Paja Construction

Paja Construction Straw-bale construction, workshops and consulting since 1991. We specialize Go green and go home with Paja Construction!

Owner Cadmon Whitty has been builing and retrofitting houses with straw bales for over 22 years. With thirty plus years of expierence he brings a work of art combined with an energy efficient substitute to alternative and conventional building. Every project that Paja embarks on is a custom building hand crafted to fulfill the customers needs and wants.


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And as promised, here's the video of the finished house which walks you through the same area as the previous one. Enjoy the thick walls, the wide under-window bancos, and the amazing views that the new homeowners are reveling in!


Here's a preview from a recently-finished job in a gorgeous North Albuquerque area: this first video was taken a few months ago after the bales were installed. Since Facebook only allows one video per post, take a look at the second one of the finished house that I'll publish after this one's downloaded---and there'll be more great photos of this project to follow soon!

Videos (show all)

And as promised, here's the video of the finished house which walks you through the same area as the previous one.  Enjo...
Here's a preview from a recently-finished job in a gorgeous North Albuquerque area: this first video was taken a few mon...


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00