Flowers By Priscilla

Flowers By Priscilla


Closed Sundays and Mondays - except on Holiday Weeks. Honest Florist.


Two houses a quarter mile apart.

Photos from Royer-Greaves School for Blind's post 11/13/2024

We are Very proud of our niece Monicka .

Meet our incredible team of therapists: Valerie, Monicka, Heather, Colton, and Jess! Each brings unique expertise and a compassionate approach to support your journey.

Photos from Flowers By Priscilla's post 10/15/2024

OLA. Our Lady of Assumption, Strafford, Pa

Photos from Flowers By Priscilla's post 10/15/2024

Homecoming bouquets with Oak tree leaves.


Luckily - this has grown into a wonderful story.


Today was absolutely wonderful! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Join us tomorrow from 10-1 for a 1/2 off sale! The fun continues and many treasures remain 🙌


“Cinnamon Girl” will be headed to Gallery 222 Malvern next week! Can hardly wait! Hope to see you!

Artist Reception: October 10, 2024
5:30-8:00 pm

Online Show 7:00am 10/9/24

Photos from Flowers By Priscilla's post 09/25/2024

Lei garland of 150 miniature carnations. 48 inches total length. $80.

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The annual lights on Dutton Mill Rd.   Just north of Route 3.



1592 E Lancaster Avenue
Paoli, PA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9am - 5:30pm
Friday 9am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9am - 5:30pm