Videos by Joe, that GAM Dog in Sterling. Joe Grant, the lovable mascot of GAM Graphics and Marketing
I LOVE the snow so much ... I hate that it is melting!! .#lifeisshortmakethesnowangels #snowdog #dogsofinstagram
I LOVE the snow so much ... I hate that it is melting!! .#lifeisshortmakethesnowangels #snowdog #dogsofinstagram
Hope you have a fun SNOW DAY! I just tried to build a snow DOG - but the snow is too powdery!! #snowfall #snowday #snowdogsofinstagram
In the holiday spirit today!! Do you think we will have a chance at a white Christmas this year?? #whitechristmas #holidayspirit🎄 #jinglebells
Oh dear! It's Santa’s List Day!! which means that Santa is putting together his list of the naughty and nice. Will I be on the NAUGHTY LIST??? I hope not...I tried to be good, really I did. Which list will you be on this year??? #santalist #naughtyornice #santaslistday #dogsofinstagram #itriedtobegood
I'm already tired thinking about the time change! Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!! #timechange #fallback #fallingleaves #dogsofinstagram
What's that I smell ... could it be lobster roll from @fordsfish oh please let it be so!! #lobster #dogsofinstagram #lunchtime #lobstertime🦐