Kansas Legislative Victory Fund
The goal of the Kansas Legislative Victory Fund is to elect more commonsense Kansans to the legislat

The food sales tax in Kansas, when coupled with other sales taxes, is one of the HIGHEST grocery taxes in the nation. Democrats in the legislature have tried repeatedly to lower, and even eliminate, this tax.
Oh, the irony! Kansas Republicans are quick to give a break to any wealthy citizen, or large multinational corporation. Kansas Republicans even passed the largest sales tax INCREASE in 2015, in order to balance the torpedoing budget because of the Brownback tax experiment.
Why are they not willing to help the average Kansan?
Now is the time to take back the Kansas Legislature from the hands of far-right Republicans. Support Kansas Democrats working to break the supermajority.
Let's win back Kansas. We cannot do it without your support. Donate now to help us do it. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/highestgrocerytax
I just gave to Democratic Tallgrass Committee (KS)! Join us! Contribute today.

"Opening schools next month, without clear buy-in from families and educators across the state, was less than ideal. Some districts, no doubt, would be able to hold in-person classes without incident. But many others, especially those in areas with increasing case numbers, would be hard-pressed to do so."
Support teachers, kids, neighbors, and all Kansans by doing your part, and wearing a mask.
Editorial: If you want schools open, follow guidelines Gov. Laura Kelly has stepped up yet again to do what’s right for Kansas.In deciding to delay the opening of state schools by three weeks, Kelly made

“There’s a queen bee, and the drones do exactly what they’re told.”
This week, conservative Kansas Republican drones, led by their “queen bee” Susan Wagle, were up to their old obstructionist tactics. Attempting to halt payments to thousands of teachers, state employees, and schools, Republicans on the State Finance Council delayed a vote to approve crucial funding desperately needed to keep Kansas operating.
It’s time to kick them out of the hive.
Sign your name to show Republicans that we will no longer stand for their political games and partisanship. Sign now to help us ensure more common-sense legislators are elected to the legislature in 2020.
Sign your name to show support of the Kansas Legislative Democrats!

“If the problem, as the editorial board defines it, is that not enough of Kelly’s good judgment and reasoned approach prevailed in the compromise bill, then perhaps it can agree on the only real solution going forward. We must elect more legislators in November who will support the governor — and fewer of those whose main priority is to undermine her for partisan political gains rather than to do what is best for Kansans.”
Gov. Kelly did the right thing for Kansas by compromising with GOP on COVID-19 bill It’s time to get real. In a recent editorial, The Kansas City Star Editorial Board expressed an unrealistic expectation in its denouncement of Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly’s support of the bipartisan bill regarding her emergency powers passed during the Legislature’s recent special session. To be f...

Today, the Kansas Legislature is meeting for Sine Die. This is typically a time to meet only to adjourn the session.
Today, Republicans are trying to jam bad legislation down the Legislature's throats without thorough vetting, no discussion, and zero transparency.
Follow along at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_0NO-Pb96CFABvxDwXAq8A

Come May 3rd, the Stay-at-Home order will end, and we will enter Phase One of Governor Kelly's Reopening plan. This is one of four phases, each lasting a minimum of 14 days. Each phase may be extended depending on what the expanded testing and data shows us. The phase-in approach is a necessary method in reopening the economy safely. To view the whole plan, click below.
Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas - Kansas COVID-19 Response and Recovery

Our mission is simple: to elect more commonsense Democrats to the Kansas Legislature who put people over politics. We want to ensure Kansans have opportunity, safety, and confidence in their state government.
Want to help? Contribute here: secure.actblue.com/donate/kslvffb

Governor Kelly is doing all that she can to protect Kansas. We must elect more legislators that will be willing to stand with Governor Kelly and put people before politics.
Help us to do that -- any amount helps! ⬇️
Gov. Kelly files lawsuit, issues 2 new executive orders TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNT) – Governor Laura Kelly announced at her daily news conference Thursday she’s filing a lawsuit against the Legislative Coordinating Council. The news conference comes…

After the shockingly irresponsible action taken today by Republican Leadership, it's more clear than ever that we MUST rid the Kansas Legislature of legislators who willfully put Kansans in danger for their own political gain. You can help us do that.
Contribute here:
I just gave to Democratic Tallgrass Committee (KS)! Join us! Contribute today.

"Kelly blasted Republicans, including Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt, for engaging in a “shamefully political attack” that undermines her administration’s efforts to control the spread of COVID-19. The dispute erupted as health officials revealed the largest single-day spike in coronavirus deaths and infections in Kansas."
Kansas coronavirus update: Gov. Laura Kelly condemns A.G., legislators for 'political attack' as deaths, infections surge Republican legislators overturn executive order limiting church crowds; attorney general had advised police not to enforce order; health officials report

“The decision to pass up billions in federal aid since 2014 will make coping with the novel coronavirus even more costly than anticipated.” We MUST elect more commonsense legislators and pass Medicaid expansion. 150,000 Kansans’ lives depend on it.
Kansas and Missouri didn’t expand Medicaid. Could that worsen the COVID-19 pandemic? “A virus doesn’t check to see if you have insurance first,” said Kansas state Sen. Barbara Bollier.

Here’s an in-depth look at what the federal stimulus package would do for states:
COVID-19 Stimulus Bill: What It Means for States This is NCSL’s initial summary of provisions impacting states, based on bill text circulated mid-day March 25, as the Senate went into session. It is our understanding that the differences between the mid-day version and the final text are of the technical nature. NCSL will provide additional upda...
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Topeka, KS
Topeka, 66603
The Voice of Young Conservatives in Kansas. The Kansas Federation of College Republicans is the state
2131 SW 36th Street
Topeka, 66611
The Kansas AFL-CIO is the state federation of labor representing over 95,000 members of 300 unions throughout Kansas.
501 SE Jefferson Street, Suite 30
Topeka, 66601
The Food and Farm Caucus of the Kansas Democratic Party
Bringing awareness to the injustices, discrimination and violation of rights taking place in TOPEKA!
1515 SW 10th Avenue
Topeka, 66604
We are the local Democratic Socialists of America in Topeka, KS. We are currently in OC stage which essentially means we are working on our bylaws. #MedicareForAll #HousingIsAHuman...
2023 Candidate for KS GOP Chair & Former KS National Committeewoman 2008-2020.
Kansas Safe Railroads formed in January of 2020 to promote safe Railroads practices across Kansas. We work for the health, safety, and quality of life of communities threatened by ...
825 South Kansas Avenue, Suite 500
Topeka, 66612
Specialties: Government Affairs, Political Consulting, Lobbying, Fundraising and Association Management.