Wild Indigo Healing

Wild Indigo Healing

Certified Reiki Master
Tarot and Oracle Card Readings
Sound Healing
Chakra Healing
Crystal Healing


The heart never gets tired of loving... it gets tired of protecting.


Healed People Love Differently. 👁



Dear Universe, Ancestors, Angels & Guides -

Thank you. I'm ready!

And so it is...


Who Is Stacee Indigo?

Empathic. Warrior. Priestess.

Stacee Indigo is a Talented Artist, Certified Level III Reiki Master Practitioner, Skilled Tarot/Oracle Card Reader, Profound Sound Healer, Practitioner of Magick, Powerful Manifestor, Ordained Minister, Empathic Intuitive, Enchanted Barista and Cannabis Activist specializing in emotional healing by awakening one’s higher-self and connecting, infusing and moving her clients from one’s physical being towards a higher state of consciousness and self-awareness for deep spiritual awakenings and soul ascension.

Stacee has been working diligently and intentionally for the past several years to hone her skills by regularly attending certification classes, workshops and retreats that would elevate her understanding of metaphysics and energy healing. Through her intuitive work, she guides her clients to discover and achieve their goals by harnessing one’s personal intuition and finding one’s path to inner peace for deep and effective healing. Sharing her spiritual gifting as an emotional, intuitive empath and energy healer is her passion and soul’s purpose.

