Center for One Health Research
A Center for "One Health" Studies.
Recent events have highlighted the convergence and interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. Recent examples include:
- The 2009 global pandemic of novel H1N1 influenza A
- Melamine poisonings in pets and infants
- Harmful algae blooms affecting marine and terrestrial animals and humans
- The concurrent obesity epidemic in both humans and dogs and cats in the U.S. The Center

In collaboration with the University of Washington's UW Department of Global Health, University of Washington Industrial & Systems Engineering, Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering and Washington State Department of Health, COHR has been awarded a grant to explore AI-focused population health pilot projects.
Dr. Julianne Meisner will lead the team to look at AI-generated characterization of landscape risk for disease emergence in Washington State.
Initiative announces awardees of AI-focused population health pilot projects The Population Health Initiative announced the award of five, $100,000 artificial intelligence-focused pilot grants to support interdisciplinary teams of University of Washington researchers to...

Save the Date
The Washington State Department of Health is excited to announce the 2025 One Health, Zoonotic and Vector-borne Disease Conference, to be held on March 26-27, 2025, at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, WA.
This free conference will:
• Have a virtual attendance option
• Award continuing education credits for veterinarians and registered sanitarians
• Provide an opportunity for individuals across the state to network and share ideas regarding issues at the human, animal, and environmental interface
Tentative logistics:
• The conference is anticipated to run from 9am-5pm both days, but may end early on the second day.
• Day one will focus on presentations, and day two will be more interactive and include breakout sessions and workshops.
• Only day one will be virtually streamed.
More details regarding a call for abstracts, registration, hotel blocks, and more will be forthcoming.
More information and updates will be posted to the WA DOH One Health website. Direct any conference related questions to Lauren Sarkissian, [email protected]
How do non-Indigenous One Health Researchers trained in Western modalities and academia proactively improve allyship to Indigenous science and scientists? A new collaborative article entitled "One Health, many perspectives: Exploring Indigenous and Western epistemologies" aims to explore this topic.

OHHAI Flashback! Madeline Benoit is now Senior Analyst at the Northwest Dairy Association in Washington State!
Madeline Benoit is a current Occupational Health and the Human-Animal Interface Training Scholar (OHHAI) at the Center for One Health Research.
The OHHAI training program is through the Northwest Center for Occupational Health & Safety and provides funding for students interested in Occupational Health Risks and Hazards. Recipients of the OHHAI funding study the health and safety of those working with animals (e.g. agriculture workers, wildlife workers, veterinarians, etc)
Madeline, a second year MPH student, did her practicum this year with the National Pork Board, based out of Des Moines, Iowa. While COVID-19 put a stop to all on-site practicums, Madeline was able to do her practicum remotely, with Dr. Heather Fowler (a University of Washington alumna). The keystone of her practicum involved an in-depth literature review which identified the primary hazards present to swine workers in the modern swine industry, and what mitigation strategies are available for the pork industry to protect their workers. Other projects within the practicum included: writing animal showing guidelines with the CDC to protect against both zoonotic disease and COVID; reviewing agricultural "check-off" programs to see how the Pork Board stacked up; and wrote SOP's for future education and outreach videos to be created by the National Pork Board.
To learn more about the OHHAI training program at UW, check out
A new blog post was published talking about the One Health Clinic evaluation article that was published a few months ago. As always, feel free to connect with us if you want to discuss starting an OHC in your community!
A study out of Pennsylvania State University, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, and the University of Washington Center for One Health Research considered the exposure risks for hunting dogs in light of the current rates of HPAI in water fowl.
Researchers detected antibodies to H5 and N1 subtype influenza A viruses in 4/194 (2%) dogs from Washington, USA, that hunted or engaged in hunt tests and training with wild birds. Historical data provided by dog owners showed seropositive dogs had high levels of exposure to waterfowl.

An MPH in One Health Masters Student here at the University of Washington is looking to evaluate the One Health COHERE guidelines. If you are a One Health researcher, please consider taking 10 minutes to help our student out!!
One Health Survey - Please complete and share! - One Health Initiative Please complete and share this survey to collect information about improving the Checklist for “One Health Epidemiological Reporting of Evidence” (COHERE) guidelines for One Health papers. The survey only takes 10-15 minutes, and previous knowledge of the guidelines is not necessary. Survey link...

Posting for a graduate student!
Are you a One Health researcher? I am a graduate student conducting my thesis project to improve and increase implementation of the 2017 COHERE guidelines and would appreciate your input.
The 10-15 minute survey can be found here:
Even if you are not familiar with the guidelines, your thoughts are valued. Your time and expertise are greatly appreciated. Please share with your networks. Thank you!
If you missed Dr. Jakob Zinsstag's presentation last week, you can view the recording here!

Yesterday we posted about the One Health Clinics occurring in NYC and Tucson. We thought we would share the amazing story of Greg and Coffee, created and shared by My Dog Is My Home at the 2024 CoSheltering Conference.
With the help of Breaking Ground (NYC Permanent Supportive Housing), JANIAN MEDICAL CARE, P.C, and The Street Dog Coalition's NYC team, Greg and Coffee got healthcare AND housing! (And Coffee is super cute! 🐕 )
Storytelling: Greg + Coffee Storytelling: Greg + CoffeeCo-Sheltering Conference 2024: Together We ThriveDay 1 - March 26, 2024Storyteller: Greg EbbsStorytelling sessions amplify the voi...

The importance of including Indigenous communities, scholars and knowledge keepers as partners and collaborators in One Health activities is clear, both in the Pacific Northwest of the US and abroad.
New report ‘braids’ Indigenous and Western knowledge for forest adaptation strategies against climate change Forests could also be potential bulwarks against climate change. But, increasingly severe droughts and wildfires, invasive species, and large insect outbreaks — all intensified by climate change —...

This is a great piece about our collaborators implementing One Health Clinics in their communities! Thanks Lisa and VIN News Service!
If you are interested in support getting a One Health Clinic going in your communities, please reach out! (and you can check out our free toolkit at
Breaking Ground Janian Medical Care P C The Street Dog Coalition Pima County Health Department University of Arizona - College of Veterinary Medicine
One Health clinics that treat pets, people together catch on Integrated model serving vulnerable populations now followed in at least four states

Update: This is tomorrow! We hope you can join us!
This year the Center for One Health Research is celebrating 10 years as a UW Research Center. Thanks to all the many, many people we have collaborated with over these years!
As a kick-off celebration, guest speaker Dr. Jakob Zinsstag will be presenting “Integrated approaches to Health: The place of One Health and its future” on April 16th at 1:30 PM in Hans Rosling Room 101. This event will be co-hosted by The Center for One Health Research and the UW Department of Comparative Medicine.
Prof. Dr. Jakob Zinsstag is a veterinarian with a PhD in tropical animal health. He spent eight years in West Africa at the International Trypanotolerance Centre in The Gambia and four years as the director of the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques in Côte d’Ivoire. Since 1998, he heads a research group on human and animal health at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. Since 2011, he is deputy head of department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Swiss TPH. He focuses on the control of zoonoses in developing countries and the provision of health care to mobile pastoralists using a One Health approach. He is past president of the International Association for Ecology and Health and president of the scientific board of the Transdisciplinary network of the Swiss Academies.
We hope that you will celebrate COHR’s 10th anniversary with us! Dr. Zinsstag’s presentation will be immediately followed by a reception.
Thank you all for these great 10 years!

This Photo Project Reveals Life with Pets While Experiencing Homelessness "The amount of care and effort it takes to have a being like that in your life makes you have to care about yourself."

This publication has been a long time coming, but we are so happy to share it with you all! This was a piece of the formative work done prior to the creation of the One Health Clinic. 19 participants experiencing homelessness with pets worked with photographer and researcher Gemina Garland-Lewis (1st author) and these participants created over 900 images about their relationships with their animals, 75 of which were used in a gallery alongside stories and data to tell the stories of this community and what their animals mean to them.
When we publish, we ensure that it is open-access for all, so feel free to download and share.
Shifting the Focus: A Photovoice exploration of the benefits and barriers of having a pet while experiencing homelessness While experiencing homelessness with a pet can present unique challenges, it can also provide physical health, mental health, and social benefits. A Photovoice project with adolescents and adults experiencing homelessness with a pet was conducted in Seattle, Washington, USA in 2018–2019 to explore...

Please be aware of this symposium coming up! "International Symposium on One Health Research: Improving Food Security and Resilience."
Welcome One Health is a worldwide strategy for advancing health care in humans, animals and the environment …

How Medical Education Is Adapting to Climate Change | Think Global Health Educational initiatives are sprouting to help doctors and nurses confront the health threats created by climate change

Soil health is an integral component of One Health and Planetary Health.
Soil health: A common focus for one health and planetary health interventions - PubMed Proponents of both the One Health and Planetary Health paradigms have acknowledged that current methods of agricultural food production are driving many environmental changes with negative human health consequences, including climate change, deforestation, and the emergence of zoonotic disease and a...

Dr. Jessi Kelley and co-authors Vickie Ramirez and Dr. Julianne Meisner published an evaluation of the One Health Clinic, an integrated human-veterinary healthcare clinic providing services for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. Hot off the press!
Evaluation of a One Health Clinic: Enhancing access to healthcare and housing for young adults experiencing homelessness with animals | CABI One Health Abstract The One Health Clinic (OHC) is a transdisciplinary approach to healthcare services delivery, providing low-barrier healthcare and community services for people experiencing homelessness (PEH) and their companion animals that integrate human, ...

A new collaborative publication published looking at E. coli AMR patterns across sectors in Washington State! Check it out :)
Associations between Isolation Source, Clonal Composition, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Escherichia coli Collected in Washington State, USA Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health problem stemming from the use of antibiotics in humans, animals, and the environment. This study used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of E. coli to explore patterns of AMR across sectors in Washington State, USA (WA). The WGS data from 1449 E. coli iso...

Relational One Health expands the boundaries of One Health, clearly defining the environmental domain, and provides an avenue for engagement with critical theory. Check out this new systematic lit review recently published exploring this theoretical framework!
Relational One Health: A more-than-biomedical framework for more-than-human health, and lessons learned from Brazil, Ethiopia, and Israel The One Health conceptual framework envisions human, animal, and environmental health as interconnected. This framework has achieved remarkable progre…

A new publication from a student working out of the Center for One Health Research. Congrats!
Study of heavy metal resistance genes in Escherichia coli isolates from a marine ecosystem with a history of environmental pollution (arsenic, cadmium, copper, and mercury) We analyzed whole genome sequences of 308 Escherichia coli isolates from a marine ecosystem to determine the prevalence and relationships of heavy metal resistance genes (HMRGs) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), as well as the presence of plasmid sequences. We screened all genomes for presence...

I would very much like to cuddle these cows
Anyone for cow cuddling? Meet the new breed of ‘therapy animals’ Cows aren't just soothing visitors' worries at this farm in East Yorkshire – they're saving it from financial ruin

Occupational Health at the Human-Animal Interface (OHHAI) trainee, Rita Bellanca, is featured in our latest NWCOHS blog post. Read more about her work here!
Applications for the MS and PhD Specializations in One Health 2024-2025 academic year are due on December 1st. Check out funding opportunities through the Northwest Center for Occupational Health & Safety's Occupational Health at the Human-Animal Interface Training Program. (see comments for link to learn more)
Addressing Compassion Fatigue and Promoting the Human-Animal Bond OHHAI trainee seeks to improve human and animal well-being in lab animal research

New One Health position out of Seattle-King County Department of Health: Public Health Veterinarian - Zoonotic Disease Branch Manager
Job Opportunities | King County Careers King County is committed to equity and diversity in the workplace. In addition, the county is committed to recruiting and maintaining a quality workforce that shares our guiding principles: collaborative, service-oriented, results-focused, accountable, innovative, professional and fair and just.

One Health students at COHR created their goals for the 2023-2024 academic year! Go one Health Huskies!!

The health of those working at the human-animal interface is crucial in maintaining our food systems, our zoos and animal rehab facilities, our researchers and the community. The Center for One Health Research, based in the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences provides MS and PhD students the skills and opportunity to address Occupational Health using a One Health lens.
Application for the 2024-2025 academic year is open now -December 1st. See comments below for more information about applying to the program and funding opportunities for US citizens.
Caring for the animal caretakers New clinic led by DEOHS, UW Medicine focuses on animal worker health and safety

What to know about Nipah virus amid outbreak in India A rare and potentially serious disease is causing an outbreak In India. Here's what you need to know about Nipah virus.

About COHR member Dr. ERica Fuhrmeister's research on antimicrobial resistance.
Tracing pathogens and antimicrobial resistance New DEOHS Assistant Professor Erica Fuhrmeister uses next-generation metagenomic tools to understand how antibiotic-resistant pathogens are transmitted in the environment

Sharing an educational opportunity. Registration can occur here: #/registration