
*Must be dedicated to your nutrition goals and follow my instructions so you can see the best results in a short time!

🔥 How Much do YOU love YOURSELF? Is it enough to finally TRY!? 🔥🤷🏼‍♀️



I am EXTREMELY proud of this client!
( I won’t post her name- I’ll let her “out” herself is she wishes) but I just had to share her achievements in such short time - All to being dedicated to the results and instead of a slave to her emotions.

She didn’t shy away from asking all the questions she needed answered for her to better understand and plan!
She has grabbed her health by the horns and achieved such great aesthetic and internal health results!!

I just love seeing my clients flourish and grow in self confidence! 👏🏼🔥👏🏼🔥👏🏼

15:7 Fitness & Nutrition


Okay Ladies!
Last chance to get free 6 weeks of coaching from me!

All you have to do is purchase your supplements!
What you get:
Metabolic Boosting Mineral Vitamins
Gut Reset Highly Soluble Fiber
Clean Protein Powders
Protein based hunger and craving control shake mix
3 phases of reset with wholesome foods (no starving!)
Guaranteed Results of your give it 💯!!

6 Weeks can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE!!


Did you know drinking water can help increase blood oxygen levels?
Here’s the most important benefits of drinking water:

* Hydrated lungs
When you drink water, your lungs stay hydrated, which helps them oxygenate your blood more efficiently and expel carbon dioxide. This improves your body's oxygen saturation level.

* Circulation
Drinking water helps maintain circulation, which helps oxygen and other nutrients move through your body.

* Mucus lining
Drinking water thins the mucus lining of your lungs, which prevents buildup and helps your lungs work more effectively

*Suppress appetite
Drinking water before meals can help you feel full and eat less. One study found that people who drank water before meals ate an average of 75 fewer calories at each meal.

*Replace high-calorie beverages
Drinking water instead of high-calorie beverages like soda, fruit juice, or alcohol can help you reduce your calorie intake over time.

*Improve digestion
Water can help with digestion.
Boost metabolism
Being hydrated can help your body work more efficiently, including burning fat


At any moment, God can shift you from waiting on it to walking in it. Stay faithful.🤍

Photos from 15:7 Fitness & Nutrition's post 07/27/2024

Give It Time!
It takes 30-90 days to establish new habits.

You will have days where you feel fantastic. And then you’ll have days when it takes a lot of effort to stick with this new lifestyle. Expect things to seem unfamiliar and challenging at first, with moments when you just want to slide into the old debilitating habits- this is natural!

When you feel like this, practice self-compassion. Reach out to me or someone who knows your goals and how bad you want to change your life, and say: hey I’m struggling help me stay focused… the right people will encourage you to be come who you’re trying to be.

Remember your long term goals and celebrate the little wins / successes of each day. Doing this, you will build new habits love and soon not even miss the old ones.

Once you feel your body operating in its optimal state it’s intended to- you won’t want to take in anything to hinder that new life feeling!




8 Days- down 5.6 lbs.
This client (HAD) major gut health issues.

She was consuming laxatives daily and experiencing extreme bloat as well as the inability to lose weight, feel energized and struggled with diegestion even with healthiest of foods.

I put her on a gut health regimen and proper supplements, within a matter of days she’s back to being regular, no bloat and has lost weight.

It’s all about balance!
Supplements—> Food—> Types of Exercise

Photos from 15:7 Fitness & Nutrition's post 07/18/2024


I had a message from a friend who knew someone that was just broken, broke down crying. Miserable in her own body. But couldn’t afford my program.


God allowed me to start this business so I could turn my own brokenness & insecurities into Godly Confidence again. And share the knowledge He gave me to do it.

The ONLY thing you have to purchase are the reset gut health supplements.

The rest is on me.

This offer ENDS July 30th‼️

6 Weeks. 3 Phases;
1) Reset
2) Re-introduce
3) Real Life, Real Food. Real Results. Real Confidence


Choose All the Way Grace-

Choose to speak with honor even if you’re being dishonored.
Choose to speak with grace even if you’re being threatened.
Surrendering to humility is hard but brings so much more peace.
So remembert this;
when it comes to you and Jesus,
Jesus doesn’t offer partial grace towards you and your actions. He offers all the way grace. All the way to the cross kind of grace.

The hardest lesson in life is forgiveness.
But you can it have freedom without forgiveness.


WHY OMEGA 3s!?!?

Well…. Omega 3 lowers blood pressure, reduces triglycerides (the main constituents of body fat)in the blood, helps reduce joint inflammation in rheumatoid disease, helps nourish brain and eyes functions, helps prevent and alleviate dementia, depression, asthma, migraine, and diabetes, and helps reduce the risk and preventing heart disease and strokes.

Omega-3s can help your body burn fat more efficiently, which can lead to a higher metabolic rate and more calories burned, leading to boosted metabolism.

And these bad boys will last you a while!!

21 servings for adults and 32 servings for kids 4-17.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm