

This is a business page only. Our products are 100% All Natural made from plants and Superfoods. 100% Guaranteed.

Photos from Ariix's post 15/04/2021

Attention everybody I have some products I think you would like, but before I get into them I would like everyone to know that the company is named Ariix and their products are 100% plant-based 🌱 so no chemicals and hard to read words that no one wants on their face or in their body🤢. These products are 100% fruit and vegetable base 🍊🍇🥕🥦100% guaranteed. The first two products are from the Slenderiiz category. The first product is the PureNourish Beauty Boost powder which focuses on healthier hair and skin. Also you will be able to see the weight management results you desire just by adding this powder to your shakes. Add a scoop to your shake or use it alone with water. The next products are Slenderiix & Xceler8, when used together these two products will support speedy weight loss including that stubborn belly fat that seems to never go away even with exercise and healthy eating. They also reduced "rebound" weight gain. The last product comes from the Nutrifii category and it's the Probiotiix. This product supports healthy immune and digestive systems, improve nutritional absorption, helps manage weight, prevent bloating, improve memory, and boost mood. If you have questions about one of the products above (or all) or if you want to join my team and sell your own products just DM me anytime. Maybe you want to buy one of our many products ranging from water bottles to air purifiers DM me and I will get you all set up with your products.


If you are interested in buying one of our products call or send a message and your products will be on the way!


Make sure you tap that share button and tell your friends and family about us


If anyone wants to join my team or start on their own inbox me and I will give you as much detail as I can and we can get started as early as today.


If you are interested in any of our products feel free to inbox me anytime.
