815 Stone Scrubbers
815 Stone Scrubbers-Non-Profit volunteers currently cleaning gravestones of Civil War Veterans.

Learned something new today!

If you haven’t watch the Six Triple Eight move yet on Netflix, I suggest and highly recommend it! What a great movie telling history that’s never been told before and how this battalion had such a significant impact on WWII ❤️🤍💙
The Six Triple Eight | First Look | Netflix An Army Captain (Kerry Washington) and her historic battalion of female soldiers defy the odds to deliver hope to the front lines during WWII. Watch The Six ...

Thank you to all the volunteers who came out yesterday to help honor fallen veterans by laying a wreath on their gravestones! It was really touching seeing so many volunteers, especially the youth in our community coming out on such a cold day! Thank you to the Rockford Chapter NSDAR Wreaths Across America for making yesterday such a special day!

The Rockford DAR is sponsoring WreathsAcrossAmerica.org this Saturday, December 14th. This event starts at 10am at Greenwood Cemetery’s veterans section. We invite all of our followers to come help place 540 wreaths that will be delivered on veterans gravestones! That's more than double from last year! We hope to see you out there!

If you haven’t seen this yet, I encourage you to watch this touching story! Things like this warm my heart knowing this veterans was found and had a proper burial he deserved! ❤️🤍💙
Honoring a Civil War veteran who was lost to history Curious about her family's history, journalist Cheryl Wills began researching her ancestry, and found she was related to Sandy Wills, a former slave who served in the Civil War with the United States Colored Troops. Her search also led her to a distant relative, a former plantation, and ultimately t...

Thank you to all the veterans past and present that gave and continue to protect and fight for our freedoms we have today!
Happy Veterans Day!! ❤️🤍💙
Last gravestone clean session this weekend!
This Saturday & Sunday October 5th & 6th from 9am-noon

This veteran and his wife’s gravestone had sunk a good 10 inches into the ground. We thought this would be an easy lifting and re-leveling for both of them. Little did we know the stones were much bigger than we thought! Great beginning efforts to Duncan (one of our youth volunteers) who started this on Saturday! My dad came in on Sunday with the proper tools and got them both up, reset and cleaned! Thank you Duncan & dad for getting this veteran and his wife gravestones up and level with the grass! Albert & Fredrica Staelker I know are grateful for the passion you both have to preserve and care for their gravestones!

This was our 176 Civil War Veteran, and George Wilson was our last for the season! This was a bitter sweet moment for me, wrapping up our 2nd season of caring for Civil War Veterans gravestones! Getting this monument placed back together and having this fallen veterans gravestone standing proud again made me feel so proud of all the work ALL our volunteers do!
A special shout out to my Pickleball Crew (Cara, Rory, Mike, Brooke & Red Mike) who came out to help me accomplish this final gravestone task! You all rocked this out of the park! I’m ever so grateful and I know George Wilson is thankful for what work we did here today with his gravestone❤️🤍💙

I want to express my deepest gratitude for the amazing volunteers that have come out to our gravestone cleaning weekends this year!
Without you all dedicating time and efforts we would have not completed our goal of repairing, cleaning and honoring 176 Civil War Veterans gravestones.
We have officially finished ahead of schedule, however we have decided that next month in October we will carry on with our scheduled dates and work on other veterans buried at Cedar Bluff.
Thank you!
815 Stone Scrubbers
Gravestone cleaning this Sat. 9/14 & Sun 9/15! From 9-noon at Cedar Bluff Cemetery. We have 25 veterans gravestones left to clean! 🎉We still have room if you’d like to join us!

Digital footprint of Ike Wilson’s life! 💖

Anyone looking for loved ones Cedar Bluff Cemetery here is where you can locate their burial information.
Burial Records | Cedar Bluff Cemetery Association of Rockford Burial Records up to 1999This link takes you to a Genealogy site that was published in 1999Cedar Bluff Database as of 8/2018This link is for a PDF file of all burials at Cedar Bluff Cemetery through August 2018 This is not just a verbatim copy of the burial records of Cedar Bluff Cemetery View...

Cedar Bluff Cemetery Association has hit their first 1k. Consider helping them getting to that next level.
Donate to Help Restore Cedar Bluff Cemetery Roads, organized by Jeffrey Welte Cedar Bluff Cemetery Association, located at 1200 Rural St. Rockford, IL was est… Jeffrey Welte needs your support for Help Restore Cedar Bluff Cemetery Roads

Thank you April with Andercrafts for this table cloth! It makes our sign in table look complete! We love it it 🪦

Non Military post…My family and I finally got together to start cleaning the well over 25 family members buried in the Chicagoland area. This was the tallest monument I’ve ever cleaned and a moss lovers dream! The after of the cross looked fantastic and i’m excited to see it in the fall! We were even greeted by many deer!

What a fantastic day! We got to refresh our skills, learn, have a hands on experience and I got to meet my TikTok idol Alicia . Thank you so much Jon for putting on your workshops to teach communities across America how to preserve our cemeteries! Julie it was so nice to finally meet you (my border neighbor)and work alongside you! And lastly to thank you to our volunteers that came out learn additional skills!
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