Thought by Thought

Thought by Thought

As a metaphysician, I’m editing thoughts constantly. Here I share healing poetry: how I face thoug What gives me the know how?

Thought by thought is an essence the how I live and help others live oneness with Love...that which bases our being which we are never separate from. To know we embody love and that Love steers our footsteps 24/7 sounds nice, but how do you actualize that when in the midst of physical emotional or financial seeming stress? Thought by thought....It's getting hold of the divine law and then radicall


The darkest skies of the east… and a gaze upward while praying for peace the world over… I spy with my little eye a fave constellation I learned of in my astronomy classes and later for that professor t.a.-ing… casseopeai in all her wonder and majesty was just above in clear view for me to behold and see … otherwise known as the sideways W which I’ve often called her… a beloved constellation that like Big Dipper and Orion I seem to always be able to locate in all its wonder and whee :)

and I was gently reminded today of a favorite hashtag I used to use and all that I penned with it is still so preciously true…

womanhood to me is deeper and broader than a gender label …

it’s an expression of wholeness completeness and especially RIGHT NOW ABLE!!!

Able to be and do all you so yearn to…
able to see all we each are meant to and that way of loving and living actually BE….
We are not meant to loathe other
we are innately created to love…
there’s no opposition in the seeking to behold the brotherhood of man quality of thought …
I was always criticized for being sideways or inexperienced …
especially as a young girl when I was horribly bullied bc of being chubby and different …
the wiser ones would look past the surface of pounds and realize there was a little one struggling to make sense of a lot that felt hard (parents divorce/moving/so much changing when so little)
and ever since then I’ve sought to dig deeper with each one…
NO ONE is their just their surface appearance— ange job title portfolio worth- ever …
they are their precious thought with infinite capacities to do and be good even if they haven’t yet to that estimation measured …
And some thoughts need to be let go and many a fear too… but oh for the hope that now more than ever we can all shed the belief there’s an enemy person or party we are all vulnerable to…
Be alert to what’s yours to do.. turn off the news for a day… oh we are bigger than reacting to headlines … we are THINKHERS who need to live and have their say.
Are you scared?
Are you nervous?
Well there’s your work for the now…
and if you need a thought boost I’m always here to help you sort thoughts out.
Commit to figure out what you believe is true power…
Commit yourself to defend being love more than you let attention be duped…
little ones among us deserve to be raised to have enduring inspired hope.

So much love wherever this finds you.

The Red Clay Strays - Wanna Be Loved (Official Video) 24/06/2024

Some lyrics just say what’s what you pray about 24/7…
But deeper still are his questions…

Some of us think we have have answers

Some of us are still searching

May we each keep searching

Last I checked everyone everywhere has this one desire in common
And there’s so much more that unites us than divides us…

Give a listen…
It’s been out a little while so you may know it already

But more than listen… May you be searching and finding ways that you know you are loved

We each are so very xoxoxo

My heart with yours, Tre

The Red Clay Strays - Wanna Be Loved (Official Video) "Wanna Be Loved" is out now: and pre-save the new album 'Made by These Moments', available July 26th: http...

A poem about 3 lessons from eclipse viewing … 17/04/2024

Once in a lifetime ….

Don’t miss it…. But what of the millions of loved ones who couldn’t see it?
Are they neglected for a single moment
Is Love’s reach only for a certain few chosen?


And what of the wonder if one actually saw it
Oh the unspeakable view of the moon’s graceful flowing onward…

Is that the evidence of the law of harmony we can trust and know?

Can we go deeper still to that which is unseen and yet simply —the law of harmony is always operating— know ?

And what of the second guessing and doubts that arose and almost halted me?

If I had planned better would i have been able to 4 minutes witness and see?

All of this and more I share in this video poem outpouring…

And yet I am soooo still trying to find the words for what shifted for me that brilliant April 8 2024 when I witnessed the moon over the sun pass…..

Did you see it? Did you not?
Please regardless never ever from good and Love feel left out

Love to you from my heart with yours….

Oh for the stargazer in me that is being reborn… but oh for the steady one working on for the things which are not seen but which we know are real….

May you never feel alone or neglected and may your now and always be soooo full of love and free in thought where is the real deal…

Big warm hugs from a warming up and budding spring.….

“…faith is the substance of things hoped for… the evidence of things unseen.” ~

A poem about 3 lessons from eclipse viewing … We are all so very loved and that’s forever not just once in a lifetime…There is a law of harmony governing…. Always… and we can feel it and know it in still...


In the ache of emptiness
There is Love as gentle presence
And in a moment thought can shift from feeling loss to embracing everness.

a poem about the Lord’s prayer 05/01/2024

Am inspired poem and a gift of thoughts for you… happy now all GOOD! So much love, Tre ~

a poem about the Lord’s prayer I yearn to be so respectful of the moment that I do not let my thought be wasted one second. Of course I fail often….and yet that is my life practice… to have so aligned with what is the Christ essence. When I catch myself dwelling upon that which may startle me or prove so


Dear reader friend …
A from my heart with yours… from the depths of my core I know this is true: the who we each innately are is not ever judged condemned or a mistake … the who we each are is a spiritual fact through and through…a non negotiable identity with purpose and precious existence … hence always just and vital and necessary … so if we know this or strive to… so then makes the mental much all that more temporary…. Imagine if everyone always especially ourselves treated us like the infant who one was….imagine if we treated each other that way… whew Billy would the walls of resentment or position fall down in all ways. My hope…. And my faith…. Expect this…. For us all. Big love on this freezing night already dark! 🥺🙃🤗 Luv, Tre

Photos from Thought by Thought's post 24/11/2023

‘‘Twas the night before Thanksgiving & all through the lands while people were cooking turkies, for me Love nudged a different plan… “off to the woods “ did the nudge say…gather up loaves of love and let’s be neighborly Thanksgiving day” … it was cold and kinda rainy and for sure already dark… but when Love nudges you just learn to respond as it’s a matter of the heart… about an hours drive away is a little farm stand I adore… it’s been there for over a hundred years and is the most welcoming and warm… with a few minutes left I scooped up what I could and returned back home to wrap them up with after getting a few paper goods…And the next morn I felt I like let’s add a poem and I did so and then shared them all at the front doors of the surroundings neighbors in this building (with a bit of help by for two children).
How do you say love you to everyone in the world … it’s true of coarse bc we are each a child of God and yes this includes everyone and that means every. last. one … and so with my not so great handwriting I shared a fave quote and a little well wish that came to mind… off went to breads and full felt my heart but oh to do that the world over I stay up through the night … so then today to hear if the release of the hostages …let’s just see it keep flowing this proof Love can move mountains … now not everyone is in a building and not everyone feels it’s easy to give and not everyone wants to interact with neighbors and feels justified in turning away from them…. But… I don’t want any ounce of fear or bitterness ever to rule my thoughts for a moment or day and to those who’ve been the cruelest through my life I am thanking them… for they’ve made me Love more in all ways….for I’ve seen too much good unfold when one forgives and chooses to LOVE again. not the bad or evil but the innate goodness within. and one doesn’t have to say a word ever to be able to see someone’s true innocence. May we keep loving and giving love… whether as loaves or any gesture of thought and heart. My heart with yours… Tre 🌳 “More love is the great need of mankind” ~


We light a candle and yearn to pray but “I dunno where to begin” looms heavy and makes us feel dismayed… what issue to tackle which section of the globe to focus on …where needs the most comfort now …why do we feel coming undone…. So looms heavy the voices of despair that would love to suffocate all of us and make us feel paralyzed in fear …. Yet if one has ever felt comfort from prayer one can try it again and while these dooming glooming thoughts influence me less and less over recent years it’s only because I’ve faced them down daily if im being honest …. What more sacred right do we have than those of reason conscience and self government * what more greater privilege of giving to humanity can we do than direct our thoughts into the knowing and the advocating that will bless and heal.. like then the opponent seeming power that would lure everyone to numb out to another Netflix series and make us all feel like nothing will do or think will matter…. I say no and no again and everything you think matters so much dear friend. You do know you can make a difference roll up the thought sleeves and insist on your innocence (and your ability to pray)…. (a face author writes “God has endowed man with inalienable rights, among which are self-government, reason, and conscience. Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love.” (Science and Health of 106)


When home is consciousness for you… no matter where you are sleeping you learn to believe you cannot possibly ever be homeless it’s true…. And you find yourself leaning more and more on that Love you discover the truth for each one and all: we are always forever held…. At various points in my life I’ve really cherished this lesson… and it’s how I’m praying about everyone everywhere in this trying time of our human family…. Whatever strife is disturbing you… as you defend all are dwelling in consciousness of Loge and being held… it wilo@for that moment calm@you. And with a calm@clear thought you can find hope and with broader convictions you can overcome despair and keep bringing healing to this now. So much love, Tre


Good morning with a gentle nudge :
no matter what it blares to you the self condemning voice is never true … and it often shows up as guilt or fear and it always comes in a voice that’s familiar … maybe yours maybe someone who shamed you maybe a partner or sibling or a step parent or someone who bullied…. But that voice and those thoughts are temporary memory or belief and it’s how we accept or interpret them and also especially how we negate them that can have the deepest meaning and lead to healing…. Wherever this finds you the spiritual fact is innate innocence …that’s our truth…. And we can claim and send this and feel governed by love and use that mental armor to boot the guilt and with fear be done.

My heart with yours…. Tre

I am here to defend and advocate we are each innately innocent not guilty!!!
so when the voices show up and condemn and or accuse you go within thought abe be so clear : “I am am governed by the voice of Love not guilty but free…”
Listen for that… do your best to reflect it…. And this will hush momentsrijy the guilt and help you prove it powerless….


The opinions vary as many as there are users… too many watching screens too many followers…. Yet what if there was less judging and more respect… perhaps the question could@be what brings you to these screens what is your motive? My whole life I’ve probably fallen into the path of following other… especially one or two whose lives I so respect and yearn to exemplify similar qualities… and depending on what religion or faith you ascribe to well there are many who follow that prophet or guru too…. But in the last few years what’s had deepest meaning for me… is not so much follow any personality but the driving that speaks to me… and as I seek to embody the divine feminine or masculine therein do o find my true… so one may call me a followHER and that will bring em a smile bc it’s true. May you find your authentic by listening for that inner nudge… mom the moment dad the day is how im finding the way to embody and exemplify what S/He nudged as the way….


A truth for Tuesday … sharing with you … for the resistance we feel to our being is never real and never true… the who we each are is a forever idea and we and our uniqueness is not ever forbidden in Diovne Love’s sphere…. May you know too the the feeling of being forgiven is really just momentary as the authentic you who you are hasn’t ever had any need for apology for being…. May you know how vital you are may you feel so necessary too… may you always seek validation from within for it’s how Love is loving precious you xoxoxoxoxo
Big hugs and love, Tre 🌳


Today… a Tuesday truth …’s a tender time when with devastating news … whether across the world or under our roof… the shock of loss can feel so hard to respond to…. A truth I hold deep in my heart… no one’s identity can ever be erased from who they are… each one an eternal expression of Life itself… everyone is ever embraced in the Life that is and in that spiritual state always well…

This truth is a hard one to hold… I am trying to gently even fas the tears flow …. Life…. Is…. Always….may we with our expression keep demanding it unfold.


When we are following that intuitive nudge and we are striving to not listen to all that would say this is dumb or we are striving to grow and expand and we are trying so deeply to not be swayed by the seeming stronghold of fear’s hand (ps fear is only ever the belief we can be separated from Love… never true and can always be overcome… which is so hard but worth fighting for), it helps so much to remember this truth: in love’s constancy there’s nothing we cannot do… we are not little minds trying to be… we are the expression of intelligence that is the one Mind’s brilliancy… so heeding that nudge is not an act of human will, it is following through with what Love impels… so when (bc you will) feel so constantly condemned… remember: that is never the voice of Love… and never true… but rather listen for that which is guiding you onward … ever and always companioning you… and it will feel like Love holding your hand… . (If you’re using instagram I’m sharing a photo series there that’s following the alphabet, written as I’m led, and they turn into a poem… I remembered it share “c” here today I’ll try to get the others here too… big love wherever this finds you xoxoxox


Names we call ourselves…
Labels we adorn too…
Maybe the most difficult ones to shed are the ways others perceive me and you….
Yet dear friend reading
If someone has judges you wrongly
Accused you or even shunned and offer’s you…
What matters most (for me at least through the years) is how divine Love sees and knows and loves tender you….

When the dark thoughts say alone , cross the L with a small line and hug the promise that is your truth…. Add a hyphen and there’s the gift:
At- one is what is forever true for me and you….

Begin to gently unpack that phrase …
it may take a decade or two …
but there’s something so tremendous when you can stand still and face all with this knowing ….
There is no alone in the infinite scope of Love which is causing governing embracing emanating and assuring wonderful me and you.

My heart with yours,


When fear says I have no clue thought C’s defend why that’s not true 09/09/2023

When fear says “I have no clue” thought can defend why that’s not true…

When fear says I have no clue thought C’s defend why that’s not true It can come out of nowhere this big dark abyss of a belief that we don’t have a clue what to do next, but if we see that moment as an occasion to get into ou...

When fear says I have no clue thought C’s defend why that’s not true 06/09/2023

When fear says I have no clue thought C’s defend why that’s not true It can come out of nowhere this big dark abyss of a belief that we don’t have a clue what to do next, but if we see that moment as an occasion to get into ou...


She may be you or someone you know… she is able to sift her thoughts and refuse to accept what is not… true. 🦋🩵🦋🩵🦋🩵


Will the echo of their criticism always sting or can we find lasting healing? Amidst a conversation, an opinion is tossed. Unsolicited yet thrown we must choose: catch it….or not? Just because it’s yelled, never means we have to hear Murmurs in the background or directed at us can not invoke pain or fear So long as we stay armored up in thought With the strongest of commi...

Photos from Thought by Thought's post 26/09/2022

Oh tender one where is your gaze… what are you focused on and what are you allowing dominate that innocent thought of yours …are you enamored with the cluttered of all that has gone wrong … weighed down by all you still haven’t mastered or got done (port grammar for rhyming purposes 🙃)) are you focused on all that didn go as it should or tethered to how others do it so blind to your ways of good? Are you overwhelmed by the stuff that seems you must break through or….. swipe slide … can you microfocus in to that which is evolving within you…. That from now and forever more you are and have always been : 💯 pure spiritual perfection whole and complete… nothing lacking nothing missing no element of love… nothing abandonned forgotten or tossed to the wayside… you are not remnant of what was or should have been … nor are you a wasted life that never was properly jump started …. You are as that sweet leaf able now to evolve too and be all the ways your tender heart sees is how to love and live good ….

Dear reader friend here seeing this spontaneous pome… there are so many ways each of us share hourly often not on the instagram …may you feel so very loved and always able to be try and May you stop at nothing to silence the inner that condemns all you do… you being you is what the world needs and honoring that is your forever focus I hope you are attending… as the autumn begins to array this part of the globe with color I hope to share images of ideas im@shedding and what I’m holding onto :)


How can I know? What if I fall? What if I’m all alone? How can I be sure? Lemme just watch… it’s way easier that way… lemme see how they do it… maybe then I’ll find my way? But the nudge says that way… and no one else is there… is that okay then too? Oh why is there always so much fear! Deep breath lemme just pause… if no one hears the same nudge, what if I’m wrong? Oh there it is again… I prolly need to just try… but it’s so hard and scary and here I go again and cry… ok let’s take a deeper breath. Ok then I am calm…. Oh now in stillness there’s that nudge again. Maybe I’m not wrong? Alright I guess I must try. And just take a step. I can always turn around… but what if I just trust the nudge? Maybe then…no regret?


This moment now...Love itself is being.... authority.... government... parent and coach.... leader... mentor ... nudging us all on...we cannot help but hear its inklings when our thoughts are still... it tells exactly how to be what to do when motives are unselved and gracious and pure... we can always hear it lead and don’t ever have another’s opinion seek. Oh that more would lean in and trust... we would all be so much more confident 💪🏿💪🏾💪🏽💪🏼. We can always hear exactly what to do when ...because we each have inherent now forever dominion... it’s not hard to hear hoa to be where to step or what next to do’s hardest to brave what Love nudges us tis true:) resentment or jealousy... or anger or broken or regret? They may motivate footsteps for a season but the things they make you do aren’t the what’s lasting or change the world significant...Love that has always united us doesn’t begin and end with a political strategy (but oh the glee when the one in office is less ego ...”whats in it for me”.... )trust me when I say this and forgive me if it sounds taking at... we all have to find our security and belong independent of the government leading the nation we reside in. Independent of upbringing or even of now relationships with others... we have to find security within from leaning on the Love that eternally governs. That? Is a life long endeavor snd for me begins in thought. One can do and be anything he or she or it wants as we each learn to lean act step by step crawl by crawl fall get into walk again with and in and because of infinite Love. Moment by moment ...thought by thought ...allow Love birth you anew and be even more than you ever dreamed possible. Message for listening session and here’s to a year of now wholeness 🙏🙏🏿🙏🏾🙏🏼


“I don’t have words for ...” “it’s too hard to talk about” so have been former excuses... if I’m honest.(something can silently silence any of us when we become accustomed to people thinking our ideas will never happen or are ridiculous).Over the years I’ve done much healing to know that the ideas that keep coming are the ones worth pursuing. yet during stay at home because a fabric was required over my mouth, I hit a new level of feeling silenced that I haven’t been able to talk or poem about...see even though I am quiet I have ideas non stop and in work as a metaphysician i edit those thoughts ...yet wherever I go because I’m seeking to see the good I have always tried to anyone I pass by say hello... and more like how are you. I strive to find something to compliment and it helps me overcome fear and let’s me engage with humanity... now with this fabric covering my mouth not only did I feel silenced but unable to make connections. true— this is surface thinking because true connection is always our Oneness to Spirit. But we often have to hit a deep abyss of low to rally... and I am rallying. moments ago something happened—which is difficult to pen yet I come here to poem. A large man is shoveling the sidewalk and he looked freezing and soaking wet as I went to let my dog.out and with near I bought a hot coffee and I came over to him, pulled my mask down a bit and said thank you for shoveling ... with that he used sign language to sign back “thank you” and mouthed “thank you” and his eyes were aglow and yet?there was no sound. He took a few sips and mouthed and signed thank you again ... and my tears quietly flowed. and as I tap these letter tiles on my iPhone I am so advocating: May all of us put down the self bashing. What we think we lack or aren’t good enough We each have all we need because we are ABLE TO LOVE. I will not be made to feel silenced another second for whether words sign language or prayer we are never disconnected from Spirit and we can live this. May I and all of us keep rallying and embrace the always ways of true connecting.


Emptiness texted today “No leftovers. Spent tksgiving alone. No one could come. Tried to cook. only sobbed. When is this gonna be over? No one should be alone on Thanksgiving” ... I listened deeply as I do... began to pray like I was inspired too...I sought Love’s message in the moment. “you DID gather... you weren’t alone... you dined with all who entered your thought home. Each one who came to thought felt your love... and Love itself brought them to mind for you to feel hugged!” Oh she texted... you mean that’s enough? To love those who come to mind... in thought?” Ohhh is it ever did I reply especially when protocols are what they are in this region of thine...”you served up hope and with helpings of gratitude all the hours leading up to the meal you thought to make you were supposed to ...” huh she texted back... I think I see... so that means the holiday was every moment leading up to thanksgiving?” “And then some “ I replied ... “it’s not about the turkey... or the stuffing... but how we are living gratitude ...hourly.” Wow she texted back. That gives me much to consider especially with another holiday approaching in seconds... with that I had to trust I shared enough. Wondered if I need to admit I too had been a party of one..with Love. 😉


No matter where I have lived no matter where I go... I always have to overcome fear whenever I walk out of the front door...

It’s very subtle and hardly seen but the hissings of “alone” or “unknown” try to haunt me.... so every day I go anywhere is victory and healing bc beliefs of alone or unknown would try to paralyze all of we... begin to notice what they whisper to you then stop at nothing to prove then untrue. We are never ever alone... we are always ever at-One...

(Hint: all it takes is a simple little line to cross the “l” and make it a “t” and alone just became atone 😚) and that’s my “thoughttip” for “givingtuesday” xoxoxoxo my heart with yours I sooooo get when this feels hard and impossible and I also so get that you won’t overcome it daiky... just try luvbug is what I say to me 24/7 :):):)

Huggas xoxoxoxo


“Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy

Photos from Thought by Thought's post 27/11/2020

Oh what a moment we each have this day... to pause and express gratitude for all the good that has flowed ours and each other’s ways...oh what great good is ever at hand... sometimes it takes deep digging to defend in thought and to see of our selves demand ...especially with all that maybe caused this year to change plans ... May this moment find you ever feeling embraced by the Love that is and won’t ever allow humanity be erased... May your heart overflow even more and May you find new ways to feel belonging and outpour... and if these days have found you shedding a tear may you take a deep breath and rekindle hope as never before... for all it ever take is a single moment to shift the view from self to the universal harmony in our midst. Feel loved friend as we each are... feel protected upheld and so vital... so much love and gratitude ...Happy Thanksgiving to wonderful you xoxoox


A few among many are emerging gently still... covered by a mask and maybe a hat’s hard to see their inner... many are rallying to seem so brave and yet within, they’re wrestling alone ache again no matter who they’re now with... still others don the facade of “I’m fine” and trudge on more harshly... maybe more confident now that the appearing strong has been their go to to seem confident time after time.. and others are staring at possibilities plenty... each one enticing and would make one grow extremely... whatever the what you are facing now I share a that’s been my go to...No matter if I’m physically on my own or not.. (I am and have been) no matter if I’m walking into a building that intimidated ... or trying a new way of doing something ...I have learned time an again to lean on with my whole being that which is steering...we are never alone... rather at one.. and thus can always in all ways...lean on Love. Seek the inner. It’s my ruddr ... my’s the what we can stand on that won’t ever abandon... what we can always trust no matter what the surrounds tell us:


Tre...what are you following? What are you alllowing influence you? questions I ask myself hourly..helping me fine tune what I allow steer me.

What if… 18/10/2020

Any form of what if bad happens is a belief that there’s an end to good to life to all that’s worth living... see this wanna be belief of doom as an intruder and strive as ever to not allow it dupe precious you... if you feel duped or don’t know how to hush its claims be in touch I welcome working with you....

What if… “What if I die ” does not exist In the mind that lives conviction Of Life infinite… ~~~~~

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