Pain To Profit, Spring, TX Videos

Videos by Pain To Profit in Spring. A Life Transformational Coaching Company

There’s a time for everything under the sun…

Most days my households diet is 100% whole food plant-based & contributes to health & long life. BUT when it’s time to celebrate, we all eat CAKE!

Cake is not our daily norm…cake is not our weekly nor monthly norm. I will never agree with the saying, “Everything in Moderation!” Those words are a trick, a scheme & a lie from the pits of hell & has too many people jacked up & diseased up…

…but I will say, there’s a time to fast & a time to FEAST! Just make sure your fasting outweighs your feasting.

This weekend we celebrated & feasted & it was righteously🔥LIT🔥as we celebrated our eldest child’s 17th birthday! Happy Birthday P3! We love you!!!

-Nurse Coach Kiya

#NotEverythingInModeration #UseWisdom #GetUnderstanding #PainToProfit #NurseCoachKiya #FaithPlusWorks #Fast #Feast #Celebrate #EatTheCake #P3 #WeLoveOurKids #Celebrate

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There’s a time for everything under the sun… Most days my households diet is 100% whole food plant-based & contributes to health & long life. BUT when it’s time to celebrate, we all eat CAKE! Cake is not our daily norm…cake is not our weekly nor monthly norm. I will never agree with the saying, “Everything in Moderation!” Those words are a trick, a scheme & a lie from the pits of hell & has too many people jacked up & diseased up… …but I will say, there’s a time to fast & a time to FEAST! Just make sure your fasting outweighs your feasting. This weekend we celebrated & feasted & it was righteously🔥LIT🔥as we celebrated our eldest child’s 17th birthday! Happy Birthday P3! We love you!!! -Nurse Coach Kiya #NotEverythingInModeration #UseWisdom #GetUnderstanding #PainToProfit #NurseCoachKiya #FaithPlusWorks #Fast #Feast #Celebrate #EatTheCake #P3 #WeLoveOurKids #Celebrate

🙌THIS🔥! It doesn’t matter how many times you fall…just get back up again…you win this race called life that way! “for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes” Proverbs‬ ‭24‬:‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬. #PainToProfit #NurseCoachKiya #GetBackUp #DontQuit #KeepGoing #Faith #Endurance #Transformation #HealthAndWellness

I teach my clients to never wait to FEEL motivated to workout…never wait to FEEL motivated to do what’s best for YOU! My clients must be faith over feelings type of people!!! Our feelings do not make HIGH QUALITY DECISIONS! Our feelings enjoy comfort zones & comfort zones love mediocrity. Jesus said life & life MORE ABUNDANTLY! Good health is NOT built in the comfort zone! Wealth is NOT built in the comfort zone! We can’t go from PAIN TO PROFIT in the comfort zone! At P2P we are breaking CEILINGS & going beyond our comfort zone! My clients are learning to use their frontal cortex for decision making! It’s the part of the brain God intended for us to use to make decisions with! Make the decision to put yourself in environments, around people, places & things that MOTIVATE YOU towards your health & wellness GOALS!!! It’s a game changer! This video is a glimpse of what my Boss Clients get from me in their text messages! #FaithPlusWorks -Nurse Coach Kiya #Rocky #PainToProfit #Motivation #LetsGo #DoWhatsNecessary #Transformation #HealthAndWellness #NurseCoachKiya #faith #Healthcoach #Healthandwellness

If you’re waiting on God to give you your next steps & waiting is a bit hard…this video is for you! -Coach Kiya #PainToProfit #FaithWalk #healthcoach #nursecoach #transformation #Christiancoach #healthandwellness #WaitOnTheLord #LetGodLead

A special thank you message for YOU all!!!! Thank you for your love & support!!! #PainToProfit #HealthAndWellness #Overcome #Transformation #poundsdown #OvercomeObesity #HealthCoach #ChristianCoach #LifeCoach

Whatever is IN us, always comes out of us when we’re under pressure. If the last time you experienced pressure—bitterness came out, anger came out, blaming & accusing others came out, or emotional eating, self-neglect & an 20 extra pounds came out. Let me ask: What do you plan to do in this NOW season to prepare for your next season of pressure to make sure nothing but GOOD comes out of it/YOU? #PainToProfit #CoachKiya #NurseCoach #HealthCoach #LifeCoach #Prepare #Pressure

If you would like to receive the voice note of the prophetic word, all you need to do is request it! I will get it to you. Be blessed in Jesus’ name!!!!🙌

Never Give Up & Never Quit ON YOU!!! 😁🥰💐 #PainToProfit #QuickMessage #HealthCoach #HealthAndWellness #ShowersOfBlessings #happyday #blessed #NurseCoach #LifeCoach

A quick Saturday message for ya P2P fam!!! #PainToProfit #nursecoachkiyabonilla #endurance #faith #nursecoach #healthcoach #hope #lifecoach #HealthAndWellness #transformation #christiancoach #obesityawareness

A few things on my mind…listen in! Share your thoughts…I’d love to see your input in the comments. #PainToProfit #nursecoachkiyabonilla #Lifecoach #Christiancoach #Transformation #healthandwellness #healthcoach #endurance #priorities

Yesss yess & yesss!!! Watch the video & you’ll be able to answer this question: Is your health the golf balls of your life or the sand? #Priorities #Reprioritize #NurseCoachKiyaBonilla #healthcoach #christiancoach #healthandwellness #lifetransformation #timetoSHIFT

Healing takes time. That’s why at Pain To Profit we coach our clients towards healing mentally, physically & spiritually…it is all connected! We meet you where YOU are & in time get you where you want to be…healthy, happy, whole, free & clear! #PainToProfit #NurseCoachKiya #NurseCoach #HealthCoach #TransformationalCoach #Faith #ChristianCoach #WithGodAllThingsArePossible #BeHealed #FromInsideOut