MFG Empire, York, PA Videos

Videos by MFG Empire in York. MFG Empire is your 1 stop shop for all of your marketing essentials. From web design, to social media

Out with the old website and in and with the new. Need help with your digital marketing? Let's chat. Also, check us out at

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Out with the old website and in and with the new. Need help with your digital marketing? Let's chat. Also, check us out at

Happy First Day of Fall! Fun Fact: The full Moon closest to the September equinox, the Harvest Moon, is astronomically special. This is because the time from one moonrise to the next becomes shorter around this period. On average, the Moon rises about 50 minutes later every day in a lunar month—the time period between two Full Moons or two New Moons. Around the Harvest Moon, the time difference between two successive moonrises decreases to less than 50 minutes for a few days. #mfgempire #webdesigning #manufacturing #machining #cncmilling #machineshop #SEO #webdesign #manufacturers #welding #toolanddie #engineering #industry #machine #industrial #fabrication #cncmachine #socialmedia #marketing #branding #socialmediamarketing #engineering #linkedinbusiness