A Fairy's Purpose

A Fairy's Purpose


In person and online energy work. Weekly and monthly events. Private events. Retreats and more!

Choose a Time Slot - A Fairy's Purpose 01/16/2025

Choose a Time Slot - A Fairy's Purpose Choose a time slot to reserve for yourself! You can choose a 30, 60, or 90 minute session. 30 minute and 60 minute sessions are available both online and in person. 90 minute is in person only. Rates are available online and in my reminder emails. You can pick how long of a session you want when you

Choose a Time Slot - A Fairy's Purpose 01/16/2025

This is the site to use for one on one sessions for any of the Energy Work services offered!


Choose a Time Slot - A Fairy's Purpose Choose a time slot to reserve for yourself! You can choose a 30, 60, or 90 minute session. 30 minute and 60 minute sessions are available both online and in person. 90 minute is in person only. Rates are available online and in my reminder emails. You can pick how long of a session you want when you

Renergy of Winter Starlight 12/13 | Historic Yoga 12/12/2024

Tickets for this Friday!!!

Renergy of Winter Starlight 12/13 | Historic Yoga Renergy of Winter Starlight Join us on this powerful day in honoring the cycle of creation and showing appreciation to the Divine Feminine Energy in us and all around us. A night where we call in the Goddesses to help guide us to receive the Divine Energy we are meant to receive. Allow ourselves to....


This Friday: Renergy of Winter Starlight


Renergy Grounding


Renergy of Winter Starlight

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Videos (show all)

The link to book with me will be in the Facebook page!! This is available for all my services!!
The link to sign up is live now in the Facebook page!!
Enjoy your holiday season💚❤️💜
THIS IS JUST FROM MY EXPERIENCE BTW!!! Anyone can have their own perspective. One thing I love about energy work is the ...
TICKETS ON EVENT PAGE Renergy of Winter Starlight as well the website!!!!
I forgot I recorded this😃 whoops😃 but I am taking one on one clients!! You can book with me anytime available!!
Renergy Grounding for December: 6th, 20th, 27th………….Renergy of Winter Starlight: December 13th
GET TICKETS FOR DECEMBER 13TH!!!  Linked on Facebook event page, posts and website!!
Setting up the new space! Get your tickets for tomorrow!! #newspace #renergy #afairyspurpose #afairystouch #smallbusines...
OCTOBER 25th, NOVEMBER 1st, NOVEMBER 9th, DECEMBER 13th, and more coming!!
Thinking about going live on Insta for the 25 🤔 Book your tickets for October 25th, last Renergy Event at 58 Main St. Ne...
Our Fall Harvest Energy Retreat, it was such a wonderful day and I’m so happy and thankful for everyone who helped, atte...


48 Main Street
Sturbridge, MA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 11am - 8pm
Sunday 11am - 7pm