Donato Florist

Donato Florist


For fresh, high-quality flowers in Roselle Park, you can count on Donato Florist. Donato Florist has been family owned and operated since 1924.

We are one of the oldest and best established florists in Union County and receive farm direct flowers, shipped daily from around the world. Our green and tropical plants are grown exclusively for Donato Florist by top quality greenhouses in the U.S. We Specialize in wedding, funeral, and party flowers
Each staff member has 25-50 years experience in the industry and can answer any questions you might have


Lavish your special someone with a bouquet that will leave them breathless. Silky red 24-inch premium long-stemmed roses offer a message of passionate love and affection arranged amongst a bed of white hydrangea blooms elegantly accented with clusters of green hypericum berries. 🌹🌸❤️


Warm up with fresh blooms! ❤️🩷


Make a statement this Valentine’s Day! 🌹🧸❤️🥰


Roses and tulips for Valentine’s Day?! 🌹🌷💋❤️


Get Valentine's Day Roses at January prices 🌹🏷️ It’s never too early to place your order for Valentine’s Day!! ❤️


Valentine’s Day is one month away ❤️🌹 Order now and save‼️

Donato Florist For fresh, high-quality flowers in Roselle Park, you can count on Donato Florist.


Pick up a houseplant for ! 🪴 What is your favorite houseplant?


Friday is Houseplant Appreciation Day! 💚🪴 Houseplants have numerous health benefits such as improving air quality, boosting your mood, and reducing stress. Not to mention they are beautiful and low maintenance!


Cure those Monday Blues with colorful flowers! 🩷🧡❤️💛


Add some color to your weekend! 💐🎨💙🌸🩷


Start off 2025 with fresh flowers! 💐✨
We look forward to another year of being your local florist, let’s make it a great year! ❤️🌺


Have a safe and Happy New Year! 🎆


Pick up some flowers for your New Year’s Eve party! 🎉🎆🌹


Celebrate the Festival of Lights with a beautiful flower arrangement! 💙🤍


We hope you all have a nice and relaxing Holiday!


Last chance for Christmas flowers and gifts! 🎄🎁❤️💚

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Videos (show all)

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones! 🦃💛🍂🌼🍁
🌻💛 There’s nothing better than summer flowers! 🌻💛#summer #summerflowers #sunflowers #summertime #freshflowers #localflow...
Red roses, anyone?! 🌹♥️#redroses #roses #dozenredroses #donatoflorist #roselleparknj #rosellepark #njflorist
Need Dry Ice for Halloween?! We have you covered! 🧊🎃
Have You Ordered Your Valentine's Day Flowers?
There’s still time to order your Christmas flowers! 🎄
Winter Flowers
Donato Dry Ice
Fall blooms! 🌼
Grandparents Day
Top Wedding Color Trends Summer 2018
Father's Day!




257 W. Westfield Avenue
Roselle Park, NJ

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm
Sunday 10am - 1pm